I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 192 1 Lovesickness

Chapter 192

Feng Yu's body was already in a state of deep sleep, but she pushed it aside with such a push.Ye Liuxin calmed down her heartbeat and breathing, looked at him, and said with a trembling voice: "I warn you...don't try to treat me..."

She is not as strong as him now, plus she spent too much time dealing with the flame wolf today, if Feng Yu really wanted to take advantage of the fact that they were alone in this cave and do something wrong, she would have no resistance at all Powerful!
After a while, the cave was quiet, and Ye Liuxin noticed that Feng Yu had fallen asleep, and she was still sleeping in the dark, it seemed that she was really exhausted.

Phew~ She breathed a long sigh of relief, and built the firewood pile again, fearing that he would be prone to freezing if he lay like this, so she wanted to drag him over to keep warm.

She was so frightened that her potential was aroused just now, so she just pushed him away. Now that she calmed down, she didn't have enough strength to drag him, so she patted Feng Yu's face: "Feng Yu, wake up, come over and roast him!" Roasting."

When she touched his cold and smooth skin, she suddenly withdrew her hand in fright: why is his face so cold?

She touched his hand again, and it felt cold and greasy. Why is Feng Yu's body temperature so low now? !

She thought that Feng Yu's vitality was passing away, that's why her whole body was cold, and she didn't care so much, so she quickly condensed the fire element on the palm of her hand, rubbed it around his palm, trying to warm it back, and then helped him lean on the On her, hugging his cold body, using the remaining mana to help warm his body.

"Feng Yu, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..." When Ye Liuxin thought that he was as cold as dead, if he wasn't still breathing, she really thought he was dead.

He is still breathing and his heart is beating. She wants to help him warm up quickly. Ye Liuxin rubbed her hot palm against his cheek and said sadly: "I beg you, don't die, wake up quickly!" ..."

Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and now Feng Yu's state is almost hibernating, Ye Liuxin can't wake him up no matter how much he calls him, so he can't help but feel very anxious.

In the end, she bent her heart, pressed her thin lips against his, and directly sent fire elements to warm his body.

No matter what, she must save him!

He saved her once, this time, let's treat it as her paying him back!

Feng Yu only felt a warm feeling spread from his mouth, and then warmed to his chest, abdomen, and dantian. Finally, his whole body was wrapped in a mass of warm current, and even his blood became warm.

It was as if after a winter's rest, the warm spring sunshine fell on him, waking him from hibernation.

Feng Yu's neat and thick eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes, seeing Ye Liuxin sending fire elements to him.

Why would she do this, it would hurt her cultivation, Feng Yu had no choice but to turn over and sit up, then wrapped Ye Liuxin in her arms, and transported the fire element back.

Ye Liuxin just realized that Feng Yu had woken up, and was overjoyed, but he pressed his lips in the next second, and sent the fire element back.

Her eyes widened, her heart beat even harder, and she didn't know how to resist at all, so he just pressed her lips and returned the fire element.

The fiery red light gradually disappeared, Feng Yu left her red lips, frowned and said: "I'm fine, why does Miss Ye use such a method that hurts my cultivation to transfer the fire element to me?"

Seeing that he was fine, Ye Liuxin felt happy for a while, but seeing him speaking coldly now, she couldn't stop feeling disappointed: "Your body was terribly cold just now, I thought you were going to die, so I did it out of desperation." meeting……"

"Feng Yu's body temperature is different from ordinary people, which makes Ms. Ye worried." Feng Yu also felt a little sorry, and added, "Thank you Ms. Ye for your kindness."

"Who, who said that I love you so much?" Ye Liuxin blushed so much that he was about to bleed, "I just don't want my father to lose one talent."

"So it's Elder Ye." Feng Yu was overjoyed, that's great, as long as Elder Ye is willing to recruit him, he will be one step closer to the mission goal.

The next day
"Really? Feng Yu, Elder Ye plans to recruit you?" After Feng Yu reported the situation to her through spiritual communication, Yu Yaoluo was also extremely happy, "Then you have to behave well and try to steal the account book as soon as possible."

The account book is just a weapon to threaten the elders to submit to Chu Qianchen, and it will not be officially announced. Whoever is in a high position is not so greedy for ink, it is just a police method.

"Well, now that I have no place to live for an excuse, Elder Ye let me live in his house, so that it will be easier to find the account books." Feng Yu smiled.

Oh, it turns out that Feng Yu's communication skills don't need her to worry about at all, isn't this a good job!He is a Feathered Serpent Spirit Beast, so his talent should be very smart. How could such a smart monster have a low EQ!

Yu Yaoluo felt very relieved: "I will rest assured to leave this matter to you, and I will wait for your good news."

It was only later that Yu Yaoluo regretted it. Her Feng Yu had a high IQ and a low EQ, and almost killed someone. In the end, she, the master, was required to resolve it herself.

Ye Yunsu found that recently her daughter was often out of her mind, often in a daze while eating, and always sighed, she couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Xin'er, what's wrong with you? You seem to have lost your soul all day long. Is there anything you want to tell dad about?"

Ye Liuxin's face turned pale: "Father, don't worry, my daughter is fine..."

Ye Yunsu felt even more worried when she saw her like this, and said angrily, "Don't you know your temper? You are always in a hurry and don't worry about everything. How can you look like you are worried now?"

She sighed, she also wanted to tell her father, her mother left early, and her father was left to grow up with her, but how could she tell him about her daughter's family concerns?

Ye Yunsu also noticed it, and called her nurse: "Xin'er, my good daughter, just tell Hui Niang if you have anything, but don't keep it in your heart." After speaking, he went out.

Generally speaking, a wet nurse has experienced marriage and childbirth, and has a clear understanding of her daughter's family. Seeing Ye Liuxin's appearance now, she made a guess in her heart, and tentatively said: : "Miss, do you have someone you like?"

Ye Liuxin's eyes moved slightly, and he sighed: "I don't know, I just keep thinking about him and thinking about him, and I can't eat or sleep, because my heart is beating too fast, and I seem to be a little dizzy. I have a fever..."

When Hui Niang heard what she said, she was startled, she stretched out her hand to touch her forehead, and it was really hot, she said in panic: "Miss, you...you are suffering from lovesickness!"

(End of this chapter)

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