Chapter 241
"Your Majesty, Lan Lingxuan actually used alcohol and indulged beasts in the banquet to commit murder and kill important court officials. Your Majesty, you must punish Lan Lingxuan severely!" Taifu Ren's followers knelt on the ground and begged.

Lan Lingxuan was kneeling at the side at this moment, looking firmly at Chu Changtian with his eyes: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged. They got me drunk and wanted to kill me. Luo Yan's intention to kill was because of his eagerness to protect the lord." of!"

He still wanted to rely on his past prestige and reputation to make a final clarification for himself. If he ran away at the banquet, then he would never be able to get rid of the crime of killing an important official of the Shenwu Empire!
"Your Majesty, please order Lan Lingxuan to be executed!"

"Your Majesty, please trust me!"

Chu Changtian clenched his fists. Is this a false accusation, or does Lan Lingxuan really not pay attention to important officials of the court and the laws of Shenwu?
"Come here, detain Lan Lingxuan and await trial at another date!"

In the prison, the moonlight was like water, reflecting Lan Lingxuan's pale face, revealing an extraordinarily sad and lonely look.


"Lord Lan!"

Lan Xian'er and Chu Qianchen both came to the prison to visit Lan Lingxuan. Lan Xian'er looked at Lan Lingxuan's desolate appearance sitting in the prison, and said heartbroken: "Father, what's wrong with you? What the hell is going on? thing?"

"Lord Lan, I don't believe that you will let Luo Yan commit murder. There must be something hidden in it, right?" Although Chu Qianchen is young, but there is a hint of stubbornness in his eyes, he believes in Lord Lan's character.

How could the Great Summoner Lan Lingxuan, the patron saint of the Shenwu Empire, kill important officials of the court for no reason?
He will definitely find out about this matter!
"Lord Lan, it's time to eat." The guard in the dungeon said.

"Master, let's eat some at least, we have to wait until the day when the truth is found out." Luo Yan in Fengwen could not help persuading Lan Lingxuan when he saw that Lan Lingxuan had no intention of eating.

Lan Lingxuan couldn't eat, so when he saw there was wine, he picked up the flagon and drank it with his head held high. The turbid yellow liquid flowed down his neck wantonly, soaking his clothes.

After a while, Lan Lingxuan felt a feeling of being blocked in his chest, oppression and distress welled up in his heart, his eagle eyes were red, he quickly grabbed his arm, his whole body was trembling violently.


"Ah!" Lan Lingxuan couldn't bear it anymore, hugged his head and howled in pain.

Is it possible? !Is there poison in the wine? !Luo Yan was extremely annoyed, if it was poisonous, he would definitely be able to feel it, but why...

"It was only later that I found out that it wasn't poison at all, but the Xinxin San developed by Wan Poison Hall. It would cause people to go crazy, but it would not harm people's lives and cultivation." Luo Yan clenched his fists. Tightly, making a rattling sound, "Someone wants to use drugs, let's prove that the master is a madman who will go crazy after drinking, bloodthirsty and murderous!"

Later, Lan Lingxuan escaped from the prison in a frenzy and started killing, as if he wanted to slaughter all the people in the world. The capital was in a sea of ​​blood and flames.

kill!Lan Lingxuan's eyes were red, and his heart was full of violent and bloodthirsty thoughts.

After receiving the news that Lan Lingxuan had escaped from prison and killed the common people, people from the Holy Court of Magic, Wu Ting, and the Mercenary Union dispatched experts to hunt him down.

"Issuing a pursuit order and arresting Lan Lingxuan with all my strength!"

"Father, how did you become like this, stop!" Lan Xian'er desperately used ice magic to fight against Lan Lingxuan, and then used light magic to treat the people who were seriously injured by Lan Lingxuan.

Daddy won't, all of this is not true, how could daddy commit such a murder? !Lan Xian'er looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

"Lan Xian'er, get out of the way quickly, if you don't get out, we'll kill you too!" People from the magic court descended from the sky and were about to hunt and kill Lan Lingxuan.

"No! I won't get out of the way. Daddy is not a murderer. It's impossible for him, because..." Lan Xian'er tried desperately to explain.

"Impossible? Why is it impossible? Look at these people, they were all killed by him. Do you think he can still escape?" the master of the magic court approached step by step and asked.

Impossible, Dad has cultivated so many merits, but all of them will be defeated in such a catastrophe?Lan Xian'er turned her head to look at Lan Lingxuan. He was covered in blood, his eyes were like demons, and his hands were full of burning flames.

An ice-blue magical element radiated from her body, and she stepped forward to hug him, trying to wake up his sanity.

"Daddy don't want it!"

Lan Lingxuan's body was full of killing intent, he threw Lan Xian'er aside, and then ran away.

Lan Xian'er looked at Lan Lingxuan in disbelief, did father even recognize her now?He lost his sanity, under the joint encirclement and suppression of so many masters, he must not be able to escape.

She didn't care about so much anymore, she jumped up and stopped in front of many masters.

"If you want to pass, pass me first!" No matter what, she must save her father's life!
Lan Xian'er activated the power of ice, and the ice-blue magic elements lingered around her. Her voice was so cold, and her beautiful eyes froze: "Ice-type magic mystery - dance of ice!"

Accompanied by her twirling and jumping dance steps, the icy blue blizzard mixed with ice blades swept towards many hunting masters. Suddenly, the cold wind howled, the ice and snow bloomed, and the whole street became a world of ice and snow.

The people of the Magic Holy Court are angry. Does this Lan Xianer deliberately want to make trouble with the Shenwu Empire?

"Catch Lan Xianer first, and then arrest Lan Lingxuan!" Wu Ting's people knew that if they didn't get rid of this troublesome Lan Xianer first, they wouldn't be able to catch Lan Lingxuan.

At this time, the ground on the street suddenly cracked, and the power of ice collapsed. The whole street seemed to be caught in an earthquake, and a sandstorm swept over, making it difficult for people to see everything in front of them clearly.

When the sandstorm dissipated, everyone realized that Lan Xian'er had disappeared.

Damn it, was Lan Xian'er rescued by someone?

"Chasing!" The magic court and the mercenary union, Wu Ting's people began to divide into two groups, one was to chase and kill Lan Lingxuan, and the other was to track down Lan Xian'er's escape route.

Lan Xian'er only felt that her vision was blurred by a sandstorm, and then she was attacked by a huge force, and she fainted and fell unconscious.

After waking up, she found herself in the arms of a man.

An ice blade condensed from Lan Xian'er's hand, she sat up suddenly, and sent it to the man's neck, her voice was cold and low: "Who are you? Why did you save me?"

At this time, various possibilities emerged in her mind. Could it be that this person wanted to use himself to lure daddy out after saving her?Or is there another picture?
The moon came out from the dark clouds, and the bright moonlight gradually illuminated the man's face. There was a smile on his gentle jade face, and Lan Xian'er's alluring face was reflected in his clear eyes: "I am riding the wind because I admire the girl. The girl who was rescued after a long time, don’t know the answer, are you satisfied?”

 Add more!Thank you Shen Yu for your reward, recommendation and support all the time, as well as your unwavering subscription support!Nanfeng will persist until the end of the work!

(End of this chapter)

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