Chapter 252
Chu Qianchen's face and body were covered with wounds. He was kicked so badly that his internal organs were all injured. At this moment, his consciousness was a little unclear: "Who are you? Why did you save me?"

"My name is Ning Qingyuan. I just draw my sword to help you when you see injustice. I will help you get up and find the imperial physician."

Because he was worried that his injuries would worsen, Ning Qingyuan first used ice magic to seal his wounds to stop the bleeding from continuing. She supported him and got up slowly: "Go slowly, be careful."

Hearing them say that he is the son of a treacherous concubine, could it be that he is the child of Ming concubine?Ning Qingyuan guessed his identity. It turned out that he was the Ninth Prince. He didn't expect to be bullied like this in the deep palace. It's really pitiful.

Chu Qianchen was seriously injured, coupled with long-term malnutrition, no one took care of his body, so he fainted before taking a few steps.

Ning Qingyuan anxiously patted Chu Qianchen's face in a coma, and said, "Don't die, this lady finally saved you, if you die, wouldn't you be too sorry for me?"

"What the hell is this? Why is this road so remote? There's no one in the palace..." In the end, Ning Qingyuan dragged Chu Qianchen to the imperial hospital with his straps on the floor. Come alive.

She felt that she was destined for the Ninth Prince, so she often came to the palace to visit him.

"Why do you have nothing to do and come into the palace? Just to see me?" Chu Qianchen frowned.

"That's right, you were the one saved by this lady, don't let anything happen again." Ning Qingyuan patted him on the shoulder and said proudly.

"No accident will happen to me!" Chu Qianchen continued to be stubborn.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you to become stronger, and then beat down all the bullies!" Ning Qingyuan would often help him fight back the bullies when he was a child, "Let me do it for you now!"

Later, Chu Qianchen got help from Zhu Jiuyin and became stronger and stronger. She was relieved and felt a little lonely. The person who needed her protection had become so strong without knowing it.

They practiced together, talked and laughed happily together, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, talked about everything, she always thought that when she grew up, she should marry him.

But as Chu Qianchen became stronger and more courtiers moved closer to him, how could the prince let Chu Qianchen marry Ning Guogong's daughter again and get Ning Guogong's assistance?Naturally, he took the first step and turned Ning Qingyuan into his crown princess.

She never thought that when they meet again one day, she will see him again as his wife-in-law, and Chu Qianchen has never called her sister-in-law, just like everyone else, calling her the princess.

Because he knew that if he called her the emperor's wife, he would stab her in the heart like a knife. Her Qianchen was always so understanding and caring for her.

He rescued her just when the prince's party was killed. He is now the regent of the Shenwu Empire. Isn't it easy to protect a woman?She thought that everything could go back to the beginning, but after he rescued her, he always treated her like a guest. She knew that he was grateful to her and felt that she owed her because of him that she ended up like this.

Even in this situation, she never regretted it. No one forced her. It was her own choice to help him. She never regretted falling in love with him, but they never had each other.

She thought that after Chu Haotian died, she and Chu Qianchen could go back to the past, but unfortunately, they could never go back.

She fought for it, and he laughed when she talked about the past with him. He looked at her quietly and comforted her, just like she stayed by his side to comfort him when she was a child.

But no matter how much he cared about her, he refused to love her after all. Her heart ached like a knife when she saw him marry Yu Enchanting.

Everything really can’t go back, some things, missed, is a lifetime, some love, forgotten, is a lifetime.

She wants to die, she doesn't want this life anymore, she wants to start over, but why?He didn't even give her a chance to start over?
In order to prevent Ning Qingyuan from continuing to commit suicide, Chu Qianchen put a forbidden curse on her body. She cannot commit suicide. As long as she wants to jump off the building, her body will retreat to a safe place by itself. If she wants to hit a wall, her body will be on the verge of death. Stop when you hit it.

Why let her live in such despair!With tears in his eyes, Ning Qingyuan looked at Chu Qianchen resentfully.

He sighed softly: "Qingyuan, when you finally see clearly that I am not worth what you do for me, I will undo the curse for you and find a new identity for you. At that time, where do you want to go?" It’s all right, no one can force you or imprison you.”

"Okay, Chu Qianchen, you did a great job, I hope you don't regret saving me!" Ning Qingyuan bit her lower lip and said bitterly.

Chu Qianchen paused when he went out, he didn't turn his head, but said slowly: "I will never regret saving you."

After finishing speaking, he told Fan Yue: "Take care of her."

She has given him the last warning, but he refused to listen, so don't blame her for being cruel!Tears rolled down Ning Qingyuan's eyes.

Since you don't want to love me, and you don't want to abandon me, then I will make this decision for you.

After Yu Yaoluo who was hiding in the dark heard this sentence, her heart throbbed for no reason. He never regretted saving her. How much did Qianchen trust her?
That is a feeling that only those who grew up together can understand, because I believe in you and will not hurt me or the person I love, so I don't regret saving you.

Why, Ning Qingyuan's last sentence made her feel so hopeless?

Yu Yaoluo suddenly felt a wave of fear in her heart, and her intuition told her that she had to do something quickly, otherwise, Ning Qingyuan would definitely go crazy.

If she wanted to save her, she must at least do something for her. Is there any way to relieve Ning Qingyuan?

While thinking about this question, Yu Yaoluo approached Ning Qingyuan's room, and before she knew it, she had already reached the door of the room.

"Princess Jin?" Fan Yue was extremely surprised when she saw her, and hurriedly said, "Why did you come here?"

Seeing that Fanyue still wanted to cover up, Yu Yaoluo smiled indifferently, with a bit of sadness in her tone: "Don't hide it from me, I already know, I came here to help her."

Fanyue hesitated for a moment, but still stepped aside and let Yu Yaoluo enter.

Even if Princess Jin did something, King Jin would not blame her, even if she killed Ning Qingyuan.

Even if His Royal Highness Prince Jin couldn't kill Ning Qingyuan, what's the point of such a life that is worse than death?He would rather let Princess Jin do the closing.

After Yu Yaoluo entered the room, she set up a barrier, so that the people outside couldn't hear the people inside talking at all.

Now, it's time to make a break for her, Yu Yaoluo took a deep breath, turned to look at Ning Qingyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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