Wanli 1592

Chapter 1180 2 Complete Strategy

Chapter 1180
The arrival of Maeda Toshiie turned Ishida Mitsunari, who was at an absolute disadvantage, overturned.

Maeda Toshiie expressed his attitude that he is absolutely opposed to sending troops now.

"Qin Huang gave Iwami Ginzan to Tokugawa Ieyasu in order to make us angry and anxious, so that we had to send troops even though we knew it was a trick. This is Qin Huang's insidiousness. This is not a conspiracy. It is an aboveboard conspiracy.

Emperor Qin knows our situation, and knows that none of us can give up the financial income of one million taels of silver a year. Therefore, Emperor Qin did not ask us to negotiate to divide the Ishimi Silver Mountain, but directly handed it over to the Tokugawa family. His intention is obvious. Ruojie. "

Maeda Toshiie slowly expressed his speculation to Toyotomi Hideji.

Toyotomi Hideji sighed.

"As Maeda Qing said, I also know Qin Huang's intentions, but Maeda Qing also said, this is a situation where we have to send troops, otherwise, once the Tokugawa family gets Iwami Yinzan, our situation will be worse. Very bad.

Over the past few years, that old guy Tokugawa has been trying his best to suppress our power overseas. We can't make much money at all, and the money has been stolen by Tokugawa. If this continues, he will have more money and more complete military equipment. The army is more elite, we will be very passive. "

Maeda Toshie nodded.

"So this is Yangmou. Although we know Qin Huang's intentions, we have to do what he wants. I am not opposed to sending troops to Shi Jian. On the contrary, I am very supportive of sending troops to Shi Jian. We must send troops to Shi Jian. , seize the Silver Mountain!"

Toyotomi Hideji was taken aback.

Ishida Mitsunari was shocked.

The generals were overjoyed.


Before everyone could react and say something, Maeda Toshiie said: "We must be clear, now is not the time to send troops, we have to figure out some things before sending troops."

Toyotomi Hideji hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"What purpose did Emperor Qin have in order to return Shi Jian Yinshan!"

Maeda Toshiie's eyes immediately became sharper: "If there is a rebellion in the country that has to be mobilized to quell it, then it is easy to explain, but if there is no rebellion in Qin, then Qin Huang's intentions are very terrible. "

Toyotomi Hideji's heart tightened.

"What do you mean?"

"I suspect that if Emperor Qin is not trying to quell the domestic rebellion, then he is planning to use troops against us again!"

Maeda Toshiie's voice was not loud, but his tone was very firm, and the impact on other people in the hall was also great.

The generals all stared at Toshiie Maeda dumbfounded.

Toyotomi Hideji also looked at Maeda Toshiie dumbfounded.

Ishida Mitsunari seemed to understand something, his face was tense.

"This...isn't it possible?"

Shocked for a long time, Toyotomi Hideji said with a fluke mentality: "The Qin State has only been established for more than a year, and there have been two wars in a row. How can there be extra troops and money to fight another war? The consumption is too great. It is not something Qin can afford."

Maeda Toshie nodded.

"Indeed, the Qin State was established for a short period of time and its family background is not strong. This is the biggest shortcoming. It is indeed not easy to start a war consecutively. However, Your Highness, Xiao Ruxun never likes to follow the normal way of doing things. He always does unexpected things. , and he is very courageous, otherwise, would he dare to attack Daming in the north and eventually overthrow Daming?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's eyes twitched.

The emperor of Qin's behavior is very unexpected, very tough, and always full of calculations, making people wonder what he will do next, but his goal is very clear. Once he does it, he will do it to the end. Will be changed midway.

But this time is different. This time, for Japan, it is a conspiracy, a blatant conspiracy.

But the question is, the real purpose of Xiao Ruxun's doing this is really just to make Japan into chaos, won't it hinder his internal counter-insurgency?
Daqin had just quelled a large-scale rebellion, and it was the time when his prestige was great. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to rebel against him at this time?Who will cause trouble for him at this time?
If there are no problems in Daqin, then it is hard to say why Xiao Ruxun returned Ishijian Yinshan to the Tokugawa clan.

Let Japan be in chaos and war, and Tokugawa and Toyotomi will fight one after another. What benefits can he get?
It can be obtained that the strength of the Tokugawa clan and the Toyotomi clan will decline, and the resistance he will receive when he sends troops to invade Japan again will be greatly weakened.

Such benefits.

After figuring out this joint point, Ishida Mitsunari's complexion became very bad.

He looked at Toyotomi Hideji, and found that Toyotomi Hideji's expression was also very bad.

As for the rest of the generals, they looked at Toshiie Maeda in surprise.

If Maeda Toshiie's guess is not wrong, it would be bad.

Does Qin really plan to attack Japan for the second time?

Want to annex Japan?
This is a bit too strange, right?
In the conventional wisdom, isn't now the time to recuperate?Xiao Ruxun went to war one after another, why?Picture what?
Maeda Toshiie himself was not clear about this issue.

He couldn't understand the reason why Xiao Ruxun went to war again and again.

Even if he can hold it up by himself, can the army hold it up?Can officials survive?Can the treasury hold up money and food?Can the people hold on?

All of this is unknown. Whether Xiao Ruxun wants to send troops to Japan is also unknown now. This is just a speculation without evidence.

"But at the end of the day, it's just speculation, a speculation that has no actual evidence to back it up."

Maeda Toshiie said another sentence that made the other people present a little bit more relaxed.

Toyotomi Hideji hurriedly asked: "Then what exactly does Maeda Qing mean?"

"It is to send people to investigate the real situation. If Qin is really in trouble, then we can immediately send troops to fight against Tokugawa. If Qin just retreats and the country is safe and sound, then we have to discuss with Tokugawa. , to guard against the possibility of Xiao Ruxun's large-scale invasion."

Maeda Toshiie said so.

This is indeed a best-of-two policy.

For the disadvantaged Toyotomi forces, doing so can indeed minimize losses and prevent future dire situations.

It's just that for the main combat faction, it is not so easy to accept the possibility of fighting with the Tokugawa clan again in the future.

But once the two sides have a powerful common enemy that is so powerful that they can suffocate them, the alliance will be a matter of course, and there will be no other excuses, because not joining is death and perishing.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is also aware of this, and he is not a fool.

If he found any clues, he would react faster than Toyotomi.

He is cautious, very sharp, and he has successfully preserved his power in so many years of chaotic wars, relying on this sharpness and caution.

If Maeda Toshiie made such a decision, it is clear that Tokugawa Ieyasu would make the same decision.

(End of this chapter)

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