I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 127 Fire Essence

Chapter 127 Fire Essence
Yu Yaoluo followed a thread to the depths of the Qinglong Mountains, but found that the master was not on the ground, but had escaped underground.

Well, then she can use the teleportation magic circle to keep up!Yu Yaoluo drew a teleportation magic circle with the bone staff, estimated the general direction, and dived into the Qinglong Mountains.

With a flash of white light, her figure disappeared into the teleportation magic circle.

When Chu Qianchen escaped to a hundred miles deep, he was suddenly blocked by a barrier.

He tried to break the barrier, but the barrier remained motionless, even Zhu Jiuyin's blood was useless.

Zhu Jiuyin frowned and snorted coldly: "It seems that this is not an enchantment, but a forbidden curse."

Chu Qianchen thought for a while, cut his finger, turned his blood into a blood blade, and rushed towards the curse.

With a tear, the forbidden curse was torn open.

The curse was loosened, and Candle Dragon's huge body trembled slightly. This time, the entire Qinglong Mountain Range shook. The monsters on the ground thought that the Qinglong Mountain Range was about to collapse. After a while, the entire Qinglong Mountain Range Calm was restored.

Jia Ye originally wanted to kill Chu Qianchen underground without anyone noticing and take away his seven souls, but was dazed by the sudden earthquake.

What exactly is going on?Jia Ye was worried about the danger of Tudun during the earthquake, so he took the lead out of the ground.

Because of the earthquake, Yu Yaoluo was almost crushed by the rocks underground, and hurriedly retreated from the earth cave.

As soon as she returned to the ground, she saw the same disgraced Master Jia Ye, who seemed to have just come up from the ground.

Yu Yaoluo thought to herself: She just went in after the master, and now the master Jia Ye is here, obviously he followed the master just now, but was forced back to the ground because of the earthquake.Now that she saw him here, wouldn't it be easy to expose her relationship with the master?
Therefore, she acted decisively and pretended to be a pollution-free little white flower.

"Master Jia Ye, what a coincidence? I searched around the ground, but I didn't find any valuable treasures. I just thought that the treasures were buried underground. It seems that Master Jia Ye really thought of a piece with me. I'm gone." She raised the corners of her mouth and laughed, silently praying that the Jia Ye Guoshi would not find out the clue so quickly.

If you think about going together, you won't go to the same ground and dig deep, right?Jia Ye knew it in his heart, but on the surface he still said calmly: "Yuxian'er, did you find any treasures?"

"There doesn't seem to be any treasure here, I'd better change to another place." Yu Yaoluo remembered Chu Qianchen's advice to stay away from this person, so she wanted to rub the soles of her feet with oil.

National Master Jia Ye moved faster, he caught up with Yu Yaoluo, reached out and slapped her on the back of the head, she only felt that her head was hit hard, and then her eyes went dark and she lost consciousness.

Jia Ye caught Yu Yaoluo in mid-air, and then landed on the ground. Recalling the scene during the competition, the more he watched, the more he felt that this little girl was very suspicious. Could it be that she has something to do with that alchemist with the green dragon and seven souls? relation?
If this is the case, it might be useful to keep this little girl. Master Jia Ye thought for a while, held her enchanting hand, crushed her crystal ball, and sent her out of the Qinglong Mountains.

I don't know how long it took before Yu Yaoluo regained consciousness. As soon as she woke up, she heard a sarcasm: "I thought you were so powerful! Didn't you come out out of greed for life and fear of death?"

She didn't need to turn her head to know that it was Yan Luoer. She looked around and found that besides herself, the brother and sister from the General's Mansion and Gu Ziyin, the prime minister's daughter, had also come out. Only Ling Ruitian, Chu Qianchen and Jia Ye Guoshi were left.

Those people were all injured when they came out, especially Song Yi, who seemed to have been seriously injured in order to protect his sister inside, and now the bleeding in his chest has not stopped, Song Ning was so worried that he burst into tears.

Gu Ziyin seemed to have injured her foot, thinking that she would not be able to continue practicing treasure hunting anyway, and staying in the mountains was also feeding monsters, so she quickly squeezed the crystal ball and came out.

Yu Yaoluo looked at her hand, she obviously didn't break the crystal ball just now, but she was also sent out, which means that Jia Ye Guoshi sent her out just now!
Damn it, Master is still inside!No, she has to inform Chu Qianchen immediately that Master Jia Ye is following him!Yu Yaoluo hid behind the big trees outside, took out the sound transmission jade tablet, and was about to call Chu Qianchen.

"Wait a minute!" Luo Yan stopped her in time, "It is very likely that King Jin is confronting Jia Ye now, and calling him now will distract him, and it is very likely that Jia Ye will find out the relationship between you and King Jin relation."

"Then what should I do?" She was anxious.

"One word—wait." Luo Yan knew that it was useless for her to be anxious now, so she could only wait outside the Qinglong Mountains with peace of mind.

Although Chu Qianchen's blood could make a hole in the forbidden curse, it still couldn't break through the forbidden curse and reach Zhulong's real body.

Zhu Jiuyin thought: He got the Dragon Ring with great difficulty, and now he is about to fail?

"Come out with the fire spirit!" Zhu Jiuyin was forced to use the last trick.

Chu Qianchen took out the Dragon Ring, and the blood-red gems on it shone brightly even in the dark underground.

The ban on sealing the fire essence is not as powerful as the ban on sealing Zhu Jiuyin's real body, so it has already been broken by Zhu Jiuyin in the Demon Realm.

A trace of fiery red overflowed from the Dragon Ring, and gradually condensed into a flame, like an elf, but it was erratic and had no fixed form.

"Huo Jing, are you sure you can open this forbidden spell?" Chu Qianchen asked.

Huo Jing shook his face arrogantly, just ignoring Chu Qianchen's request.

Zhu Jiu's yin knot: I didn't expect that less than 3 years have passed, and it can still grow up?
"Bring it into the Demon Realm, this deity must teach it a lesson!"

"..." Chu Qianchen had no choice but to take it back into the Dragon Ring, take it to the Demon Realm and throw it to Zhu Jiuyin.

Jia Ye Guoshi waited for a long time, and watched the salute from the outside, indicating that all the students had gone out.If he, the national teacher, does not leave the Qinglong Mountains, it will be unreasonable.

It seems that there is no chance to make a move this time, and Jia Ye Guoshi walked away unwillingly.

Chu Qianchen also heard the voice, and said to Zhujiu: "Hurry up, there is no time."

He just wanted to get Zhu Jiuyin out of the Demon Realm quickly and reach their deal.

Zhu Jiuyin finally taught Huo Jing a lesson, and threw the Dragon Ring to Chu Qianchen: "This time, let's see how crazy this kid is!"

"..." Chu Qianchen looked at the sluggish state of Huo Jing after he came out, and suddenly thought of the sick-looking patient.

Is it really good to deal with his former subordinates so simply and rudely?Not to mention that now the fire essence is their hope to unlock the forbidden spell.

Hey, now Chu Qianchen feels that he is about to become brutal and violent, which is not a good sign.

Fire essence, can you break through the curse?

(End of this chapter)

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