Chapter 213
Seeing this, Suzaku Shenjun understood: "Don't be evasive, you are investigating the relationship now, right?"

Yu Yaoluo blushed: "So what?"

Suzaku Shenjun couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't know if Yuelao did it on purpose or not. He actually pulled the red thread of your fateful reincarnation and Qinglong Shenjun's red thread together, and it seems to have been pulled for more than one life..."

Yu Yaoluo's complexion became a little weird: "God Suzaku, do you know something?"

"I said, you are so anxious to help Qinglong Shenjun. Could it be that your karma with him in this life has already begun?" Suzaku Shenjun continued to chuckle.

"Anyway, I'll help you go to Zhuwu Palace to delay the time, and send her here as soon as possible after you've cured her." Yu Yaoluo couldn't help but helplessly helped her forehead, "Why do I, who was reincarnated after a calamity, don't remember these things at all? , but also to be tricked by your Suzaku!"

"Who made you so arrogant, thinking that even if you seal your own memory, you can be reincarnated through calamities, and finally become a god again?" Suzaku Shenjun snorted coldly, and she knew her deadly enemy best.

Other gods reincarnated through the calamity will at least keep their memories, lest they can't re-cultivate into a god body, even if they want to seal their memories, they won't seal them all. At least important information should be kept well. Fortunately, she will seal all of them as soon as she makes a move. There are so many catastrophes, if there is no memory of the gods, it will be difficult to walk.

"If you help me, I will naturally help you too. Let me help you unlock some of the memory seals and give you a helping hand. I hope you will succeed in the calamity as soon as possible, cultivate into a god body, and return to the upper heaven together with Qinglong Shenjun "The Suzaku God Lord said seriously, "How?"

Yu Yaoluo stretched out her palm to strike her, and made a solemn promise: "It's a deal!"

In order to prevent people from seeing the clues, she first searched Feng Qingyan's memory with the method of soul searching.In the end, when the Suzaku God Lord wanted to send her away from the Suzaku Palace, Yu Yaoluo still couldn't hold back: "Can I ask first, how did I set up the relationship in my life?"

"According to what I know about you..." Suzaku Goddess pretended to be thinking, and then smiled jokingly, "It will be difficult."

It's hard to imagine that with her personality, she would give herself a simple question. Therefore, Suzaku Shenjun deduced that she must have dealt a cruel blow to herself!

Hey~ Yu Yaoluo sighed, the checkpoint she set for herself, even if she was kneeling, she had to break through it, Yu Yaoluo tidied up her clothes, she had already changed into Feng Qingyan's clothes now.

Lord Suzaku put his hand between her eyebrows, a red light flashed, and a blood-red cinnabar mole suddenly appeared: "This is the mark of Zhu Wuzhen's life, and it is also the mark approved by my Lord Suzaku."

"You can communicate with me at any time if you need it." Suzaku Shenjun waved his sleeves, and a phantom mirror appeared in front of her. Before Yu Yaoluo could react, she was pushed into the phantom mirror. , has returned to Lingzhi's space.

Luo Yan saw that Yu Yaoluo and the woman in red disappeared suddenly, and now she reappeared, not only changed her clothes, but also had a cinnabar mole on her forehead, she couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Xiao Yaoluo, what happened?"

"It's a long story..." Yu Yaoluo was also a little sluggish, why did she feel like she was cheated by that dead Suzaku?

After listening to Yu Yaoluo's narration, Luo Yan was also startled: "Then what are you going to do now?"

"I plan to send Feng Yu to send the shark beads back to Shenwu first. The master should already know how to use the technique of pulling the soul of life. Now I just need to use the shark beads to help Qin'er reshape her body and erase the forbidden curse in her blood. There will be no more murderous intentions towards Gao Si." Yu Yaoluo said slowly, "I have promised Zhuque Shenjun about the matter of the Zhuwu Empire, and I must help Feng Qingyan keep the position of female monarch. This matter is related to my life. Whether it can be successful through the calamity, no matter how difficult it is, it must be done."

Looking at her, Luo Yan suddenly felt that she was carrying too much on her thin shoulders, so she couldn't help but leaned down, and stretched out her arms to hug her: "Little Yaoluo, why do you make things difficult for yourself?"

"Maybe, even resurrecting grandpa and saving parents are all in my calculations. The greater the disaster, the greater the power I will gain after rebuilding the god body. There are always gains and losses. Yes." Yu Yaoluo leaned gently on Luo Yan's shoulder.

I just don't know if Lord Suzaku helped her undo the seal of part of her memory, would she still be the original Yu Yaoluo?

Zhu Wu Palace
Feng Tianlan coughed a few times, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter? Hasn't Qingyan come back yet?"

Feng Qingya shook her head, and without losing the opportunity, put eye drops on Feng Tianlan and said: "No, Queen Mother, Qingyan doesn't take you seriously at all, even if you are seriously ill, she doesn't want to rush back to take a look at you. "

Feng Qingyao also quickly echoed: "That's right, Queen Mother, Feng Qingyan has the seal of approval from the Suzaku God, and she has been arrogant and domineering before, why is she still visiting you now? I'm afraid I wish you..."

Speaking of this, Feng Qingya pretended to realize that she had said something wrong, and quickly covered her mouth.

Empress Zhu Wu lying on the bed was dressed in a light cloud shirt and covered with a blue velvet satin quilt. Her face was haggard because of her hard work, and she was already dying.

Feng Qingya said unwillingly: "Mother, you see that Qingyan hasn't arrived yet, and she doesn't know how to be the Empress Dowager Zhu Wu. Even if she ascends the throne and becomes a queen in the future, she is afraid Will bear the name of being unfilial, does the mother want an unfilial person to be my Zhu Wu's monarch?"

"Shut up!" Feng Tianlan was so annoyed by her that she almost gave up, and the boy in white who was kneeling beside him finally couldn't help it: "Eldest sister, please don't say a few words!"

Feng Qingya took a look at the young man in white, and said lightly: "Qingyun, I know that you have been friends with your third sister since childhood, but right now, the imperial mother is seriously ill, and she, the imperial concubine, has not appeared for a long time, isn't it? Shouldn't it be unfilial?"

Feng Qingyun bit her lower lip and said no more, she could only pray in her heart: Third Sister, show up quickly, the Empress is about to lose her hold!
Seeing that Feng Tianlan's cough was getting worse, Feng Qingya hurriedly said: "Prince doctor, come and see the empress, hurry up!"

Feng Tianlan shook off the imperial physician's hand, not allowing him to come closer, her body would be dragged down like this, I am afraid that this imperial physician also has a "credit"?

She raised her eyes and looked out of the window, sighing in her heart: Qingyan, my good boy, where are you now?
"Get out of the way, I want to find Qingyan myself..." Feng Tianlan was panting and wanted to get out of bed.

"Empress, no!"

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Several people were blocking Feng Tianlan when they suddenly heard a mournful female voice from outside the hall: "My son is late, please forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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