I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 250 Why Save Her

Chapter 250 Why Save Her
Seeing her being so insane now that life would be worse than death, Fan Yue suddenly became suspicious, should His Royal Highness Prince Jin really save her?
Seeing Fanyue's silence, Ning Qingyuan's tears fell even more fiercely, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it, so what if he was sad back then, so what if he wasn't sad? What does it have to do with Ning Qingyuan now?"

She suddenly raised her head and laughed wildly until her voice became hoarse and she coughed up blood.

Seeing this, Fan Yue quickly knocked her unconscious with a knife, and then sent her back to the room to lie down and rest.

Helping her cover the quilt, he sighed, turned and left, exited the room and closed the door.

The sky steps were as cool as water at night, the hazy moonlight shone on the bluestone steps in front of the door, and Fan Yue stood in the shadows, making it difficult for people to see the expression on his face.

When Ning Qingyuan was rescued, he asked Chu Qianchen: "Why did Your Highness save the Crown Princess?"

"Qingyuan and my childhood sweetheart have helped me many times. This king naturally wants to keep her. At the beginning, she was snatched by the prince because of me. Now that the prince is dead, she is free."

Is she really free?As the concubine of the late crown prince, who would dare to marry her?She has a heart for King Jin, so how could she be willing to marry someone else?Fan Yue couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, you clearly know that the Crown Princess has no choice but to marry you now, and she will not accept other arrangements, how can you bear to let her..."

Chu Qianchen paused, and said, "I have my own arrangements. She will understand one day."

"Your Highness, let her watch you get married and be sad alone. Could it be that this is your arrangement? What does she need to understand to stop the pain?" Fan Yue knew that Ning Qingyuan was a good girl, but unfortunately, her fate was rough. some.

Whether it was luck or torture for her to survive, it ultimately depends on the arrangement of His Royal Highness King Jin. How sad this is. He can save her once, but I don't know if he can save her a second or third time.

Although Ning Qingyuan passed out, she was depressed and had nightmares all the time.

She dreamed of a strange man in blue, smiling at her with a creepy smile.

She couldn't help but frightened: "You... who are you?"

The man in blue flew close to her, and whispered in her ear: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is, do you want to be with Chu Qianchen?"

His tone was very light, but every word was like a hammer, hitting her heart hard.

She thought, of course she wanted to!But why should she be with him now?His heart is not on her at all!

Could it be that this person can help her?Ning Qingyuan suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a cluster of flames called hope ignited in his ashes-like heart: "Can you help me?"

"Of course I have a solution." The man in blue sneered, as if Ning Qingyuan asked some extremely simple question, "As long as you kill Yu Yaoluo, Chu Qianchen's heart will naturally return to you."

"As long as you want, I can teach you spells. As long as you use this blood to cast spells, Yu Yaoluo will definitely not be able to escape." The man in blue took out a bottle containing blood and approached her step by step. Backing away in horror, he frowned and said, "You don't want to?"

"Although I want to be with Qianchen, I don't want to kill Yu Yaoluo. She is the Summoner of Shenwu Empire. I...I can't kill her, I, I can't kill her..." Ning Qingyuan shook The head said, eyes darkened, "If Qianchen knows that I killed the person he loves, he will hate me, and I will be in great pain..."

so troublesome!The man in blue clicked his tongue. If the original evil god's spell didn't work as it should, why would he use the voodoo blood curse?
"Then, I have another way, even if you don't kill Yu Yaoluo, you can still be with Chu Qianchen, but the process is a bit troublesome, would you like it?" The man in blue looked at her and said.

Ning Qingyuan's eyes brightened: "What method?"

In the early morning of the next day, Yu Yaoluo woke up in Chu Qianchen's arms, thinking of the lingering love and mutual affection last night, her face became hot, and she refused to wake up first, so she closed her eyes and continued to pretend to sleep, thinking of waiting for Chu Qianchen Wake up first, and then she will get up.

But itching in her heart, she couldn't help but opened her eyes, and began to observe Chu Qianchen's sleeping face.

His face is fair and handsome, his chest is broad and strong, his soft black hair is intertwined with hers, and his arms hug her tightly, not light or heavy, very comfortable, even in his sleep, he is also very careful Didn't hit her.

Looking at the entangled hair of the two, she suddenly thought of a line of poetry, the hair is married, and there is no doubt about their love.

In this life, he was so anxious to marry her as his wife, was he worried about the coming disaster?
How can it be?How did he know when the catastrophe would come? Yu Yaoluo immediately denied this idea. Could it be that, like her, he wants to seize the last time together?

Although she didn't know the length, she sincerely hoped that time could stop at this moment and let her stay in his arms for a while longer.

She propped herself up gently, and slowly approached his sleeping face, and then slowly approached his lips. His lips were perfect and sexy, and it was rare to have a chance to see them closely. Of course, she had to observe carefully.

Her eyes lingered on his face, as if she wanted to engrave this face in her heart.

Suddenly, she came up with an idea, is there any way for her to meet him in the next life?
By the way, if she is lucky enough to regain her godly body in this life, please ask Yue Lao to keep her marriage line with him in the next life.

She began to think wildly, but someone who woke up early in the morning but pretended to be asleep to seduce his little wife couldn't stand it. After waiting for so long, why couldn't she just look at it?

Yu's bewitching hot breath has already rushed to his face, like a warm feather brushing against his face, making him itchy, but he is still waiting for the opportunity, silently comforting himself, hurry up Yes, wait a second.

Seeing that Chu Qianchen was still sleeping, breathing evenly and steadily, she thought, he shouldn't have woken up so soon, right?You won't be found out if you kiss secretly, right?

Finally, Chu Qianchen felt a soft kiss on his lips, but the kiss didn't last long, and the lips left.

Hey, waiting for her is always so frustrating, Chu Qianchen grabbed the back of her head, grabbed her red lips accurately without opening his eyes, and kissed her deeply.

"You... When did you wake up?" Yu Yaoluo stuttered in shock, blushing, and her heart beat faster. Before she could react, she was pushed down by someone again.

The morning sun outside the window shines on the earth through the clouds, and the warm wind blows in, wrapping around the red veil in the room, making the room tender and tender.

(End of this chapter)

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