Wanli 1592

Chapter 1258 Then why are you crying?

Chapter 1258 Then why are you crying?

After giving such an order, Xiao Ruxun stayed in the study alone, silent for a while.

Suddenly, a voice rang in his ear.

"Xiao Ruxun, you really disgust me to the extreme."

Xiao Ruxun felt that this voice was very familiar. He had heard it in the Lugou Bridge camp outside the capital more than a year ago, and he didn't think it was strange.

"Do I really hate you that much? Why? Why do you hate me so much?"

Xiao Ruxun's face remained unchanged.

"Aren't you worthy of my dislike? I dislike a lot of things you do, especially this one. You actually want to attack Yuan Huang?"

"Otherwise? He slandered me and slandered me in front of my courtiers. As an emperor, can such a person tolerate him?"

"You and him met in North Korea, and they were inseparable. When you went to Burma, he gave up all his official positions and came to Burma to follow you, assist you, recruit friends for you, bring his disciples and sons to Burma, leave his hometown and settle in Burma, and work hard for you. In the rear, do you dare to say that without him, you can manage Myanmar well?"

Xiao Ruxun shook his head.


"Right? You know that without him, you wouldn't be where you are today, but you still want to do this kind of thing?"

The tone of that voice carried a strong taste of contempt.

"There is a saying that I didn't understand before, but after so many years, I finally understand what it means."


"The ass decides the head."

Xiao Ruxun smiled: "When I was in school, I thought this was so vulgar and disgusting. I thought that anyone who would change his original intention was a person with a weak will, a rotten person who forgot his roots, and should be hacked into pieces. Understand how they forget their original intention.

At that time, I swore that one day when I ascend to a high position, I will always remember where I came from and where I am going, and I will never forget the efforts and struggles I have made. Have a conscience and do things according to your conscience.

But after so many years, I suddenly felt that I was funny, silly, and naive at that time, you know?The moment I sat on the emperor's seat, I was very happy, happy, and a little confused, but do you know what the most important thing is?is afraid.

I am afraid that I will lose this position. If my heart is like a stone, this position will have a magnetic force that makes me unable to leave. Once I sit on it, it will be impossible to leave. Do you know how wonderful it feels to hold power?The power of the supreme under heaven, do you know how wonderful it is? ! "

"Is that why you forget where you came from?"

"Is that not enough?"

Xiao Ruxun was full of doubts: "Power, power, isn't it enough? Let me tell you, no matter how much money you give me, I will not give up power. It is impossible for anyone to give up their own power! Money, like It is a castle built of sand, and it will collapse when the sun shines and the wind blows.

Power is different. Power is like the Great Wall that stretches through the ages. Let the wind and the sun, the rain and the fire burn me. The most important thing is not money, but power. Is there anything in the world worth chasing more than power? "

"So you want to abandon Yuan Huang, abandon your past self, and embrace your power?"

Xiao Ruxun took it for granted.

"Of course, what else? What else should I do? Can I still pursue it? No more, what is greater than the emperor's power? What I have to do now is to maintain my power. What I have done Everything is to maintain my power.

Yuan Huang, ignorant of current affairs, advance and retreat, ignorant of reason, is just an old man, what can't be discarded?You gave me a reason not to abandon them, you can convince me, the world of Daqin, he grandly called himself the old man of Ming Dynasty, what does that mean?What does he mean? "

"Have you forgotten all about your friendship?"

"Friendship? What's that?"

Xiao Ruxun laughed out loud: "Emperor, emperor! Since ancient times, emperors have always been lonely. How can there be any kind of friendship? Don't make me laugh, okay? Since I decided to overthrow the Ming Dynasty and establish a new one, I was doomed I am a lonely person, if I care about that little friendship, do you think I will take this position?"

"Do you not care about the people who are fighting with you?"

"Why did Liu Bang kill the heroes? Why did Zhu Yuanzhang kill the heroes? Don't those people have friendship with them? But why did they kill them?"

Xiao Ruxun laughed even more happily: "The ass determines the head, everything can't escape this sentence, really can't escape, really, if you sit in my position, you can't escape either, to this point, Also talking about friendship, what you want to see is a myth, right?

No, it's not a myth, it's a fairy tale, or something like a bedtime story for babies and toddlers. Please, we are almost 30 years old, can we be more mature? "

"You really decided?"

"Of course, of course it's decided. He's thinking about Daming, so I'll make his dream come true, isn't it great?"

"Are you really going to do it?"

"Of course, of course I will do it, I am the emperor."

"Then why are you crying?"

"Crying? Are you kidding me? I'll..."

Xiao Ruxun's expression froze, because he suddenly found that his eyes were blurred.

Touching the eyes lightly, a drop of water adhered to the tip of the finger.

"You know what you're doing, don't you?"

"You hate yourself for being so unscrupulous, don't you?"

"You are also thinking about the past with Yuan Huang, right?"

"You're actually in pain, aren't you?"

"Don't you hate yourself for doing this kind of thing?"


The repeated questioning hit Xiao Ruxun's heart like a hammer, which was painful and stuffy.


Xiao Ruxun stopped the meaningless questioning.

"You're afraid."

The voice didn't want to stop.

"I've said enough!"

Xiao Ruxun's breathing became heavy.

"You are really afraid, no matter what you say, you are afraid, you..."

"Enough is enough, enough is enough!! I said enough!"

Xiao Ruxun punched the small table next to her, directly smashing the small table into pieces.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty! What's the matter?"

The servant outside the door probably heard the movement and shouted.

"...I'm fine."

Xiao Ruxun heard the commotion outside, and quickly regained her composure: "Go to the investigation department and call Zhou Yao, go right away!"


The servant outside the door left immediately.

Xiao Ruxun took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, calming down his restless heart.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen again.

Practice is not home yet...

(End of this chapter)

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