I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 244 Yin Yang Ghost Valley

Chapter 244 Yin Yang Ghost Valley
"This..." Li Pei hesitated, then said, "There is no antidote."

"Why is there no antidote?" Yu Chengfeng asked in surprise.

"This heartbreaker was originally used to make the last desperate use against the opponent and the enemy. If you lose, you will naturally die. If you survived by luck and lost your mind, can you still remember to wake yourself up?" Li said. Pei explained, "At least so far, no one has come to ask for the antidote to Guoguoxin powder, and Wandutang has not developed it."

Yu Chengfeng thought for a while, clasped his fists together and saluted, "Chengfeng is here, boldly asking Section Master Li to develop an antidote for Losing Heart Sans."

Li Pei hastily waved his hand and said, "Elder Yu, isn't he trying to embarrass us? We want to develop an antidote to Suxin San, and we need people who have been victimized by Suxin San to be the test subjects. Normally, who would be willing to let themselves lose their minds? Besides, we have to take the risk to test the antidote on people who have lost their minds, Elder Yu, it's not that we don't want to, but that we... are really powerless."

At the end, Li Pei sighed silently and looked away.

From this point of view, is it impossible for Mr. Lan to regain his sanity?Yu Chengfeng was sad, but soon looked up again, no matter what, he had to find a way to restore his sanity.

There must be a way, there must be a way!Yu Chengfeng rummaged through the library in the Magic Holy Court, hoping to find some way to restore one's mind.

Have!Yu Chengfeng looked at the estimated records: The mind-controlling mantra learned by the Onmyoji can move the mind, and maybe it can restore Master Lan to his sanity!

Qinghe Village

Lan Xian'er looked at Lan Lingxuan who was still in a coma, and said worriedly: "Father, you must hold on."

She is waiting for the day when the truth will be clarified, but when will that day be?Her beautiful eyes dimmed slightly.

"Xian'er, I found a way to restore Master Lan's sanity!" Yu Chengfeng announced the good news as soon as he entered the door.

"Really?" Lan Xian'er was extremely happy, and hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

"It's the mind-controlling spell in Yin-Yang Art." Yu Chengfeng explained, "Yin-Yang Art is extremely mysterious. From the method of performing it, it can be divided into Jujue, Curse, and Law. From the level of cultivation, it can be divided into Alchemy, Illusion , mind control, astrology, and soul-changing five layers, that is, alchemy, illusion art, mind-controlling spell, astrology and soul-changing spell. In the current situation of Master Lan, using the mind-controlling spell may help him recover his sanity. "

"But where can we find an onmyoji to help us cast the mind control spell?" Lan Xian'er asked anxiously.

"Onmyoji is indeed rare, but it's not impossible to find it. It's just that we can't let others know the whereabouts of Mr. Lan and you. Therefore, I plan to go to Ghost Valley to steal the method of practicing Onmyoji."

Onmyoji have always been independent and disdain to join any organization or faction. The rumors about Onmyoji in the world are mysterious and mysterious, so that the identity and whereabouts of Onmyoji have always been a mystery.

If there are rumors about Onmyoji in the Shenwu Empire, I am afraid that there is only the famous Ghost Valley. It is rumored that entering the Ghost Valley is like entering the gate of ghosts, and most people will never return.

"No matter what, I'm going to give it a try. I'll go with you." Lan Xian'er said, "The trip to Ghost Valley is extremely dangerous. If you have more people, please take care of yourself."

Yu Chengfeng looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Outside Ghost Valley, there are clouds and mist, and there will be bursts of howling beasts from time to time in the mist, which makes people shudder.

On the hillside, a gray building protrudes, exquisite and exquisite pavilions, quiet and beautiful rockery and flowing water, and under the flying eaves is a winding corridor. The scenery in it is all beautiful, making people feel as if they have entered a fairyland on earth. .

A little girl in a blue dress and with a double-ringed bun was tempted by such a fairyland on earth, and slowly walked into the ghost valley.

Her eyes gradually became intoxicated, and she was so absorbed in this beautiful fairyland that she couldn't hear the voice behind her at all.

"Xiao Ning, come back quickly!"

It's just that it was too late, the girl named Xiao Ning was completely bewildered and walked into the ghost valley.

"Where is this place? It's really beautiful..." The girl named Xiao Ning gradually walked into the barrier of Ghost Valley. The barrier blocked the sound from spreading, and she could no longer hear the anxious voice of her brother behind her. sound.

"Xiao Ning, don't go in, that's Ghost Valley, Xiao Ning!" A man ran from a distance, but was stopped by the barrier, so he had to shout desperately outside the barrier.

It's a pity that it was too late, and Xiao Ning's figure gradually disappeared into the mist.

The owner of Guigu who was walking in the corridor was wearing a black cloak, covering the upper half of his face, making it difficult for people to see the expression on his face. When he sensed that someone had entered the barrier, he couldn't help but pause slightly, and then let out a cry. sneer.

It seems that another prey has come to the door.

The enchantment he set up, people with cultivation bases are not allowed to enter, and now there is a new spirit for him to refine weapons, the master of Ghost Valley flicked his sleeves, and his steps suddenly smoked, his figure moved, leaving only one Dao afterimage, the whole person quickly disappeared from the corridor of Jiuqu volley.

When Xiao Ning came back to her senses, she found that she was already in the ghost valley. On the pavilion in front of her, there was a tall man in black clothes, looking down at her from above. His eerie eyes made people feel terrified. .

"You... who are you?" Xiao Ning only realized fear now, and stepped back step by step.

"The little girl looks pretty good..." The owner of Guigu stretched out his hand to pinch Xiao Ning's delicate chin, and stroked her snow-white cheek with the other hand, stroking her gently, as if admiring a precious work of art , rather than looking at a living person.

"Let me go!" Xiao Ning was ashamed and annoyed, feeling as disgusted as eating a fly, she hurriedly broke free from the man's hand, turned around and ran outside, but was circled by the enchantment ball thrown by the man in black .

"Don't worry, I've always been patient with beautiful things." The man in Xuanyi's voice was cold and terrifying, like a bloodthirsty demon, "After the soul is drawn out, I will make your body into a beautiful puppet, Stay with me all the time, okay?"

A feeling of fear and powerlessness swept over her whole body, she couldn't speak or move, she could only watch in horror as the man in black was getting closer and closer to her hand.

A white figure and a blue figure came to the outside of Ghost Valley one after the other. Lan Xian'er looked at the barrier outside and frowned: "As long as a person with cultivation level passes through this barrier, he will If we are noticed, how can we quietly enter this ghost valley?"

Yu Chengfeng jumped up to the side of the tree to check the terrain, and then jumped down, a smile flashed across his lips, obviously he was already in his chest: "Don't worry, I have a solution!"

 Recently, Kawen card is so ecstasy, the second watch and the third watch are in the evening, dear friends, come and see it when it is almost twelve o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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