I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 133 Discrimination

Chapter 133 Discrimination
"What kind of eyes are you..." Zhu Jiuyin frowned, and he froze before he finished speaking.

A small body flew towards him, hugging him tightly, as if never wanting to let go, and begged in a eager tone: "Please, I finally found out that he is Master from the previous life, you can definitely save him, can you return him to me?"

"How dare you... let go!" Zhu Jiuyin hastily pushed her away, but she was holding her too tightly. If he pulled her away with brute force, he would definitely hurt her. He was a little annoyed in desperation, "He has no memory of his previous life at all, so what if you meet him?"

Yu Yaoluo held his hand stiffly: "Tell me, what exactly are you going to do to return the memories of Master's last life to him?"

"It's very simple." Zhu Jiuyin reached out and raised Yu's enchanting little face, "Help me find the ancient artifact, which contains my candle dragon's breath, as long as I find my sealed real body and unlock the rest of the seal, I will You can leave the host."

She looked up at him, as if looking through him to see another soul.

"Okay, I promise you!"

"..." Zhu Jiuyin suddenly remembered that when he threatened Chu Qianchen with the blood of Zhulong, which could break through formations, he also agreed to him in the same way.

These two really look alike...

"Now this deity can only unlock the first layer of seal, and the seizure can last up to three hours a day." Zhu Jiuyin looked at Yu Yaoluo, "There is still one hour left, and you can see your master."

What can be done?If at other times, this body is not dominated by the soul, it is equivalent to death, who knows if it can last until the next time he comes out?
"Really?" Yu Yaoluo was overjoyed upon hearing this, she let go of her hand, stepped back a few steps, and waited for Chu Qianchen to come out.

"..." Zhu Jiuyin was a little annoyed: What's the matter with this girl?Just now I was desperately hugging and begging him!Are you still being treated differently now? !
Zhu Jiuyin looked at the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant. Now that the three souls and seven souls of the Azure Dragon God Lord have merged into one, if he was allowed to return to this body, would he still be able to get it out next time?

who cares!Back then, the Four Phase Gods worked together to seal him, but now there is only one Qinglong Shenjun, what can he do?
It's just that I didn't expect that Qinglong Shenjun turned out to be a reincarnation in this life!Zhu Jiuyin thought with some evil humor: In the last reincarnation, what happened to Qinglong Shenjun, which caused the separation of the three souls and seven souls, and the three souls were still sealed in a spiritual weapon like the Qinglong jade pendant?

Hey~ This is no longer his business. Now that there is another man helping to find the ancient artifact, the day when he can get out of trouble should not be far away... Thinking of this, Zhu Jiuyin looked proud: Before Because Chu Qianchen felt that he was too dangerous, he had kept secrets about him from Yu Yaoluo. Now that Zhu Jiuyin finally had the opportunity, why not reveal Chu Qianchen's secret quickly?

Zhu Jiuyin curled her lips into a smile, crushed the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant, and reabsorbed the three souls and seven souls of the Azure Dragon Divine Lord into her body.

Yu Yaoluo looked at "Chu Qianchen" expectantly. After a while, she said dissatisfiedly, "Why don't you let the master come out? It's about time, right?"

Anyway, he is also Chu Qianchen's savior, so it's best not to be too obvious if this girl should be treated differently? !The corner of Zhu Jiuyin's mouth twitched, almost pounced on him and used violence to teach this girl a good lesson!
"Hmph, now he has the three souls of Qinglong Shenjun, and I don't know if he is your original master when I see you again. I advise you not to have too much hope to see him, otherwise, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! "Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but want to dampen her enthusiasm.

"The three souls of Qinglong Shenjun are added? What's going on?" Yu Yaoluo opened her eyes wide and looked at him in surprise.

"By the way, you were either absent or passed out at that time, so you didn't hear it?" Zhu Jiuyin looked at her with treacherous calculations and said, "Your master is the reincarnation of the seven souls of Qinglong Shenjun, because of this , he will be coveted by Jia Ye who owns the other three souls of Qinglong Shenjun. Now that Qinglong Shenjun's three souls and seven souls have re-fused, your master may not be the original him."

No wonder Jia Ye wanted to threaten Chu Qianchen with her life, it was because of this!Yu Yaoluo suddenly realized.

So master, is he the reincarnation of Qinglong Shenjun?She suddenly felt uneasy.

Zhu Jiuyin noticed that she was a little scared and worried, and she was in a good mood. She raised her head and smiled, and said compassionately: "Don't worry! Although he is the reincarnation of Qinglong Shenjun, after all, he is a human being in this life, so it shouldn't make too much difference to you. big."

It turned out that he was just scaring her!Yu Yaoluo stared at Zhu Jiuyin angrily: "You..."

"How is the deity?" Zhu Jiuyin's expression is full of beatings, and he blames that kid Chu Qianchen, who has never been fun. Now that he can meet a more fun girl, how can he let go of the opportunity to tease her?

"Don't use my master's face to make such an expression!!" Yu Yaoluo was furious. This Zhu Jiuyin has been destroying Chu Qianchen's image in her heart all the time, this is simply unbearable!

"..." Zhu Jiuyin choked, and immediately raised eyebrows at Yu Yaoluo: This girl really owes a lesson!

"Come here for me!" Zhu Jiuyin used Chu Qianchen's body to catch Yu Yaoluo. How could she escape and was caught by him all at once.

"Let me go!" Yu Yaoluo struggled desperately, thinking that the person in this body was not Chu Qianchen, she hated his touch!

Suddenly, as if his life force had been sucked out of him, he lowered his raised hand, and those dark green eyes closed at some point.

Yu Yaoluo regained her freedom and hurriedly retreated: "Zhu Jiuyin, don't bully me too much!"

Chu Qianchen's body was originally leaning on her and kneeling on the ground, but now Yu Yaoluo jumped away, and he fell to the ground.

She called tentatively: "Master?"

Chu Qianchen slowly opened his eyes. In a haze, he seemed to see Yu Yaoluo standing in front of him safe and sound, and smiled weakly: "Great, are you okay?"

This time it's really the master!Yu Yaoluo overjoyed and rushed over to help Chu Qianchen up, letting him lean on her small body: "Master, how do you feel?"

"Help me pull out the dagger, and then use the circle of light to heal my wounds." Chu Qianchen's lips turned pale, and it was obvious that he had lost too much blood.

Yu Yaoluo quickly reached out to pull out the dagger, and seeing the blood gushing out, she quickly blocked the wound with water magic, hung the jade pendant around Chu Qianchen's neck, and activated the magic circle of light to heal him.

She looked at his pale face worriedly: Master, you survived so hard, you must hold on!
 Although Mr. Zhulong will teach others when he is angry, but Nanfeng thinks he is quite cute.
  It’s best not to make too much difference before and after it’s put on the shelves, remember to vote for those who have recommended votes, otherwise others may think that Nanfeng’s writing has collapsed

(End of this chapter)

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