I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 170 Master Lingxu

Chapter 170 Master Lingxu
What's going on, is it even useless to lead?Just when Yu Yaoluo was in a hurry, the shadow of a wild boar appeared in front of her, slowly approaching her.

When it got close, Yu Yaoluo realized that this boar was carved out of wood!
what happened?The wood carvings can still move by themselves as if they are alive?

The wooden boar arched towards Yu Yaoluo, and Yu Yaoluo understood: Could it be that it wants to let itself go with it?
Yu Yaoluo followed the wild boar to a small wooden house with a fenced yard, and there were many wild animals and poultry like wooden wild boars in the yard.

This is how the same thing?Yu Yaoluo looked at the wood-carved hen pecking at the sand under her feet, and the wood-carved rabbit bouncing around, feeling surprised.

Going around the yard, I found a group of wood-carved sheep and cattle in the backyard, and the carvings were so lifelike that you couldn't tell they were woodcarvings unless you looked carefully!

Could it be that there lived a skilled woodcarver here?

At this time, an old man with white hair and childlike face and ruddy complexion walked out of the small wooden house, leaned against the door with a smile on his face, looked at Yu Yaoluo and said, "Little girl, I think your fate is strange, although you have the fate of transforming into a dragon with golden scales. , but life is rough and difficult, why not just stay with me in this isolated place and accompany the little old man?"

"You are Master Ling Xu?" Yu Yaoluo blurted out.

"Master Lingxu?" The little old man frowned, his white eyebrows twitched, "I am a master carpenter who lives in this mountain."

Believe me, it's strange, Yu Yaoluo's head is full of black lines, everyone said that Master Lingxu has a strange temperament, when I saw him today, it was indeed so.

"These wood carvings are all carved by you, old man?" Yu Yaoluo reached out and tapped one of the chickens, "Although they are wood carvings, they seem to have life. What method did you use to make them move and come alive?" of?"

"Don't say it, don't say it." The little old man said proudly.

"Then where did my master and my companions go? Can you tell me about it?" Yu Yaoluo asked. You can't talk about your unique secret skills, but you can always talk about this, right?

"Where did your master and companion go, how do I know?" the little old man said proudly.

"..." Yu Yaoluo stood up suddenly, "Well, let me make a bet with you, if I can discover the secret of these woodcarvings being able to move by themselves, you can tell me about Master and Xiaoyuan, how about it?"

"Then..." The little old man smiled mysteriously, "What if you can't find out?"

"Then I'll stay here with you." Yu Yaoluo gritted her teeth.

There is no other way right now, this old man has a weird personality, is there anyone else here, these clouds and mists in the mountains must be his fault, right now he wants her to stay with him, then she has no choice but to stay with him to the end and make a bet with him .

"Okay, good!" The little old man was very happy, sat down, and looked at her leisurely, "Then please."

Tch, with a confident look, and saying that he is not Master Lingxu?Yu Yaoluo secretly despised him for concealing his identity.

She squatted down and studied the wood carvings carefully.

It is said to be observation, but Yu Yaoluo has no clue at all.She raised her eyes and looked at the little old man: "Could you have used some magic technique?"

The little old man didn't take it seriously, and extended his hand to Yu Yaoluo. She put her hand on his, but she couldn't detect his cultivation.

If the clouds and space above this Lingxu Mountain listen to him, and if he has no spiritual power but possesses miraculous skills, can pinch and count, knows the world, understands things, and can see the way of heaven, then he has a good chance Nine is Master Lingxu.

Yu Yaoluo bit her lower lip and continued to observe the wood carving.There must be something she hasn't discovered yet, so calm down and observe carefully!
If it wasn't because of the magic technique, could it be that these wood carvings moved by themselves after being carved into things because they had the consciousness of life?
In order to verify her idea, Yu Yaoluo took materials nearby, and then started to carve by herself with the wood planer, drill and other carving tools beside her.

If her guess is correct, the spirituality of every plant and tree on Lingxu Mountain exceeds that of ordinary plants, maybe it is because of the existence of wood elves!
Yu Yaoluo carved a little bird, and after she finally carved the eyes for the little bird, the little bird got off the ground by itself, fluttered its wings, flew from the ground to the fence wall, and then flew to the tree, squeaking with.

Sure enough!

"I have already cracked the secret that these wood carvings can move and come alive because of the wood elves, right?" Yu Yaoluo said, her bright eyes sparkling.

"Right or wrong." The little old man stroked his beard, "Qifu, the world and the people are all strange weapons, the moving ones are like the sky, the quiet ones are like the earth, the clever ones are like people, and the noble ones are like everything. It is not surprising, but also dominated by it. It is like painting with a teacher, and civil engineering with a craftsman."

It's so profound, it looks like you don't know it... Generally speaking, it means that all things move because of their spirits, right?Yu Yaoluo frowned and thought for a long time.

"Hahaha." Seeing Yu Yaoluo's half-understanding look, the little old man thought it was a lot of fun, "You can teach me a child, if you can comprehend this level, the little girl is quite talented."

"Then did I win or lose?" Yu Yaoluo was most concerned about this.

"Neither win nor lose." The little old man said.

"..." Yu Yaoluo was speechless, is there such a result?With a weird personality, this old man must be Master Lingxu!
"Little girl, why did you and your companion come to Lingxu Mountain?" The little old man didn't reveal the whereabouts of Chu Qianchen and others, but asked Yu Yaoluo.

"We came to Lingxu Mountain to find the ancient artifact, although we don't know if it is the Kunlun Mirror or not." Yu Yaoluo said helplessly, "Please, grandpa, just tell me where Master and Xiaoyuan are. ?”

The light in the little old man's eyes flickered: "Why are you looking for the Kunlun Mirror?"

"Kunlun mirror has the ability to travel through time and space. Our companion Jing Shengyuan is a princess of the fox clan. In order to prevent a catastrophe, she wants to go back in time." Yu Yaoluo explained.

"Well, what else?"

"And..." Yu Yaoluo knew that if she didn't make it clear today, she would never want to see Master and the others and find the Kunlun Mirror. "It's for the god of Zhongshan——Zhu Jiuyin. The breath of the candle dragon helps him break the forbidden curse and regain his real body."

The little old man closed his eyes and nodded frequently, but he just didn't speak.

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Yu Yaoluo asked helplessly.

"Trying it out is really a helpless move." The little old man opened his eyes and said, "Little girl, to tell you the truth, I am Master Lingxu."

(End of this chapter)

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