I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 153 Turning the war into jade

Chapter 153 Turning the war into jade
"We are just looking for something, and we don't intend to invade your Demon Sect's territory." Chu Qianchen explained.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Spirit Wolf thought they were here to seize the treasure in the sect, so they bared their teeth in protest.

"What we are looking for is one of the ancient artifacts—the Shennong Ding."

"Shen Nong Ding?" You Lang seemed to have heard about this ancient artifact, "There is no Shen Nong Ding here, you guys go back quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Youlang was pointed at by Chu Qianchen with a golden yellow sword, his black eyes were full of murderous intent: "If I say, we must go in?"

The spirit wolf who was the leader of the team was pointed at by Chu Qianchen's sword, and his momentum immediately weakened a bit, but he still insisted: "Then we, the spirit wolf guards, have no choice but to try our best to prevent you from coming in!"

When Chu Qianchen heard the words, a trace of cruelty flashed in the exquisite phoenix eyes: "Then we have no choice but to fulfill you!"

As if it was an order, seeing that the two sides were about to fight together, a deep man's voice suddenly sounded: "Stop!"

This sound of breaking the drink contained powerful magic power, as if it was a thunder on the ground, blocking the next actions of the two sides.

A black figure flew over from a distance, and Ye Zhong stood on the top of the peak, looking down at the heroes below: "Do you really think that our Fenglin Demon Sect is easy to bully?"

With that sound just now, Yaoluo thought he was talking about making peace, but she didn't expect that he was here to show off. She thought they were so great, and even forced him, the leader, to come out and hold the line.Thinking of this, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Chu Qianchen sneered: "Are you the suzerain of the Fenglin Demon Sect?"

"Your Excellency has good eyesight." Ye Zhong said, "I am Ye Zhong, the new suzerain of the Fenglin Demon Sect. This is not the place for your Excellency to come. Please sell me some face."

Chu Qianchen can be regarded as a good person, and now he can hear it, the new suzerain?Selling your face?Could it be that the new official took office with three fires and wanted to establish his prestige?
Then they will sell him for the time being and see what he has to say. It will not be too late to do it at that time. Chu Qianchen retracted Xuanyuan Sword and said: "I have heard that there are countless immortal grasses and elixir in Fenglinzhou, and I also heard that the ancient artifact Shennongding was sealed This is why I came here today, I have no intention of offending the Fenglin Demon Sect, please forgive me."

Enchanting secretly sighed: "It's a good move to be courteous first and then soldiers. We can sell you face. Anyway, we respect you as the master of the clan. This night is mainly a time-conscious one. It's best to go down the slope quickly, otherwise the faces of both parties will be ugly." .

Ye Zhong was as good as he said: "What about Shennong Ding, it's all rumors spread by the outside world, why don't you come in and have a look, and then go back and help us clarify? It also saves someone from coming up to disturb my Fenglin Demon Sect."

Ye Zhong gritted his teeth and hated secretly: This opportunity to take advantage of the right time and place has been lost. If they don't want to suffer heavy casualties, they can only treat them with courtesy for the time being, and make plans after finding out the strength of the other party.

Chu Qianchen also knew that he was using a strategy to slow down the troops, but as long as they could go in and look for the Shennong Cauldron, everything else would be blocked by soldiers and covered by water and earth.

"Okay, then Sect Master Lao will lead the way."

Knowing how to turn fighting into jade and protect his subordinates, he is quite competent as the Fenglin suzerain, Yu Yaoluo is very satisfied with the result, seeing that there is no need to fight, so she took Luo Yan and Xiaolei back into the seal pattern .

Why, this little girl is still a summoner? !Surprise flashed in Yezhong's eyes, but it was quickly covered by eyelashes.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Wind Snake Clan and the Spirit Leopard Clan had been eyeing the suzerain position all the time, he still couldn't easily break down every single soldier of the Spirit Wolf Clan, and they wouldn't be able to come in so easily.A gleam flashed in Ye Zhong's eyes: But that's all, the longer they stay here, the more they will rely on the spiritual energy of the fairy mountain here, and they may not be able to deal with them by then?
Ye Zhong took them back to the Demon Sect: "This is the territory of the Fenglin Demon Sect. As the saying goes, a visitor is a guest. Ye Zhong may not be well received. Please forgive me."

He repeatedly emphasized that he invited them to come in instead of being forced to invite them. He really wanted to lose face. Yu Yaoluo stroked her forehead helplessly and said, "Master, where is the Shennong Cauldron that Xuanyuanjian sensed?"

"The Shennong Cauldron should be located in the boundary of the Fenglin Demon Sect, but the Xuanyuan Sword's induction stopped here, and it seems to be blocked by a certain enchantment." Chu Qianchen looked at the quiet Xuanyuan Sword and said.

The next step is the "entertainment" presented by the umami of melons and fruits.

"To be honest, my Ghost Wolf Clan managed to obtain the position of the Demon Sect's suzerain with great difficulty. Now the Wind Snake Clan and the Spirit Leopard Clan are all eyeing our Ghost Wolf Clan. They want to seize the opportunity to seize the suzerain position. I have to guard against it." Ye Zhong said helplessly, "If news of outsiders invading the Demon Sect gets out and the Wind Snakes and Spirit Leopards know about it, I'm afraid we will have another trick in their hands."

"If you are looking for the Shennong Cauldron, our Spirit Wolf Clan may be able to help, but if you want to disrupt the internal order of the Demon Sect, then we will have to fight each other." Ye Zhong put the ugly words first.

"Then let's tell the truth. We have to find the Shennong Ding for the sake of the people of Qingwu. Rest assured, as long as we find the Shennong Ding, we will leave without disturbing your land." Chu Qianchen Said calmly.

"My suzerain can give you seven days. If you can find the Shennong cauldron, then go ahead and take it away. If you can't find it, then don't blame our Fenglin Demon Sect for turning your face and denying you." Ye Zhong's pair of Moyu A flash of sharpness suddenly flashed in the same eyes.

They have always lived in Fenglin Continent, and they have never seen any Shennong Cauldron. Even if there is, it is just a legendary thing. How could it be easy for them to find it?After seven days, if they didn't leave, he wouldn't be able to control so much.

"Seven days is enough." Chu Qianchen put his hand on Xuanyuan Sword, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Wind Snake Clan and the Spirit Leopard Clan didn't know how they got the news, so they complained to the sect the next day: "Good night, it's really inappropriate to entrust you with the position of Fenglin Sect Master. Some people have entered our Demon Sect's territory?!"

The leader of the Wind Snake Clan and the Spirit Leopard Clan looked at the three people who came out of the sect, and immediately cursed loudly: "How dare you let outsiders live in our Demon Sect's palace, how did you become the Fenglin Sect Master? !"

Zhu Jiuyin was able to come out now, his faint green eyes seemed to have the power to shake people's hearts, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a malicious smile, which made the two leaders shudder.

 Dear friends, I'm sorry, I can only guarantee double updates recently, and I can add updates after the 21st~
(End of this chapter)

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