Chapter 203

Wu Yang entered the room and saw that Ye Qianyou was meditating at this time: "Palace Master, I just heard from them that Fu Yuntian attacked and Palace Master was injured. How is the injury now?"

Yu Yaoluo had gone into the space to check just now, and Ye Qianyou's body had been absorbed by the goblins in the spiritual soil, she couldn't tell even if she was covered in mouths, so she could only find a way to make Yuan Yuan feel her current situation. past.

She opened her eyes and saw that the owner of the voice was a tall and beautiful woman in an orange dress, so she knew that she was Wuyang: "This old thief Fu Yuntian wanted to sneak attack while I was lucky, I pretended to be hit , The feigned death tricked him, and now the wound has stopped bleeding, so there is no serious problem."

Although Wu Yang felt that the Palace Master was a little different now, he couldn't tell what was the difference, so he could only respectfully say: "This subordinate has already obtained the Huoyuan Fruit, please Palace Master accept it."

Yu Yaoluo took over the Huoyuan Fruit. Although it was only the size of a cherry, it was round and crystal clear, full of fire elements, and there was still a trace of aura lingering on it.

"I'm going to retreat for a period of time. You should go out first. During this period of time, the affairs of the Nether Palace will be left to you and the four elders." If she has been in contact with Wuyang for a long time now, she may be It will expose your identity, and only retreat and meditation can temporarily hide.

After Wu Yang left the room, he was a little worried about Ye Qianyou's injury, and wanted to continue asking, but when he thought of her calm face, he stopped.

She said nothing serious, so it should be all right.

That kid has always been so stubborn.Wu Yang shook his head with a sigh.

In the closed room, red fire elements lingered around Yu Yaoluo and Luo Yan. Although Luo Yan couldn't cultivate and advance, these fire elements could supplement the magic power he had consumed, which was considered to continue his existence.

Even with her eyes closed, she could sense what Luo Yan said to her.

"Xiao Yaoluo, what are you going to do next?"

Yu Yaoluo pressed his palms against him, and said through voice transmission: "The Nether Palace is Zhu Wu's number one assassination organization. If the news of the murder of the Nether Palace Master gets out, other Jianghu organizations will definitely take action. In order to calm them down, I want to use Ye Qianyou I will continue to take over this organization. The first is to buy time to comprehend the method of unlocking the life-death talisman. The second is that if I have such an organization in my hand, I can collect information about the Zhuwu Empire, and maybe I can Finding the reincarnation of Suzaku God Lord, thirdly, it can be regarded as a wish of Yuan Ye Qianyou before he died."

Although the real Ye Qianyou has been absorbed by the spiritual soil in her spiritual planting space, but in the end, she must not want her death to bring turmoil to the Nether Palace.

She is not sure if she can carry it forward, but it is certain that the Nether Palace will become better and better, Yu Yaoluo showed a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

The days of retreat and practice soon passed, and after Yu Yaoluo left the retreat with the appearance of Ye Qianyou, Wu Yang was delighted to find that her palace lord had changed from the late fifth level to the late eighth level.

It's really against the sky!According to a general estimate, if it is refining Huo Yuanguo, it can only be promoted from the late fifth level to the late seventh level at most, but now she has been promoted to the late eighth level!
Wu Yang looked at her and was so excited that tears almost filled his eyes: "Great, Palace Master, this year's Wulin League, you can finally avoid attending this year's martial arts league..."

Yu Yaoluo didn't pay much attention to this when she used the Soul Search Dafa before, but now hearing Wu Yang's words, she couldn't help but black lines all over her head: What's the matter?Was the original Ye Qianyou so weak?Fearing that others would find out that he was not strong enough, he even played the role of a mysterious person...

But it's also understandable, she lost her mother at a young age, and she hasn't grown up yet, so of course she has to hide her clumsiness, so as not to be caught by those elders with ulterior motives.

"Wuyang, how long will it be before the Wulin League?"

"Go back to Palace Master, there are still three days left."

For three days, Yu Yaoluo thought to herself, taking advantage of this time, she must go back to the inn to see how the life and death talisman on Ye Youxue's body is doing.

"This palace is mainly going out to deal with some things, and I will come back before the martial arts alliance." After Yu Yaoluo finished speaking, she flicked her sleeves and flew away from Nether Palace.

"But, Qianyou..." Wuyang became anxious, and called her name directly. We have to prepare well for these three days!Where are you going?

She has been blessed with wind magic, and now she has already flown out of sight. Seeing that she disappeared in a blink of an eye, Wu Yang couldn't help but sigh, why is this child still so self-willed.

Arriving at the inn, Yu Yaoluo pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing her, Ye Youxue thought it was Ye Qianyou who had come, and grabbed the Leng Yue phantom blade in front of her: "Ye Qianyou, you don't want to hurt my brother!"

Yu Yaoluo quickly tore off the disguise mask on her face: "You Xue, it's me."

"Enchanting?" Ye Youxue said in surprise, "You, how could you..."

"It's a long story." Yu Yaoluo briefly explained the situation and said, "In short, now I will help you replant the life-death talisman to ease your pain."

Yu Yaoluo's magic power against luck, and then according to Ye Qianyou's memory, he typed out the life-death talisman and planted it on Ye Youxue's body.

Yu Yaoluo saw from Ye Qianyou's memory that Ye Youxue, Ye You and their siblings were about to starve to death on the road, but they were rescued by Ye Qianzhong and gave them new names.It was only afterward that Ye Youxue could no longer bear the cruel and senseless practices of the Nether Palace, so she planned to leave the Nether Palace.

Yu Yaoluo saw the so-called secrets in Ye Qianyou's memory, but they used inhumane methods to pry open the enemy's mouth to obtain information, and there were also some things that were used to achieve their goals by any means.

For an intelligence organization, these are relatively basic and common methods, because as long as you obtain insufficient information, you will still be dizzy when your enemies come to you.People are drifting in the rivers and lakes, there are always many last resorts.

Thinking of this, Yu Yaoluo couldn't help but think of the Demon Shadow Palace that Jia Ye once said, is that the master's intelligence organization?He probably wanted to protect her from these bloody and brutal things, so he chose not to tell her, right?

There was a touch of tenderness on her face, mixed with a little helplessness and emotion: Master, why are you doing this?She is no longer an innocent little girl, she knows all these things...

These life and death talismans were only planted by the masters of the Nether Palace in the past. Those elders wanted Ye Qianyou to die in order to seize the Ziyue glass beads and get the secret of planting the life and death talisman, so as to control the entire Nether Palace.

Three days will soon pass, she has just taken over the Nether Palace, and she doesn't know the current situation in the martial arts world, what she must do before the martial arts alliance will come.

(End of this chapter)

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