I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 151 Greedy Beast

Chapter 151 Greedy Beast

"No wonder you fell into the sea and died! You fell into such a field!" Zhu Jiu was angry, "Now I don't even let go of my own body!"

In fact, this gigantic beast is none other than the ancient mythical beast—Yu Tan.

It is said that the greedy beast is too greedy. It is not enough to occupy the gold and silver treasures under its feet and around it. It has been fueled by the special attraction of weak water rivers.

In fact, the buoyancy of weak water rivers is not a problem, but the problem is gravity.The Ruoshui River is upside down, with the clear river below and the silt riverbed above, which is why the river is hard for birds to get over.

It is precisely because the weak water river can suck everything that passes through the river, as long as it is not heavy enough to sink to the bottom, regardless of the dead or alive, the greedy spirit of the greedy beast is replenished, so it is resurrected.

The greedy beast looked at Zhu Jiuyin with green eyes, no matter how much he reprimanded him, he opened his bloody mouth and was about to bite.

Zhu Jiuyin called out the Millennium Sword and blocked his mouth horizontally: "I just know how to eat, hurry up and help me see if this Millennium Sword is the sealed ancient artifact Xuanyuan Sword!"

Although the Greedy Beast is greedy, its ability to recognize treasures is top-notch: "Let me take a bite and I'll know..."

After finishing speaking, it bit hard, and the sword body of the Millennium Sword burst into a dazzling light, and the sword body slowly transformed from silver white to golden color.

"The taste of this seal is not bad." Tantan Beast said while smashing it.

Zhu Jiuyin was speechless. She didn't expect that under the bite of this greedy beast, she would undo Xuanyuan Sword's disguise seal by mistake...

Then if it bites Chu Qianchen's body, will it undo the remaining seal of the Sixiang God?
Seeing the greedy beast getting closer and closer to her huge mouth, Zhu Jiuyin twitched the corner of her mouth, thinking; forget it... If it really bites this body to death, maybe he will be trapped in this body forever. Inside the Demon Realm.He'd better obediently go to Sixiangshen and Candle Dragon's Breath to undo the seal and curse.

"Thank you, I will take a step first, and we will meet later!" Zhu Jiuyin planned to run away after shamelessly using the greedy beast.

"Wait, let me take another bite!" The greedy beast missed a bite, and chased Zhu Jiuyin upstream again.

"It's really troublesome!" Zhu Jiuyin had to fight against Ruoshuihe's inversion of gravity alone, and his speed couldn't be increased, and the greedy beast had already gotten used to it.Seeing that the greedy beast was getting closer and closer, Zhu Jiuyin hurriedly dodged to the side, grabbed a ground python and stuffed it into its mouth.

Because these boa constrictors are all in the weak water layer on weekdays, they are too lazy to fight against the buoyancy of the weak water river to catch them. They will only hunt when there are single ones that come to the clear water layer. Now it just wants to chase them on a whim. Taking a bite of Zhu Jiuyin's fleshy body, and having a free lunch stuffed into his mouth, of course he was so happy that he didn't have to do it himself.

What if I just finished eating one and still want to eat?
The greedy beast continued to chase Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin reached out and grabbed an innocent boa constrictor, and threatened the boa constrictor that was so frightened that its skin was trembling: "Hurry up and take me to swim out of the river, or you will be a delicious meal for greedy beasts! "

The threatened boa constrictor hurriedly took Zhu Jiuyin to escape and swam out of the Ruoshui River.

The moment everyone saw the boa constrictor coming out of the water, they were a little surprised, but when they saw a young man standing on the boa boa's head, they were a little horrified.

"..." Did something extraordinary happen just now? !Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The boa constrictor first lingered in the water for a while, as if it had received the man's order, and then began to turn around and swim to the opposite bank of the Ruoshui River.

On the other side, Zhu Jiuyin took the python into the Demon Realm, and waited for it to cross the river when it came out of Fenglin Island.

Then, it was almost time for Zhu Jiuyin to come out, so he drove Yu Yaoluo and Chu Qianchen out of the Demon Realm, and by the way tore off the soul stone of the water monster from Yu Yaoluo's neck, saying yes useful.

After everyone saw the young man landed, the python disappeared, and the little girl who had disappeared also reappeared.

What's the situation? !Become a living person?

Then everyone looked at themselves, still waiting in line to drink the ecstasy soup, crossing the Naraku Bridge, and instantly sighed that the gap between people is really insurmountable, why is there such a big difference?

"..." You cow!
Then, Chu Qianchen and Yu Yaoluo walked into Fenglinzhou under everyone's envious and jealous eyes.

Yu Yaoluo was suddenly worried, such a precious jade would not be crushed by a violent pervert like Zhu Jiuyin, right?

"Well, probably not..." Chu Qianchen knew that he was measured, but felt that Zhu Jiuyin must be doing something very cruel and bloody now.

Instead of worrying about living in the soul stone, let's mourn in silence for the python that was caught innocently to cover it...

Chu Qianchen summoned the Xuanyuan Sword, poured it with mana, and ordered it to find the Shennong Cauldron.

Because there will be mutual induction between the artifacts, with the Xuanyuan Sword, it will be much easier to find the location of the Shennong Ding.

Along the way, they met many people who were looking for fairy medicine everywhere, but because they didn't know the medicine clearly, many people failed to find the medicine to cure their diseases, and instead died because of misusing the medicine.

As long as it is a medicinal herb, it will generate and restrain each other, even the fairy medicine of Fenglinzhou is no exception.

They witnessed an old man collapse from convulsions after eating a yellow herb.

Not long after he fell, his body turned into a puddle of blood, nourishing the surrounding elixir. A group of goblins happily ran over to refine his blood. Although there was only a little bit of it, they were still very happy, and then they went back to the ground. Down there is waiting for the next person to turn into blood.

"Although Fenglin Continent has hundreds of kinds of magical medicines, it is not easy to grow spiritual grass and fairy medicines that can cure diseases. Only when we see them today will we know why." Chu Qianchen said lightly.

Yu Yaoluo is silent: It turns out that the Nailuo bridge and the ecstasy soup here are just ways to prevent those who want to come in and seek the elixir from going out. As long as they stop thinking about their homeland and old people, they will not think about going back. .As long as they stay here, even if they are lucky enough to find the elixir to cure the disease, they will only live for a few years, and finally die. This life will still be returned to the land of Fenglinzhou to nourish the creatures here.

They didn't drink the ecstasy soup, and they were protected by Zhu Jiuyin and guided by Xuanyuan Sword. They didn't know how much luckier they were.

Just go inside again, what will they encounter?Where will the Shennong Ding be hidden?

(End of this chapter)

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