Wanli 1592

Chapter 1203 The battle against Japan officially begins

Chapter 1203 The battle against Japan officially begins
It was precisely because he realized that he could make money that Xiao Ruxun led the decision to launch the subversive action against Siam.

A few countries such as Siam have the ability to manufacture their own firearms. Xiao Ruxun did this to prevent them from having this ability, and had to buy it from Daqin.

Siam is the first target. There are still a few countries that can independently produce firearms. Although the quality and output are not high, they can produce independently anyway. Those are Xiao Ruxun's disposal. Monopoly is interesting.

The good times of these countries are coming to an end, Daqin is not Daming, Daqin needs far more things than Daming.

Cleaning up Japan is the first step to deter the vassal state. Xiao Ruxun announced to the outside world that the Japanese emperor refused to accept the title of king and still called himself emperor internally. He was very dissatisfied, so he wanted to crusade against Japan and destroy Japan. This is the greatest force Deterrence.

Inviting those countries to participate is definitely not counting on their military power, but to let their army and people see the unparalleled fighting power of Daqin and the death of the Japanese, and let them know what the end of violating Daqin is.

Showing military force and diplomatic ability at the same time, there should be a lot more well-behaved and docile godsons now.

Daqin can also accumulate relatively rich foreign experience, and after opening up new routes to participate in the world wave, it can also do a lot of things, making it easier for the Daqin government to accumulate rich experience in foreign negotiation management.

In addition, the existence of Japan is also very important. After the government is eliminated, Japan is a pure colony. How to manage the colony, the officials of Daqin have no experience.

Xiao Ruxun intends to reserve a piece of land directly under the central government around Kyoto, Japan, and be responsible for coordinating and managing the surrounding land entrusted to heroes, so as to accumulate enough experience in colonial management for Daqin officials and lay a foundation for the future.

Compared with the people of the country, Xiao Ruxun believes that Daqin is more qualified to become an empire on which the sun never sets, whether it is the country's size, population or management experience.

So everything now is planning for the future, and I am very busy now, but in a few years, everything will become management with rules and regulations, and it will become easier, at least I don’t have to do everything myself now. .

Xiao Ruxun basically lives with the ministers now, and the relationship between the monarch and the ministers has not been so close in more than 100 years.

It’s really impossible to do otherwise, the distance is so close, and you can discuss anything with your voice, so Xiao Ruxun thought of the later administrative service center system, and planned to set up a contact point for officials of various administrative departments in Qianqing Palace, and send people to station each. It is convenient to report and contact the emperor directly.

The cabinet officials have not returned to the cabinet office for a long time. They just eat, live and do business in the Qianqing Palace, and open a restaurant with the emperor in the imperial dining room. They eat very well. Many officials have gained weight, except that they often cannot go home for the night Other than that, everything else is fine.

In order to make it easier for the officials to go home, Xiao Ruxun also arranged for a special carriage to pick up and drop off the officials. However, most of the time, due to the urgency of the war, they could not be used. Instead, the children and wives used to pick up the officials were reunited in the palace to relieve the pain of missing them.

But every official knows that if there is something to do, there is the possibility of promotion, and if there is something to do, there is the possibility of further advancement. If the work is done well, the emperor will not be stingy with rewards and official positions.

Now there is no rule that non-Hanlin people are not allowed to join the cabinet. Basically, as long as the officials are doing well, anyone can have the opportunity to work in the cabinet.

So why don't they show more energy to do things seriously?
Some young officials who have not yet married directly use the Qianqing Palace as their residence. The longest record is that a young official from the Ministry of Finance did not go home for 27 consecutive days.

Generally speaking, Xiao Ruxun gave preferential treatment to officials who did not go home, and built a large bathhouse for them to facilitate their bathing. However, this guy took advantage of the cold weather and did not take a bath for seven days. His body stinks, and he was disgusted by his colleagues. I had to go home to take a shower and change clothes.

There are too many things to do, and there is a shortage of manpower. Although the central government of Daqin has expanded unprecedentedly, the number of people is still not enough.

Managing the country is already very tiring, not to mention that Xiao Ruxun still has to fight wars and manage foreign affairs. The northeast is fighting with Japan, and the south has to deal with Siam. The southwestern chieftain is still going on. Son, it was really intense like never before.

But fulfillment is really fulfilling. I often work as soon as I open my eyes in the morning and have a meal, and then it’s lunch time in the blink of an eye.

There are very few officials who can get off work and go home for dinner on time at night. They either have nothing to do, or they are too powerful, they do things too quickly, or they miss their families too much. Generally, most officials have dinner in the imperial dining room, and then continue to work.

It wasn't until the emperor was ready to rest and the servants came in to turn off the lights that they would find their own simple beds and fall asleep. They would do it again the next day, and the cycle repeated.

Sometimes if Xiao Ruxun fights at night with the lights on, they will follow, and they will rest unless they are really unable to hold on.

For this reason, Xiao Ruxun has also stated many times that after finishing the work, he will go to bed or go home to see his family. The work is endless, so we should pay attention to rest and ensure our health.

But obviously, the honor of working with the emperor fascinated them, Xiao Ruxun could only provide them with enough nutrition in terms of eating, such as providing milk, fruits, enough meat and so on.

It's better than eating at home anyway.

In such a palace, government orders and military orders were issued one after another, and the remote control guided the development of the general trend of the world.

The war in Japan, the diplomatic action in Siam, the land improvement process in the southwest, the locust control operation in the north, the education reform in the southeast, and the construction plan of the Dachi Road throughout the country.

Everything is a major event, and there is no room for negligence.

Under the overall planning of the central government, Great Qin has gathered together like never before, concentrating on running the administrative machine and the war machine at a high speed.

Under such a high-speed operation, Daqin's mobilization ability is fully demonstrated, which is a mobilization ability that cannot be compared with any country in the world.

In contrast, the mobilization abilities of the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans are scumbags.

When Daqin's army had already arrived in the Korean sea, Tokugawa's intelligence spies found out, but they were not sure what they were going to do, so they just went to report to Tokugawa Ieyasu to let him know.

After the huge naval formation completed its supplies in North Korea and set sail in the direction of Japan, the spies panicked and determined that the target of the Daqin naval formation was Japan.

But it was too late in time. When they determined that the target of this fleet was Japan, it was really too late.

On the seventh day of April in the second year of Longwu, the vanguard of Chai Guozhu's left army landed on the Wudao Islands in Matsuura County. With the assistance of the black water spies on the island, he quickly began to attack the military facilities and troops belonging to the Tokugawa clan on the island.

On the eighth day of April, more troops landed, and the small garrison of the Tokugawa Army was quickly wiped out.

On the ninth day of April, Chai Guozhu landed and began to set up a command center for the former enemy in the Wudao Islands, set up a supply point, left the army stationed, and himself led the army to attack Kyushu Island.

On the same day, the main force led by Ma Wei began to land on Tsushima Island.

On April [-], Chai Guozhu's troops landed on Kyushu Island and began to attack.

On the same day, Li Rusong's troops arrived at Yinqi Island. After replenishing supplies, they set sail again and prepared to attack.

The war against Japan officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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