Wanli 1592

Chapter 888

Chapter 888

In the dark and warm palace, Zhu Changluo was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, listening to the wind whistling outside the door.

"Big companion, what time is it?"

Zhu Changluo really couldn't sleep, so he sat up and asked Li Bao, the personal eunuch who was keeping watch outside for him.

"Back to the master, it's four quarters."

Li Bao opened a corner of the curtain and went inside, looked at Zhu Changluo who was sitting on the bed, and hurriedly stepped forward to put a piece of clothing on him: "Master, it's cold, hurry up, put on some clothes."

"I'm not that delicate."

That's what Zhu Changluo said, but he still put on his coat.

"Master can't sleep?"

Li Bao asked in a low voice.

"Well, I can't sleep, and I don't know when those two will come back and tell me what happened outside. They are locked in this palace every day. Except for Master Zhu who teaches me to read, they have no contact with other people. don't know anything..."

Zhu Changluo had a displeased look on his face: "The first assistant is too arbitrary. He doesn't tell me about such a big thing in the world, and I don't know if he regards me as the emperor. I am indeed young, but I am not ignorant." The truth is, he really..."

Li Bao's face tightened, and he quickly stopped Zhu Changluo from continuing.

"Master, keep your voice down, don't dare to say this, don't dare to say it..."

Li Bao looked around, and then opened the curtain to look outside, making sure that there were only the two of them in the room, and there was still the sound of charcoal fire.

"Master, first assist him. He probably thinks that His Majesty is too young to be in charge, so he wants to let the master read and write more to increase his knowledge, and then return to the master when he is an adult, right?"

The displeasure on Zhu Changluo's face was even worse.

"You are young? How young is I? My father was enthroned at the age of ten, and he knows everything about the world. Why can I only stay in this small palace? If I want to go out, I have to look at Master Zhu's face. Even the court ladies won’t let me see it!”

Zhu Changluo seems to be very annoyed because he was forced to abstain from sex and adjust his body. The young man is just when he can't restrain his anger. uncomfortable.

"Master, those court ladies are all vixen, they only think about their mother flying on the branch to become a phoenix, they don't care about the master's body at all, the master has fainted twice, don't dare to mess around, the first assistant is also for the master OK……"

"For me? For me, why didn't he let me handle government affairs by myself? Is he really a person who doesn't know right from wrong? If he thinks that I don't know right from wrong, why didn't he teach me himself? He didn't tell me about Xiao Ruxun's army, why did I get confused I didn't even know that I became the emperor in a daze, so why didn't he tell me?
Now I can't even do what I want to know about some outside things, and I can't use my own money. How can I still look like an emperor?You tell me, do I look like an emperor? "

Zhu Changluo's anger, which had been suppressed for many days, broke out, and it turned out to be quite a momentum, which made Li Bao secretly scream.

"Master, master, you must never say this in front of the first assistant. If the first assistant finds out, he will be unhappy..."

Zhu Changluo was furious.

"He is not happy? Is he happy? Now I am the emperor, I am the emperor, the emperor is not him, it is..."

Before the words were finished, there was a burst of shouting outside the palace gate.

"The chief assistant of the cabinet, Mr. Shen Ge, please see His Majesty!"

Then, before Zhu Changluo and Li Bao could react, the door of the palace was pushed open, and a gust of cold wind blew in, blowing the yellow curtain blocking the bed fluttering, and Zhu Changluo shivered in the cold wind.

"Who... who is this? How dare to trespass on His Majesty... Shen... Elder Shen Ge..."

Li Bao was furious at first, and rushed out to scold someone, but when he saw Shen Yiguan with a frosty face, he immediately froze, bent his legs, and fell to the ground.

Shen Yiguan glanced at Li Bao expressionlessly, then waved his hand, the door of the dormitory was closed from the outside, and the room returned to calm.

Shen Yiguan passed Li Bao who was slumped on the ground, walked to the side of the warm basin in the house, sat on the chair, put his hands on the warm basin to warm up.

"The old minister came to disturb you late at night and disturbed His Majesty's rest. The old minister is here to apologize to His Majesty."

The house was still so quiet, except for the wind outside and the charcoal burning inside, there was no other sound.

After a while, Zhu Changluo's voice came from the curtain.

"It's...it's okay for me, the first assistant...the first assistant came late at night, why is it?"

Shen Yiguan continued to warm up.

"It's nothing special, but I haven't seen His Majesty for a few days, and I miss him, so I came to see His Majesty. During the day, the old minister is busy with official duties, and he dare not slack off for the prosperity and longevity of the Ming Dynasty, so he can only visit His Majesty at night. "

Zhu Changluo sat on the bed and wrapped his clothes tightly, as if this would bring him a sense of peace of mind.

"Thank you so much for the old Shoufu's concern. I... I... I am in good health, and there is nothing wrong with it. The Shoufu doesn't need to worry..."

Shen Yiguan was still warming up to the fire.

"Well, in this case, the old minister will feel more at ease. His Majesty is in the safety of Ming Dynasty. His Majesty's safety is the safety of Ming Dynasty. His Majesty's danger is the safety of Ming Dynasty. If His Majesty is safe, Daming is safe, and the old minister is also safe. "

Zhu Changluo couldn't understand what Shen Yiguan said.

"What the old Shoufu said... is... I... I also feel the same way. The safety of Daming not only depends on me, but also on the shoulders of the old Shoufu."

When Zhu Changluo said this, he wanted to test Shen Yiguan.

After a long time, Shen Tong's voice came from outside the curtain.

"Hey... If your Majesty really thinks so, why did you collude with the British Duke Dingguo and other courtiers to murder the old minister?"

Zhu Changluo's mind went blank for a moment.

The yellow curtain was opened by Shen Yiguan, and Shen Yiguan's cold face appeared in front of Zhu Changluo.

"Your Majesty, this old minister is dedicated to Daming and the safety of the world. Even in the most dangerous time, he will first think of the safety of the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty. This old minister would rather bear his own infamy than encounter turmoil in the Ming Dynasty. It is a pity that God does not bless Daming. Actually let Xiao Ruxun run away.

He rebelled with a hundred thousand troops in Burma and came towards the capital. Does His Majesty really know what his intentions are?Your Majesty really believes what the British Duke and Ding Guogong said, that Xiao Ruxun rebelled in order to kill the veteran?
Even if he really thought so at the beginning, but now, he has led troops to sweep Jiangnan, one of the two parts of the world, and cut off the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, cut off the source of food for the capital, and has the upper hand. He has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. Alien?
Your Majesty, he never recognized His Majesty from the very beginning, saying that His Majesty was a puppet set up by an old minister. He did not recognize His Majesty as the emperor of Ming Dynasty at all. In his eyes, there was no Taichang first year, only Wanli 26 years. , can His Majesty's throne be kept?
Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the Supreme Emperor is restored, what will happen to His Majesty's safety?The Supreme Emperor is His Majesty's father. Once the Supreme Emperor is restored and the veterans die, will His Majesty survive?How will the Supreme Emperor treat His Majesty?How will Xiao Ruxun treat His Majesty?

Your Majesty, you think that the old minister is trying to make room for you, but why isn't the old minister protecting you?Without the protection of veterans, can His Majesty sit securely on the throne?How many days can His Majesty sit on the throne without an old minister to shield His Majesty from the wind and rain? "

(End of this chapter)

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