I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 189 One Thought Dependent Origin

Chapter 189

You don't need to pass the assessment, unless you have special abilities, or get high-level approval, such as Yu Yaoluo and (Mo Hua) Chu Mingzheng back then.

Feng Yu looked at the people around him, most of them were between the fourth and fifth levels, relatively few were at the sixth level, and almost none were at the seventh level like him.

First of all, in terms of strength, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Get out of the way, Elder Ye is here!" Someone shouted, and the people around fell silent, looking at Elder Ye and his daughter, Ye Liuxin, with eager eyes.

Elder Ye glanced at the people around him. It is true that the qualifications of the people in the Mercenary Guild have been getting better and better in recent years.

The missions of the mercenary guild are not available to everyone, you have to pass the assessment to prove your strength, whether you should get first-class or fifth-class missions and rewards.

The tasks in the mercenary guild are divided into [-]st to [-]th grades according to the difficulty level, and the corresponding cultivation level is about [-]rd to [-]th. Only level [-] strength, if you think you have the ability to accept the task of level [-], you are welcome, as long as you can save your own life.

Those who are not strong enough will usually choose to join the mercenary group and complete the task together. The level of the mercenary group is evaluated according to the overall strength of the members and the completion of each task.

For example, now, someone came to recruit Feng Yu into the regiment. A middle-sized young man in blue chatted with him and said, "Are you a newcomer, what's your name? Is there a mercenary regiment? Do you want to join our fierce wolf mercenary?" group?"

The young man in blue is obviously good at recruiting people into the gang, and before Feng Yu refused, he began to talk endlessly: "Let me remind you that the people in this mercenary group are protected by an organization, and no one can bully them." For you, if you have any tasks that make money quickly and with low risk, our boss will find out immediately, who is our boss, do you know? People in the world say... oh, don’t go, I haven’t finished yet!”

Feng Yu felt that he was going to be the first and the second big, and he was here to carry out the mission to steal the account books. How would it be convenient to do this if he was organized into a mercenary group?

"Stinky boy, our wolf mercenary group invited you in with good intentions, but you ignored it. I have seen you arrogant, but I have never seen you so arrogant. If you are squeezed out in the future, don't blame us for not being so arrogant. Remind you!" Seeing Feng Yu walking further and further away, the youth in blue stomped his feet and said in a voice of hatred.

Damn it, I thought this Lengtouqing was an ignorant person, but I didn't expect it to be so cold, so even though he tried his best, he couldn't pull him over.

The stronger a person is, the more clearly he can perceive the strength of the people around him, and the weaker his strength, the more blurred his perception of those who are stronger than him.Ye Liuxin looked at Feng Yu's position, this man seemed to be a little unreasonable, and his strength was so deep that even she couldn't detect it, he seemed to be above her.

She is now at level six. Could it be that this man's strength has reached level seven?

She grinned: No wonder that member of the wolf mercenary group tried desperately to win him over. With such a master joining, it would be difficult for their mercenary group not to raise their star rating.

It's just that most experts are lonely, this man may be used to being alone.

After passing the assessment, he became a member of the mercenary guild, and Feng Yu was finally assigned a first-level task.

If the first-level tasks are completed well, not only will there be more rewards, but they will also gain the favor and trust of the elders.

This time, Feng Yu's task was to hunt and kill a seventh-level earth-type jade snake.

This task is in the first level, but there are still many mercenary groups who want to take over with more people, including the fierce wolf mercenary group.

The person who issued the task offered a reward of 2000 taels of silver to capture this jade snake, because this jade snake killed the only son of their Li family. Seeing that the family was about to lose incense, Li Yuanwai was so angry that he came here. The mercenary guild issued a mission to hunt down the jade snake, vowing to dig out its crystal nucleus to comfort his son's spirit in heaven.

Glazed Mountains
"Don't think that you are a seventh-level master, you can deal with the seventh-level jade snake. Let me tell you, there are more people to be stronger!" The blue-clothed youth shouted at Feng Yu unconvinced.

Feng Yu still ignored him, but closed his eyes and meditated, as if he had entered a state of meditation.

The people from the wolf mercenary group wanted to sneak up behind him and give him a heavy blow. Even if they couldn't kill him, at least they couldn't let him snatch their missions and rewards!
Although Feng Yu was in a meditative state, he was still very sensitive to changes in the surrounding atmosphere. He was about to strike back, but he didn't expect someone to strike faster than him.

"Ouch!" Ye Liuxin kicked the member of the wolf mercenary group who attacked Feng Yu to the ground, moaning in pain.

She looked at him with disdainful eyes: "Next time let me find out that you attacked people in the mercenary guild, don't blame me for being merciless!"

The sneak attacker crawled away, Ye Liuxin turned to look at Feng Yu, and sighed helplessly: "Everyone has sneaked up on the door, and this man still has the mind to meditate, if she didn't want to lose one more in the mercenary union." She is a master of talent, she is too lazy to do it!
In fact, Feng Yu is not meditating, but just communicating with Yu Yaoluo over a long distance.

"Feng Yu, that's all the information about the Jade Serpent, because I have also hunted the Jade Serpent before, but it was only at the fourth level. Now what you want to hunt is the Jade Serpent, which is also a seventh-level high-level spirit beast like you. Flood Snake, you should be more careful." Yu Yaoluo said worriedly.

"I understand, master, Feng Yu will be careful." Feng Yu replied.

Ye Liuxin first introduced herself for a long time, and then asked Feng Yu, but she didn't expect Feng Yu to move at all, so she couldn't help being a little annoyed, he ignored her when she talked to him, the dignified young lady of the Ye family?
"Feng Yu, I advise you not to be too arrogant, otherwise it will be difficult for you to survive in the mercenary guild!"

Feng Yu opened his eyes and said: "Miss Ye, you already knew my name during the assessment test before? If that's the case, why do you need to ask more?"

"You..." Ye Liu was frustrated, and she asked politely, who knew that this cold block of ice was not only unkind, but also a piece of wood!

"Well you Feng Yu, this lady saved you, it's fine if you're not grateful, but instead you speak ruthlessly..."

"Just now..." Feng Yu was about to say that he could have escaped without her meddling just now, when Yu Yaoluo asked, "Feng Yu, do you have something to do?"

Feng Yu told Yu Yaoluo exactly what happened, and after she heard it, she almost gave Feng Yu's communication skills a knee, brother, you can't say that!
(End of this chapter)

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