Chapter 162
Now she doesn't need to use Yan Yumo to cast a curse, she can attack her directly. Thinking of this, Yan Luoer couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

"The reception is not good, please forgive me." Yan Luo'er looked at Yu Yaoluo and said, "Yu Mo, you have to learn from Yu Xian'er, you two are dual-line magicians, and she is younger than you. You have already reached the sixth level, you are the best in the school, and you are only at the first level, so you need to pay more attention, you know?"

This tone and tone was very similar to a parent admonishing a child. Although Yan Yumo didn't like it, she was her elder after all, so she could only say: "Understood, sister."

"Yu Xian'er is very talented, I wonder if she plans to join our Qingwu magic court in the future?" After talking so much, she finally brought out the main point.

The imperial court attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents, and Yan Luoer is the daughter of the Grand Tutor, and she is likely to be a member of the Holy Court of Magic in the future. It is really normal to ask this question. Is it possible that she wants to help the Holy Court of Magic? Solicit her?
Still, what does she want to do?For the sake of prudence, Yu Yao chose to avoid the question: "I haven't thought about this question yet, let's talk about it later."

Yan Luo'er originally wanted to use this question in exchange for a chance to talk to her. As long as Yu Xian'er said that she wanted to join the Magic Sacred Court, she would have a reason to touch her for the test.

"Yu Mo, why is this tea cold? Why don't you get someone to bring some hot tea to entertain the guests?" Yan Luoer thought of another plan, and wanted to use this to distract Yan Yumo.

"This..." Yan Yumo hesitated, and Yu Yaoluo signaled with her eyes: It's okay, you can go.

Yan Yumo didn't know what Yan Luoer wanted to do, but she was so enchanting, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

After Yan Luoer waited for Yu Mo to leave, she wanted to cast the spell on Yu Yaoluo while her back was turned to her, but she didn't expect that all of this was planned by her.

Before Yan Luoer could make a move, Yu Yaoluo suddenly turned around, her eyes had already turned into a sea of ​​purple!

The charm of people's hearts - God control!
Yan Luoer was caught off guard, her mind was charged, and her pupils gradually lost focus.

Yu Yaoluo is also at risk, after all, her highest level of magic cultivation is only a little higher than Yan Luoer's, if she miscalculates, she may be accused of magical backlash.

Now it seems that things are going well, and it is not in vain that she has spent so much mental energy.

In fact, when she came to Taifu's mansion this time, besides helping Yan Yumo break the bad luck formation, the master also told her to find out some things. He doubted that even if Yan Luoer was not possessed by Hei Luosha The possessor cannot get rid of the relationship.

To use such a sinister ghost domain technique, Chu Qianchen felt that apart from spellcasters like him, as well as onmyojis and fortune tellers, other people would rarely use this technique.

Therefore, it was necessary for him to make sure whether Hei Luosha was playing tricks behind his back.

Chu Qianchen knew that she was extremely powerful mentally, and she had exposed her ability as early as when she used the mind-controlling ability to face Ruowei in front of Fang Liansheng.

Therefore, he was not worried that she would be backlashed, but only encouraged her to do it boldly, because with Hei Luosha's current skill, there should be no way to take her away.

He is going from Tushan to Qingwu, and he must have seized the body many times on the way. You must know that every time you seize the body, it will consume some soul power. His soul power is on par.

Didn't expect that?Yan Luo'er, the opportunity you tried to win for yourself with Yu Mo turned out to be an opportunity for her to figure out your cards.

Yu Yaoluo saw the blue light flowing on her palm, and there were some incantations faintly visible in it, so she secretly memorized it and hurriedly asked: "Say, who ordered you?"

"Yes... yes..." Yan Luo'er has been able to cultivate to the early stage of the sixth level, and her mental strength is not weak. She was just suddenly frightened just now, so she fell into the enchanting way of jade. Now it seems that it is necessary to completely control her mind You need to add some mental strength.

A higher level than the control of the mind is the soul-absorbing technique, and now there is almost no time, she must ask the answer as soon as possible!
Her soul has been experienced in the Drunken Stone, if she uses the absolutely suppressed soul-hunting technique, she may be able to do it!

The alluring one - soul-stirring!
Yu Yaoluo used more mental power, and this time it finally worked. Yan Luoer confessed: "It's the eldest son of the prime minister's mansion... Gu Chengxi."

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, it was Yu Mo who had returned, Yu Yaoluo quickly stopped her mind-controlling Yan Luoer, her eyes gradually regained clarity.

"..." Yan Luoer didn't know what happened just now, because anyone who was dealt with by Yu Yaoluo with mental power would have fragmented memories of that period.

Yan Luo'er only felt her head buzzing, and seeing Yu Mo pushing the door in, it seemed that the time to strike had been lost, so she had to withdraw the spell.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Yan Yumo asked when she saw Yan Luoer withdraw her palm as soon as she entered.

"It's nothing, I'm a little tired, I want to go back to rest, you can have a good chat with her." Yan Luoer went out with a tired look.

"Yu Mo, this sister of yours is really not easy!" Yu Yaoluo was a little tired after using so many psychic abilities, so she sat down to drink tea and rest.

"What's wrong?" Yan Yumo asked.

"One day I will tell you. You are not strong enough now. I will tell you when you become strong enough." Yu Yaoluo said.

It is best not to let Yan Yumo know about the intersection between Yan Luoer and Hei Luosha, lest she be afraid or worried. The people Hei Luosha has to deal with are her and the master. Yan Yumo is innocent. It's not appropriate to involve her in it.

After all, that would be too risky.

"Xiaoluo, I know you want to protect me, but if a person is in a state of ignorance, it is the most terrifying, maybe he will accidentally do something bad without knowing it, not to mention, I have Xiao Zi to protect me! "Yan Yumo took her hand and said.

"Who is Xiao Zi?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I gave the water monster a name - called Xiao Zi, what do you think?" Yan Yumo smiled, although it is not small at all...

"What a good name." Yu Yaoluo murmured, "You are right, then I will tell you the matter, so you can help me pay attention, if you find anything wrong with your sister, remember to tell me. "

"Well, of course!" Yan Yumo nodded.

Yu Yaoluo told Yu Mo about her grievances with Hei Luosha, and at the end she did not forget to tell her to be careful of her sister.

After coming out of the Taifu's mansion, Yu Yaoluo said to Luo Yan: "It's scary because of ignorance... Luo Yan, I'm really worried that if I don't reach such a high level of strength, will I not be able to know my parents and grandpa?" What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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