Wanli 1592

Chapter 917 Rumors

Chapter 917 Rumors
Such a meeting at the foot of the capital was expected by everyone.

Everyone fought all the way from Burma, invincible across the north and south, and won an extremely brilliant victory. They started with 50 soldiers and horses, and now they have nearly [-] soldiers and horses. .

Holding a meeting at this time is not only to summarize the past, but also to look forward to the future. At the same time, it is also the prelude to the spoils conference that everyone has been thinking about.

Of course, the real spoils conference is not now, but just set the tone now, and then it will be over when everyone communicates with each other in the court, and the marquis will worship their wives and sons, fulfilling everyone's greatest wish of fighting desperately.

Isn't it because of these rewards that everyone works for you with their heads up?
Xiao Ruxun is also very clear, so he chose to gather everyone at this juncture to draw a beautiful picture of the future for everyone, so that everyone can fully experience the benefits of following someone Xiao to "put down the rebellion".

It can also be regarded as a thank you to everyone for their continuous support.

Everyone is in high spirits, everyone is itching for some commitment.

The venue was held in the handsome tent of the Lugou Bridge camp. Xiao Ruxun invited hundreds of important people to come together. The original handsome tent could no longer be used, but a larger tent was replaced. Strength made a meal that was regarded as a top-notch meal in the military camp. With hundreds of tables and chairs set up, the scene was considered grand.

Before Xiao Ruxun came, the people who were going to attend the meeting had already arrived first, and everyone sat in the pre-arranged position, whispering to each other in twos and threes, chatting and laughing, or full of emotions.

Of course, some people's conversations are a bit abnormal.

The former Nanjing Household Langzhong Han Zhuo is currently in charge of food transfer work in the army. Because he and Ye Mengxiong are fellow villagers, and he is indeed talented, so after he joined Xiao Ruxun in Nanjing, he was assigned to work in food management. The army provides logistical support.

He is a sensible person. He is usually close to some mid-level and lower-level officers in the army. He works diligently and is appreciated by some officers. He is quite popular in the army. Invitation to a meeting.

This is a very happy thing in itself, which means that he may enter the core political group after Xiao Ruxun kills Shen Yiguan to gain power, but after entering the big tent and sitting down, Han Zhuo's expression is always gloomy, frowning, I don't know what to think.

Sitting next to him, Ma Cheng, who was also in charge of food management, saw his friend's complexion was not good, so he asked curiously: "Shu Jie, what's wrong with you? You have a bad complexion? Are you sick?"

Han Zhuo shook his head, then approached Ma Cheng, and whispered in his ear, "It's not that he's sick, but... Zihe, have you heard any rumors in the army recently?"


Ma Cheng frowned and shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, what rumors? What rumors can there be at this time?"

Han Zhuo looked around and saw that no one noticed him, so he said softly: "In the past few days, I heard someone saying that there was a rebellion in the capital. Your Majesty seems to be in danger, and his life and death are unknown."

"His Majesty……"

Ma Cheng didn't catch his breath, and stared at Han Zhuo with wide eyes. It took him a while to blink his eyes to react, then looked around, approached Han Zhuo and whispered: "Your Majesty is in danger? Who did you listen to?" The capital has been locked by Shen Yiguan, so what news can come out? Don't talk nonsense!"

"I don't know what's going on, but I heard a few soldiers transporting food and fodder talking about it. I also find it strange. How did these soldiers know about this? There shouldn't be news from the capital! "

Han Zhuo lowered his voice and said.

"How could a soldier know such a thing! Don't think about it!"

Ma Cheng warned Han Zhuo in a low voice.

Han Zhuo whispered again: "That's why I wondered if other people knew about this matter, and then it spread to the soldiers' ears. This kind of thing is not a trivial matter! Even the soldiers know about it, so how many people will know about it?" ?”

Ma Cheng thought about it, but looking around, he found that many people had smiles on their faces, and they didn't want to know what it was like.

"But I feel that most people here don't know about it!"

Han Zhuo's face was cloudy and uncertain: "Otherwise, I will ask someone again, and you will also ask someone I know well?"

Ma Cheng pondered for a while, and felt that it was indeed necessary.

So Ma Cheng went to the person he knew best, and Han Zhuo also went to another person he knew well.

There were two more people who were in doubt in the tent.

Yuan Huang and Ye Mengxiong are the two highest-ranking men in the army after Xiao Ruxun. It is normal for them to come late. When they come, basically everyone is here, waiting for a few real big shots. At this point, after Yuan Huang and Ye Mengxiong were seated, only Xiao Ruxun was left.

I don't know what's going on, but after sitting down, Yuan Huang felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere today. He always felt that there were many people with strange expressions on their faces. The situation with the division of spoils is quite different.

This made Yuan Huang and Ye Mengxiong feel puzzled.

"The old man thought that this group of people would happily discuss what kind of official position he could get, but it turned out to be a group of people who worry about the country and the people. It's really ironic."

Yuan Huang whispered to Ye Mengxiong.

Ye Mengxiong smiled: "I hope so, people in the world are not only greedy for profit, but also people who worry about the country and the people."

"This time the army gathered in the capital, Shen Yiguan has no power to recover. This time, I plan to persuade Ji Xin to send people into the city to negotiate with Shen Yiguan, so that the capital can surrender peacefully and not cause damage to the capital. To restore the world's stability in the shortest possible time, what does Ye Gong think?"

Yuan Huang asked with a smile.

"Mr. Yuan's words are justified, and this old man agrees very much. I will also advise Ji Xin with you. If possible, I will personally persuade Shen Yiguan to open the city and let him not make the same mistakes again and again. Right now In the middle of winter, spring will start in two or three months, last year’s spring plowing in the north was in a mess, and this year can no longer be wasted.”

Ye Mengxiong had a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah, this year's spring plowing can no longer be wasted. If it is any more, there won't be so much food to relieve the victims. After the war, we must restore stability and order as soon as possible, and we must inform the Quartet vassals that there are many things to do. The sooner the war ends, the better."

The two began to discuss the restoration of stability and stability after the war, while waiting for Xiao Ruxun's arrival.

After about two sticks of incense, Xiao Ruxun came, and the meeting officially began.

"This time I waited for a bloody battle for thousands of miles, and finally the clouds and the sun came to light. The national thief is right in front of us. It is the moment to kill the national thief and recreate the universe. The kings and Xiao are working together with one heart and one mind to achieve today. Xiao is absolutely unable to accomplish this. Mr. Xiao has all the merits of you in mind, so I don’t need to say anything now, gentlemen, drink this cup to the brim!”

Xiao Ruxun raised his wine glass and toasted everyone, kicking off the joyful feast.

(End of this chapter)

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