Wanli 1592

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
Tokugawa Ieyasu has never been so frustrated as he is today, even when he was persuaded by Toyotomi Hideyoshi diplomatically.

"The incident happened suddenly, and there were even constraints from the Ming Dynasty. I couldn't make arrangements at all, so I was passive. Such a good opportunity, but I can't take action against Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Guanbingwei, think about it, whether it is to overthrow the Toyotomi family or not. , we all have to face a lot of problems, and the Ming army is watching behind us, once we fight Toyotomi Hideji, the Ming army will definitely not let it go!"

"So, make an agreement with the Ming army in advance not to let them participate in our war. That's the main point! The direct descendants of the Toyotomi family have all been wiped out in North Korea. As long as we defeat Hideyoshi, Toyotomi Hideji and Maeda Toshiie will be killed." They are isolated and helpless, and there is no one in the entire Western Kingdom to help them. Let us first send a letter to the Eastern Kingdom to let them prepare. When the time comes, we will attack Kyoto from two directions, and we are not afraid that the Toyotomi family will not be finished.

But if we don’t make an appointment with the Ming army, we will face two enemies, and we will not be able to take care of everything at all. At that time, whether it is the Ming army landing or Toyotomi Hideji sweeping the Eastern Kingdom, we will suffer heavy losses, and the whole of Japan will be destroyed again. Chaos, Ming will gain more, we will lose more, I said this place, do you know what to do?Your Mightiness? "

"Do you mean that I accept these terms and become a sinner of Japan?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu showed embarrassment and anger: "Although I want to be the master of Japan, it is precisely because I want to be the master of Japan that I cannot accept any losses in Japan. Otherwise, how should I explain to the emperor and how should I explain to the emperor?" Tell the people of the world? Tell the emperor that he is no longer the emperor, he has become a king, tell the people of the world that their country will no longer be complete, and even the people of the five lingzhi countries will become slaves under the rule of the Ming country? Such me, What face do you have to dominate Japan?!"

Kuroda Rushui carefully read Daming's request, and then said: "These terms are so harsh, I think, this is intentionally made by the Ming Dynasty, just to leave us room for discussion and to cover up what they really want. In my opinion, what the Ming army wants most is silver mountains, indemnities, and three outlying islands. As long as it does not involve the issues of the Japanese mainland, we can let them go, but when it comes to the issues of the Japanese mainland, we must Fight for it.”

"Struggle with reason?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu pointed at the seven clauses and said angrily: "Are there any clauses that do not need to be debated? Can Tsushima Oki and Sado be waived? Can Iwami Ginzan also be waived? Absolutely not!" "

"It's more than we lost, than we missed a great opportunity! Your Excellency! This is the price we have to pay no matter what! If we don't pay, or even subvert the Toyotomi clan, once we really anger Ming, Ming will The army is coming from the sea, and we can't stop them from landing. By then, we will lose more than just these!

Even if the Ming Dynasty doesn't come to trouble us, won't Toyotomi Hideyoshi?It’s not that you haven’t seen the information brought by the spies. Toyotomi Hideyoshi is convinced that we will harm him, that’s why he wanted to send the [-] troops to North Korea, and he will definitely attack us!We are already on the verge of riding a tiger, and the arrow is on the string and we have to launch it! "

Kuroda Rushui saw everything very thoroughly.

Tokugawa Ieyasu still could not accept the reality of surrendering the country by ceding land and indemnity.

"We have always been a country on an equal footing with the Ming Dynasty. We have never become a vassal state, and we have never shown weakness to it. Once this precedent is set, will the Ming Dynasty stop asking for more? If we recognize the status of a vassal state, Self-declination of the country, and even let the emperor lose the title of emperor and become the king of Japan, Guanbingwei, can you accept it?!"

"The current situation is that if we don't accept it, we must accept it. We can fight for and discuss these terms. After the final result comes out, we must accept it in exchange for the support of the Ming Dynasty and stabilize our internal affairs. Then, continue. With enough power, we can take back what we lost! The situation forces us to pay some price!"

Kuroda Rushui knelt down and took Tokugawa Ieyasu's hand.

"I also feel shame, and I also feel grief and indignation, but this must be done! Think about Goujian, the king of Yue, who also endured a huge humiliation before he could rise up to clear away the humiliation? Just treat yourself as Goujian! At least you haven't been forced to eat the excrement of the Ming emperor, have you?!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu's face turned blue and then pale, and after a while, he bit his lip and spat out a few words from the cracks in his lips—Iwami must not lose it!You can't lose the fat before!
Kuroda Rushui nodded: "Don't worry, I will try my best to mediate with the Ming army and win the support of the Ming army. You should organize the army as soon as possible and prepare to enter the Nagoya. Toyotomi Hideyoshi will call you to the Nagoya soon." Yes, remember, hold your breath and don't do it before Toyotomi Hideyoshi!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

The incident happened suddenly and the time was short. Kuroda Rushui used his best ability and spent half an hour by himself to refute and defend the unreasonable parts of the peace agreement proposed by the Ming army. Seven, seven, eight, eight, only the three-port trade agreement, the establishment of the concession and the Daming consulate, and the cession of Tsushima Island that are willing to accept are left, and all the rest must be refuted and refused to accept. Mission again.

The two looked at Kuroda Rushui.

"It's already the third watch, and the commander-in-chief of the Ming army should be asleep."

The two also want to sleep, they are really exhausted, but Kuroda Rushui glared and shouted angrily: "Either go, or close your eyes forever!"

The two were so frightened that they rushed out of Kuroda Rushui's residence, and then boarded a small boat and went to the fleet of the Ming army with a sigh. They started their second envoy trip. Although the trip was very short, it was also very torturous. At least they felt quite uncomfortable. After being discovered by the Ming army, they were arrested and tied up. They repeatedly stated that they were looking for General Chen Lin, but they were still tied up and brought to the flagship.

Chen Lin had already packed up and was about to go to sleep. Older people sleep less and lightly, so they were woken up just as they were sleepy. When they came together, they heard that the two people from just now had come again. Chen Lin If he didn't get angry, he would cut people down with his sword drawn. Fortunately, the guards stopped him, so he suppressed his anger.

"Bring it up! Damn it! Do you want me to sleep well?"

The two were brought up with unlucky faces, and a reply letter from Kuroda Rushui was presented, saying that it was Tokugawa Ieyasu's meaning. Chen Lin opened it and saw that yes, it was all Chinese characters and he could understand it.

But when I saw the content, I was immediately upset.

"I, the admiral of the Ming Dynasty, proposed seven clauses. You guys are fine. You only accept the three-port trade agreement, the establishment of the concession, the consulate of the Ming Dynasty, and the cession of Tsushima Island? I can easily get these things from the Ming Dynasty, and you still need to agree? This is something Are you still using it to see me?! Go back and tell Tokugawa Ieyasu! You must not refute a single word of the seven clauses! Otherwise, I will write to Toyotomi Hideyoshi tomorrow and tell him everything about today!"

Chen Lin lost his temper and kicked the two envoys fiercely a few times. Finally, he straightened out his anger, and then he was thrown out of the two unlucky envoys to drive them away.

(End of this chapter)

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