I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 199 Shark Pearl

Chapter 199 Shark Pearl
The fiery red flame gradually formed a charming and peerless man in red. Luo Yan's red eyes sparkled, and he looked at her: "If you can become a puppeteer, and your fire magic cultivation reaches the imperial level, then you can do it."

Do you still want to reach the imperial rank?She lowered her eyes, her current magic cultivation is only level seven, it seems that the road ahead is long.

The master said that if she wanted to hire a puppeteer to revive grandpa, she would have to exchange another person's soul, and the best situation would be for her to become a puppeteer herself.

She suddenly remembered that Zhu Jiuyin had used the body of the earth python to revive the soul of the water monster, and she couldn't help asking: "Zhu Jiuyin, do you know the art of pulling life and soul?"

Chu Qianchen knew what she was thinking, Luo Yan didn't have much time left, and the possibility of her reaching the imperial rank within three years before she turned 16 was too small.The best situation is to be able to get Zhu Jiuyin's promise, at least Zhu Jiuyin is willing to hand over the technique of drawing life and soul or is willing to help her revive Lan Lingxuan.

It's just that Zhu Jiuyin is moody and unrestrained, entrusting this matter to him is a bit risky after all.

"So what?" Zhu Jiuyin's lazy voice came from outside the Demon Realm.

"I beg you, can you help me revive my grandfather after successfully leaving the Demon Realm?" she begged.

"After leaving the Demon Realm, the deity is free, so why should I help you?" Zhu Jiuyin has already got most of the time now, and it is also possible for him to find the reincarnation of the Suzaku God Lord by himself.

"If you don't help, I have my own way to seal you back." Chu Qianchen said lightly.

"You..." Zhu Jiu is full of yin, even if Chu Qianchen is the reincarnation of Qinglong Shenjun, maybe there is a way to seal back the seal he untied, especially now that he has three souls and seven souls. state.

"Why? Don't believe it?" A smile appeared on Chu Qianchen's lips, and a hint of calculation flashed in his eyes, "When the time comes, I will go find Lord Baihu, and I believe he is also willing."

Yu Yaoluo immediately understood: "Feng Yu, come out..."

"You guys are really enough!" Zhu Jiuyin said frantically, "This deity promises you, is it not enough for this deity to promise?"

Who can force Zhu Jiuyin to such an extent, but Qinglong Shenjun?Unexpectedly, he was planted in his hands 3 years ago, and it is still the same now!Zhu Jiuyin resentfully picked up a glass of wine and drank it down.

Huh, Yu Yaoluo finally breathed a sigh of relief, getting Zhu Jiuyin's Shennuo is equivalent to half the battle, at least there is a record.

"Zhu Jiuyin, if you don't want to be so troublesome, you can actually hand over the art of pulling the soul." Chu Qianchen said, he is now at the end of the ninth level, and he will reach the imperial level within three years. Although it is a bit dangerous, but Not impossible.

If he can also draw the Art of Fate and Soul, then he will be a little more confident in saving Master Lan.

After all, that person, when he was a child, helped him and gave him hope.

His own freedom was in his hands, so what Zhu Jiuyin could do was to hand over the secret method.

Although, he would have arrived long ago, and they would probably involve him to save people. I hope they will be able to deal with it by themselves, and then he will be able to live happily in the world.

Thinking of this, Zhu Jiuyin took another sip of wine: Damn, freedom is already waving in front of him, but why does he still feel so far away?

Now that the court of the Shenwu Empire has just undergone a blood change, people in the court are in panic, the forces behind the queen have not been eradicated, and Chu Mingzheng is not stable as the prince, so Chu Qianchen wants to stay in the Shenwu Empire temporarily to help him reorganize Chao Gang,.

Yu Yaoluo embarked on the road to look for shark beads in the South China Sea. No matter what, she would find the sharks and get the shark beads.

Along the way, passers-by looked at her and talked about her. Although she is only 13 years old, she is already beautiful and youthful, with a slim and beautiful figure like an elf.

It seems that she has to find a place to change her appearance. Yu Yaoluo found a remote place, dodged into the space, and then came out after a while, only looking like an ordinary girl.

"The mirror is for sale. The mirror imported by the Zhu Wu Empire is of high quality. Come and take a look."

Originally, it was nothing to sell a mirror, but the seller said that it was a mirror imported from the Zhu Wu Empire, which attracted Yu Yaoluo's attention.

"Girl, your vision is really good. This bronze mirror is exquisitely crafted and polished. It is a product exported by the Zhuwu Empire. It is of high quality. Would you like to buy one?" The stall owner was enthusiastically introducing the mirror to a girl. his vanity mirror.

It's not that Yu Yaoluo lacks such a mirror, but seeing the unique and exquisite patterns on the edge of the mirror, and the pearls inlaid on it are smooth and delicate, round and white, it is indeed a rare gem, so she asked: "Is it really a good one?" Mirror, tell me a price."

"Not expensive, only 20 taels of silver." The stall owner smiled.

After hearing the price, Yu Yaoluo put down the bronze mirror: "It seems that the stall owner is not sincerely doing this business, since that's the case..."

"Girl, I didn't lie to you. The pearls on it are the tears of the sharks in the South China Sea. They are called shark pearls. They are the best pearls." The stall owner quickly explained.

These are obviously ordinary pearls, top grade at most, how could they be shark pearls, even if they were good, how could it be easy for humans to get them?Yu Yaoluo rolled her eyes.

"Don't lie to me, the beads on it are absolutely impossible to be shark beads." Yu Yaoluo smiled, "However, if you can tell me how to get to the South China Sea as quickly as possible, I will buy this mirror. "

The stall owner felt that the news was a good deal, so he happily told Yu Yaoluo.

To go to the South China Sea, you must first pass through the Zhuwu Empire by land. If you want to get there faster, you can go by water, you have to pass through Qingxia Bay and take a boat to the South China Sea.

She chose a medium-sized sailboat, and just as Yu Yaoluo was about to board the boat, she heard a sound of beating and cursing not far away: "Stinky boy, stealing something again, see if I don't beat you to death!"

A thin young man was lying on the ground, he looked only about twelve or thirteen years old, he was wearing a light-colored cloth with a tattered hem.Although he was beaten and kicked by those people, the boy still tightly protected the long box in his arms and refused to let go: "This is my sister's thing!"

"Your sister's stuff? Hmph, this is the pawned goods from our shop. My younger brother came to steal back the stuff my sister pawned, so it was collusion." One of the old men with a mustache scolded, kicking harder. ruthless.

"That boy..." Luo Yan felt something unusual about that boy in the seal pattern, and said to Yu Yaoluo, "It seems to be the king of monsters."

"What is the King of Warcraft?" Yu Yaoluo asked.

 The characters Ye Youhe appear on the stage, because Nanfeng has to consider according to the plot, and some characters have not yet been determined whether they are needed, so if they appear on the stage, I will let you know in the author's words after the article. Without abandoning the text, can you see his character appearing?

(End of this chapter)

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