Chapter 237
in the inn

"Father, when is this, you can still laugh?" Lan Xian'er felt that she really wanted to give Lan Lingxuan's psychological endurance a word.

They are being wronged by the powerful and wanted by the government, and they can't even get out. Shouldn't they think about how to leave the capital at this time?

"Xian'er, we are walking in the Mowu Continent. It's not a solution to float like this all the time. Don't you think it will be more convenient if we have a fixed identity and place of residence?" Lan Lingxuan said.

In the past, it was practice of Taoism. Because of strength, the calamity was basically resolved. This time, it may be possible to challenge the more difficult practice of calamity.

Just stayed in the capital for two more days, and encountered such a thing, and may encounter more disasters in the capital in the future.

"The catastrophe this time may be to understand the darkness of human nature-greed and plunder." Lan Lingxuan analyzed, "For the catastrophe, we can't just avoid it blindly, but find a way to resolve it, otherwise, I will experience the catastrophe." How long will it take to complete the practice?"

"Daddy, your awareness is really high..." Lan Xian'er began to understand why the second holy light shone on him, sighed, sat down again and said, "Tell me, what do you want to do this time? "

What Lan Xian'er didn't expect was that Lan Lingxuan went out so swaggeringly.

Many people saw him along the way, and many people recognized him, because the little Firefox on his shoulder is so iconic.Some wanted to catch him to claim credit, and some ran to report to the government. Lan Xian'er was worried, so she followed.

It is best to explain this kind of thing clearly in a public place like the court, when the time comes, right and wrong can be judged by oneself.

When Su Mingsheng heard that the person on the wanted notice had been caught, he was overjoyed: "Where is he now? Take me there!"

That little Firefox will soon be his!Su Mingsheng thought happily.

above the court
"Bold and unreasonable, you steal things from the prime minister's mansion, and you still dare to flaunt them in the market, why don't you quickly and honestly recruit them?" Tong Juan slapped the gavel, and then sternly said.

"May I ask my lord, do you have evidence to say that I stole something from the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Lan Lingxuan asked.

Su Mingsheng was sitting on the side at this moment, looking at Lan Lingxuan proudly and said, "Hmph, if you didn't steal from our Xiangfu, how could you have the money to buy such a precious and rare Firefox?"

Lan Lingxuan said lightly: "I'm afraid Mr. Su has misunderstood. I didn't buy this Firefox."

Su Mingsheng said disdainfully: "It's not bought, it's your domesticated pet? My son asked you, I sent someone to ask the price with good intentions that day, but you injured and disabled him. What's the reason? "

"My Firefox is not for sale, it's because you evil slaves want to snatch it, so I sold it."

"Fart, my son is obviously well-intentioned to ask people to ask you, but you shot indiscriminately. Now my son is still seriously injured and unconscious. If someone is killed, can you afford it?" Su Mingsheng pointed at Lan Lingxuan said angrily.

Normally, Su Mingsheng robbed a lot of things he liked openly and secretly. Whether it was a beauty or a rare treasure, as long as he liked it, he would get it all!

Now Lan Lingxuan made it clear that he wanted to fight against him, even if he was wronged, he still wanted to make him docile, and finally handed over Little Firefox obediently!

The lives of a few servants, he would not pay attention to at all on weekdays, but Lan Lingxuan who seriously injured him just didn't give him face, slapped him in the face, and made him unable to eat whatever he said Walk!
This seriously injured people and almost killed them. How big a crime is this?Lan Lingxuan was just a commoner, and it was impossible for him to bear this charge. Therefore, he must hand over the little firefox later, in order to calm things down and keep himself safe.

When Su Mingsheng thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he was very happy, he was so smart that he could think of such a brilliant idea.

How could Lan Lingxuan not know Su Mingsheng's sinister intentions, so he had no choice but to remind him: "Mr. Su is determined to distort right and wrong?"

"Hmph, you're still stubborn when you're about to die." Su Mingsheng pretended to be tolerant and said, "Actually, this matter is not impossible. If you are willing to hand over the little Firefox as compensation, I will let you go. How about it?" ah?"

The crowd watching outside felt sorry for Lan Lingxuan, hey, this Mr. Su is the beloved son of the powerful Prime Minister Su, he is used to being arrogant and indulgent, and now he has his eyes on that A little Firefox, it seems that his master can't keep him.

Finally got to the point, Lan Lingxuan looked up at Su Mingsheng and said, "Don't say I won't hand it in at all, even if I can hand it in, you won't be able to tame him."

"A joke! There is no magic pet that I can't tame. Some of my masters are animal trainers, and some are tricks. I'm afraid I won't be able to tame this little Firefox?" Su Mingsheng beckoned someone to bring a cage, trying to catch Luo inflammation.

Luo Yan was already gnashing his teeth in anger on Lan Lingxuan's shoulder, bared his sharp canine teeth, and glared at Su Mingxuan with bloody eyes, wishing to tear him apart.

If the master hadn't been in big trouble after tearing him apart, he would have been eaten by him already, Luo Yan cursed.

"This cage is too small, it can't fit in at all." Lan Lingxuan squinted at the cage, and waved Luo Yan down to the ground. As soon as Luo Yan landed on the ground, he grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body shape became more and more Big, until it was about to break the roof of the court, and then stopped.

Where is this little Firefox?This is clearly a giant beast!

What level of Warcraft must be able to grow to such a huge size?Could it be the spirit beast level?Could it be...a mysterious beast? !

As far as he knows, there is no animal trainer who can tame mysterious beasts, not to mention the entire Shenwu Empire, even the entire Mowu Continent!

At this time, Su Mingsheng was already trembling with fright, his legs were weak, and he was dumbfounded. How could he provoke such a strong man?
"Do you understand now? No one can tame him except me, so you should save your energy." Lan Lingxuan said lightly.

I really don't know why this kid is so persistent, he just wants to take the monster that he can't afford?Lan Lingxuan was a little puzzled.

The people around were also stunned, is this a spirit beast or a mysterious beast?Gosh, what an eye opener they had today, but...

What if such a giant beast hurts someone?The surrounding crowd retreated one after another, terrified.

Originally, Lan Lingxuan didn't let Luo Yan walk with his original body shape because he was worried that it would scare people, but now it seems that it is true.

(End of this chapter)

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