I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 139 Alchemy

Chapter 139 Alchemy
In the alchemy room, Yu Yaoluo fired a flame into the alchemy furnace, and then put the medicinal materials of Peiyuan Dan into the alchemy furnace one by one according to the order and weight.

The beating furnace fire was reflected in her clear eyes, and she allocated some mental energy to observe the refining situation of the medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace. If it weren't for the importance of alchemy this time, she wouldn't waste her mental energy to do so .

She used wood-type spells to control the fire in the pill furnace, observed the subtleties with her spiritual power, and purified the magic elements in the medicinal materials to the extreme. She could see those medicinal materials gradually turned into powder elements under the swallowing of the flames, and then slowly slowly blend together.

Her spirit was highly concentrated, thin beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead, and she raised her palms towards the alchemy furnace, consuming the fire element in her body to continuously decompose the medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace.

She dared to say that this was the most serious time she had practiced alchemy.

Oops, the fire element in her body seems to be insufficient, Yu Yaoluo looked worriedly at the Peiyuan Pill that was about to be refined in the pill furnace, could it be said that this is going to be a failure?
But now that Luo Yan is summoned, what if someone finds out?Yu Yaoluo was a little worried.

"Xiao Yaoluo, call me out, maybe I can help you," Luo Yan comforted her, "Don't worry, I won't let others find me."

"En." Yu Yaoluo nodded, "Luo Yan, come out!"

This time the summoning was different from usual, the fiery red flames did not condense into Luo Yan's appearance, but condensed into a human form behind her after going around the entire alchemy room for a circle.

I set up an enchantment here, they can't find me.Luo Yan put his hands on her back while transmitting the sound, continuously adjusting and sending fire magic power to her.

Yu Yaoluo breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, Luo Yan is here, otherwise the alchemy will probably fail this time.

By the time the elixir was refined, she was already so tired that she was about to collapse.

Inside the alchemy furnace, there are three gleaming golden Peiyuan pills.She put the elixir in the alchemy furnace into the jade bottle, and then took Luo Yan back into the seal: "Thank you, Luo Yan, if it weren't for you, this top-grade Peiyuan pill might not have been refined."

Luo Yan smiled: "There is no need to say thank you between you and me. Hurry up and give the elixir to Fairy Baicao."

Rows of pill bottles were neatly stacked on the tray, Yu Yaoluo put the jade bottle with her name written there, then turned around and walked to the ranks of pill pharmacists, waiting for Fairy Baicao's inspection.

Fairy Baicao opened the jade bottles one by one to examine the finished products of Peiyuan Pills inside, but it was a pity that she couldn't find top-grade Peiyuan Pills after looking at several of them. She couldn't help shaking her head: "Pill Master Zhang, Pill Master Yan, and Pill Master Ji, it seems You are going to help me manage the Baicao Garden for a hundred days."

The complexions of those alchemists who were named by Fairy Baicao changed, and they threw up their sleeves indignantly and left, ready to go home and pack up their things and come to work as coolies.

Yu Yaoluo saw that the quality and purity of the elixirs they refined were actually not bad, even if they were not top-grade, they were rare among middle-grade ones. Could it be that the eyes of this Fairy Baicao were really picky to this point, not at all. Will you be accommodating?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help sweating secretly.

When Fairy Baicao saw Yu Yaoluo's pill bottle, she opened it and smelled it first, and then put it back without even pouring it out. The meaning was very clear, just wait and stay.

Yu Yaoluo suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy, finally stabilized her figure, and looked at Fairy Baicao in disbelief: How could this happen?She spent so much time refining the Peiyuan Pill, but she couldn't pass it? !
No, there must be something wrong!

At this time, Fairy Baicao has already inspected all the pill bottles: "The only ones that can be called top-grade Peiyuan pills are those of Ying Danshi and Fang Danshi. The other pill masters should know it well, right?"

Upon hearing this, alchemist Ying and alchemist Fang were overjoyed, while the other alchemists went home dejectedly to prepare their burdens.

Both alchemists got the precious medicinal materials they asked for. When alchemist Ying passed by Yu Yaoluo's side, he saw her in a daze and pretended not to bear it: "Yu Xian'er, don't be too discouraged. The eyes of this Fairy Baicao are very poisonous, you don't think that the elixir refined by your current level can really enter her eyes, do you?"

Fang Danshi also took a sympathetic look at the little girl, and left with the precious medicinal materials he asked for.

Fairy Baicao was about to go back to the inner room when Yu Yaoluo suddenly stopped her: "Fairy Baicao, I beg you, please take a look at the Peiyuan Pill I refined!"

The Peiyuan Dan she refined is obviously very high in purity, it is impossible to pass it!

Fairy Baicao paused, her thin bangs covered the light in her eyes: "Fairy Yu, why don't you go back and get ready?"

"I..." Yu Yaoluo knew that it was useless to say anything now, no matter what the Peiyuan Pill she refined, Baicao Fairy would keep her.

"I'll help you take care of the Baicao Garden, no matter how long it takes! I just ask you to give me the Nether Leaf and the Dihuang Grass!" Yu Yaoluo had no other choice, and begged Xia Xueyao's sleeve.

"Since the contract has been made, how can it be easily revised?" Fairy Baicao walked away in a huff.

In the lobby, Yu Yaoluo stood there in a trance, and Fairy Baicao couldn't bear it, but she had no choice but to do this in order to protect her.

Genting Liufeng
"Master, I'm sorry, I... Baicao Fairy didn't like the Peiyuan Pill I refined." Yu Yaoluo knelt on the ground, heartbroken, "I'm going to help her with the Baicao Garden now, and I haven't seen it for a long time. There is a way to see you, master, you must take care of yourself."

Um?Yaoluo is very talented in alchemy, and with his guidance, it is impossible for her to fail. Could it be that there is something else wrong?
Chu Qianchen didn't blame her either: "You mean Fairy Baicao didn't like the elixir you refined?"


"Then what do you think of the elixir you refined?" Chu Qianchen continued to ask.

"I can only say that the purity is very high, and it is the Peiyuan Pill that I have refined most carefully!" Yu Yaoluo said with certainty.

"That's it, you've worked very hard." Chu Qianchen smiled clearly. If he didn't guess wrong, this Fairy Baicao should have such a plan, right?
Although he has only heard her name and never met her, just because she is such a charming girl who protects him like this, he has a little more affection for her.

This Fairy Baicao is really a wonderful person, he must come to thank her in person someday when he is free.

"Master, how can you still laugh?" Yu Yaoluo cast a resentful glance at Chu Qianchen.

"Hey, I overlooked this point. Well, don't worry about it." Chu Qianchen pampered her little head, "If there is really no problem with the Peiyuan Pill you refined, I believe seven Within a day, oh no, within three days, you can come back."

 Why did Fairy Baicao do this?Dear friends, you will know after watching~
(End of this chapter)

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