I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 218 The third possibility

Chapter 218 The Fourth Possibility

"I believe that in addition to the contingency plans of Her Royal Highness, we can also add the construction of temporary shelters and the establishment of porridge factories. Regarding the construction of water conservancy after the disaster, I have a few blueprints about how to carry out the construction. Dams, ditches, and flood control projects can be seen by His Majesty just by looking at them."

Yu Yaoluo took the blueprint and looked at it. The strategy of preventing and controlling floods here is very similar to the strategy of controlling Dujiangyan. I heard that it was also a strategy thought up by the ancestors thousands of years ago, and the descendants followed it. It seems that the strategies of the ancestors are not at all. No worse than later generations.

"Mr. Bai is really ingenious and quick-witted. I admire you very much." Yu Yaoluo was very pleasantly surprised. She never expected to meet such a talented craftsman here. A great help to prosperity.

"His Royal Highness is the one with the heart and the heart, Bingxue is smart, Jingnian is just showing clumsiness." Bai Jingnian said modestly.

"Mr. Bai is really too modest." Yu Yaoluo recruited Qingxue, a court lady beside him, and said, "Mr. Bai is proficient in craftsmen, and he has made great contributions to the flood relief and post-disaster reconstruction. I don't know what Prime Minister Bai wants to be hired as a national soldier?"

"These are all false titles. I wonder if Her Majesty the Crown Princess can fulfill what I want?" Bai Jingnian interrupted her, then raised his eyes to look at her, the eagerness in his eyes seemed to burn her.

"Please tell me, Mr. Bai." The smile on the corner of Yu Yaoluo's mouth couldn't hold back anymore, the wind was messy, could he be...

"Jingnian has admired His Majesty the Empress for a long time. If I can stay by your side forever, it will be a wish of my servant." Bai Jingnian looked at her nicely for a moment, and boldly confessed.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past Yu Yaoluo's heart, and on the surface he continued to hypnotize himself. He confessed to Feng Qingyan, and the object of his admiration was Feng Qingyan!

But now she is playing Feng Qingyan!Could it be possible that she should marry Funa's attendant while taking Feng Qingyan's place on the throne?
Yu Yaoluo was a little bit mad, and on the surface she put on a troubled look and said: "Young master is unparalleled in style and elegant, how can you serve a wife with other men in this harem? Didn't you wrong Mr. Bai?"

"Jingnian is only worried about not being able to see His Highness, other things are out of my consideration." A gleam flashed in Bai Jingnian's eyes, "Does Your Highness still remember the scene when we first met?"

Yu Yaoluo suddenly opened her eyes wide, suppressed the deep meaning in her eyes, and turned to Bai Jing and said, "I wonder if Prime Minister Bai can let Ben Gong and Young Master Ling say a few words alone?"

Bai Jing agreed, and exited the hall together with the female officer, not forgetting to close the door behind her.

Yu Yaoluo turned to look at Bai Jingnian, showing a smile: "Times have changed, I don't remember clearly, what was the scene when you and Bengong met for the first time, can you tell me?"

Bai Jingnian looked at her and smiled softly, as if he was caught in the memory: "I remember it was Qiushou at that time, you were lost and couldn't keep up with the team, and I found you in the end, Your Highness, don't you remember?"

At that time, Feng Qingyan was only five years old at most, can she remember this memory?Yu Yaoluo remembered that when she was searching for Feng Qingyan's memory, she was indeed lost during the autumn hunt, and was found and brought back by someone later, but, was there Bai Jingnian among those people?

Now she has three conjectures: first, it was the first meeting that Bai Jingnian wanted to become the male concubine of Feng Qingyan deliberately fabricated by Bai Jingnian, and second, this Bai Jingnian was instigated by her two imperial sisters to spy on her details , and thirdly, what he said was true, but Feng Qingyan couldn't remember clearly.

Seeing his appearance, his words were sincere, he didn't look like he was making up random things, but Yu Yaoluo couldn't let go of his wariness towards him, so for the present plan, he could only use this method.

Yu Yaoluo looked into his eyes, a purple gleam flashed in his eyes, she opened her mouth lightly, with a hint of bewitching: "Say, who sent you here?"

Bai Jingnian's eyes were clear, and she was not affected by her mind control technique at all: "What is your Highness talking about? No one sent me, if I have to say it, it was my heart that sent me."

His mental power is so strong that he can't be controlled by her?Yu Yaoluo was extremely surprised, what exactly did he want to do?
This person, it is best to be a friend rather than an enemy, otherwise it will be tricky, Yu Yaoluo thought secretly.

Now, she can only take the worst case into consideration first, that is, Bai Jingnian was instructed by Feng Qingya or Feng Qingyao to approach her purposefully.

If these blueprints were really made by him, then Bai Jingnian is undoubtedly an excellent hydraulic engineer with a clever and exquisite mind. For such a person, she really doesn't want him to be sent by those two imperial sisters to deal with her. yes.

Didn't he say he admired her?Then she took him by her side on behalf of Feng Qingyan, to see what tricks he was going to play.

The Bai family has a high status and power, and he is the eldest son of the Bai family. If he wants to marry, he must be promised by the future. Even the real Feng Qingyan should do the same.

In the final analysis, although she is an empress dowager, she often cannot control her marriage fate independently. Instead, she has to become a tool to restrain the court. Yu Yaoluo sighed. Feng Qingyan shouldn't object when she comes back, right?
"In that case, let Ben Gong think about it carefully." It was too quick to accept something all at once, Yu Yaoluo felt that it would be better to have a buffer period.

After Bai Jingnian left, Yu Yaoluo asked Luo Yan, "Luo Yan, do you think this young master of the Bai family is really as simple as he appears on the surface?"

"Of course not, otherwise his spiritual power wouldn't be so strong." Luo Yan smiled, and a gleam of light flashed in his charming red eyes, "Xiao Lei, didn't you say that you can read minds? How about just Let's analyze, is what that young master Bai said just now true or false?"

Xiaolei was at a loss when he received the ball all of a sudden, he murmured for a long time without saying anything.

"What he said... seems to be true..."

What?Yu Yaoluo was surprised: "You mean, Bai Jingnian really likes Feng Qingyan?"

"What does Xiao Yaoluo think?"

"I..." Yu Yaoluo had no choice but to say all the possibilities she thought of, and worried, "If he really admires Feng Yan, will I, a fake, easily show my feet? "

"It's possible, you've already shown your horse's feet." Luo Yan's words awakened the dreamer, and Yu Yaoluo was startled into a cold sweat when she heard what he said behind him, "Little Yaoluo, have you ever thought about the fourth possibility, that is him I admire the real Feng Qingyan, and after discovering that you are a fake, want to approach you to find out the whereabouts of the real Feng Qingyan?"

(End of this chapter)

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