Chapter 12

Holding the cup, Yang Xiao picked up a piece of paper from the table, "Historical Appreciation: What historical figure do you admire the most?"

She smiled helplessly, and called out to Mu Yan who had just entered the door, "Mu Yan, is this an activity of your club?"

Mu Yan nodded, "Well, it's a speech contest organized by the Zixuan History Society. It used to be a speech contest in the Naxin Examination, but this time it's changed to a speech contest."

"Speech contest?" Yang Xiao couldn't help but frowned slightly. She said with nostalgia, "When I was in high school, the subject I was most afraid of and hated the most was history. I don't know why, but the history teacher always asked me to endorse. Now I As long as you see something related to history, you will feel fear."

"Is it so serious?" Mu Yan couldn't help but feel a little amused by her words, "Normally, liberal arts students shouldn't be afraid of mathematics, right?"

Yang smiled and shook her head, "Maybe I'm a different kind." Suddenly, she raised her eyes to look at Mu Yan, "By the way, Mu Yan, did you write this article? People—Prince Zhaoming."

"How is it written?"

Yang Xiao browsed through the article, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, "I have to admit, Mu Yan, you are really talented."

"Prince Zhaoming, Xiao Tong, I only know one of his poems, it seems to be why... why... what?" Yang Xiao seemed to be recalling, but he couldn't remember it no matter how he thought about it.

"Why silk and bamboo, mountains and rivers have clear sounds." Mu Yan smiled brightly.

"That's right, that's the one." Yang Xiao gave Mu Yan an appreciative look, "It's a shame that you don't learn Chinese."

"However, the most famous legend about him is Gu Shan Hongdou, the story between him and nun Huiru." Mu Yan smiled slightly, saying that there is no true love in the palace walls, but he was able to compose a song with her. The love song that has been mellow and lingering for thousands of years will last forever and be praised by future generations.

"But since you like history and literature so much, why did you choose Japanese?" Yang Xiao asked with some doubts.

This question caused Mu Yan to fall into deep thought. After a while, she raised her eyes and said softly, "It's for a promise." Although that person is no longer by her side.

Yang smiled and tilted his head, "Promise?"

"Yes, for a promise." Mu Yan smiled lightly, studying law by herself and Japanese by herself.

While the two were talking, Shen Yiru pushed open the door and shouted, "Master, Bajie, I'm back."

Yang Xiao glanced at her, "You are finally tired of your A Xuan."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Yiru walked over and took the piece of paper from Yang Xiao's hand, "Historical Appreciation and Analysis of the historical figure you admire the most? What is this?"

"The speech contest organized by our club." Mu Yan smiled, "Want to watch it, brother?"

"Well. If I have time, I'll go." Shen Yiru thought for a while, "If you want to talk about characters, my favorite is Brother Feng."

"Brother Feng?" Both of them were taken aback.

"Who is Brother Feng?" Yang Xiao asked quickly.

"Jiananfeng, the queen of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty." Shen Yiru chuckled, "If you say that, you must know."

"It's the famous idiot emperor." Mu Yan clicked the question.

"Emperor Jin Hui is an idiot..." Shen Yiru raised her eyebrows slightly, with an ambiguous expression on her face, "But there are a lot of children, you guys understand."

Both of them smiled, they really understood that they were very strong in that way.

"But why do you admire her, such a wonderful flower..." Mu Yan was a little puzzled, "Normally, few people would like her."

"It must be because of Mian Shou, Mian Shou... This is a female 'hero' who has tasted all the beautiful boys in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Sister, one of my favorite things is to collect pictures of beautiful men, Han style Tang Yun, Wei Jin style What's the matter, in our long history, handsome guys were born in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Just think about what kind of people her servants are. Hey, I really envy her... so domineering If a woman lives in this world, tsk tsk..."

"However, a woman like her is indeed a bit too much. It's natural to be jealous, but you can't inflict such torture on a pregnant concubine. As a woman, if you lose even the most basic kindness , she can’t be called a human being. And when it comes to empresses, I admire Empress Yin of Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty and Empress Changsun of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty more.”

"Both of you are role models of motherhood..." Shen Yiru looked at Mu Yan and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's right..." Mu Yan smiled, "These two couples are well-known in the history books as a combination of empress and husband and wife. However, even though I say that, as an emperor, there is no love at all. Sangong Liu Court 72 concubines or something."

"Where's the master?" Shen Yiru looked at Yang Xiao.

"In terms of history, I don't like it very much, but in terms of characters, I appreciate Wu Zetian more."

"Wu Zetian?" Shen Yiru paused, and gave a positive evaluation, "She is also a very powerful woman."

"That's right, that's why there was that wordless stele in the end." Yang Xiao smiled lightly.


The study of the courses in the second semester of freshman year is relatively more proficient than that of the last semester. The Japanese conversation class, which was the most troublesome, has gradually become easier. After a semester of study, everyone has gradually accumulated some daily knowledge. Dialogue, basic language, and communication with foreign teachers have long since lost the youthfulness and embarrassment at that time.

"Teaching ga end わります. みんな, また. (The class is over, goodbye everyone.)
As soon as Nakata Masami walked out of the classroom, the originally dead and silent atmosphere immediately revived.

"Ah... I'm exhausted." Shen Yiru stretched her long waist, "Seeing her now is not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning. In the past, whenever I listened to her talk, I would get goose bumps all over my body, especially when I was on the bed. When I saw her smiling face during the final exam of the first semester, I was very troubled."

Yang Xiao nodded, "Yes, after all, I have studied for a semester. However, we are still superficial. Look at those seniors and seniors who are juniors and seniors."

Seeing Mu Yan got up to leave, Dong Fangjing hurriedly called her to stop, "Mu Yan, are you going back to the dormitory soon?"

Mu Yan shook her head, "I'm not going back. I'm going to participate in club activities tonight, so I'm going to sort out the materials first."

Dong Fangjing asked, "Is that the speech contest?"

"Yeah." Mu Yan smiled slightly.

"Come on." Dong Fangjing waved her hand, "If I have time, I will go and see it."

After coming out of the foreign language building, Mu Yan saw You Zimo standing under a banyan tree waiting for her at a glance.

She smiled and ran towards him, "Brother Zimo, thank you for accompanying me to print this material."

"It's okay, all the materials are ready."

"Yes." Mu Yan smiled and nodded, "By the way, brother Zimo, who is your favorite historical figure?"

"A historical figure?" You Zimo thought for a while, and then said in a gentle voice, "I admire Li Yu, the Empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty."

"Really?" Mu Yan smiled brightly, "He's a very artistic emperor."

"Yeah. I like his semi-quote the most, 'There is no evidence of a wild goose coming, and there is no way to return to a dream. Parting from hatred is like spring grass, and the farther you go, the more you can survive'."

You Zimo looked at her with some doubts, "But why do you ask me this question?"

"What kind of character you like can show a person's character."

"Really?" You Zimo smiled lightly.

After sorting out the materials, the two went to the restaurant closest to the School of History.

Mu Yan put a piece of potato into her mouth and chewed slowly, she looked up at the boy opposite, "Brother Zimo, why did you choose the major of international trade?"

You Zimo looked a little helpless, "Actually, I majored in science, but my father said that he wanted me to inherit the family business, so he asked me to study economics. In fact, I prefer chemistry and biology."

Mu Yan nodded, "It's true that I have no other choice, but why did you apply to this school?"

"Finance at S University is very strong, and international trade is also good." You Zimo glanced at her, "Then what about you, why did you apply to this school?"

Hearing this question, Mu Yan's eyebrows were slightly raised, and she said softly, "My mother helped me choose. In fact, my score alone is not enough for this school, but I added 20 points in the end. point."

You Zimo didn't speak, he understood the meaning of Mu Yan's words, the children of martyrs will get extra points in the college entrance examination.

"And I feel like I've chosen the wrong major recently." Mu Yan lowered her eyes, and put a piece of the most hated carrot into her mouth.

"Why?" You Zimo stared at her, "Don't you like Japanese?"

Mu Yan shook her head, but didn't speak.

You Zimo didn't ask either, the loneliness on Mu Yan's face made him unable to bear to continue asking.

After sending her to the School of History, You Zimo went back to the dormitory.Mu Yan took the prepared materials and ran all the way to the Office of the Student Union of the School of History.

Mu Yan knocked on the door lightly three times, pushed the door open and walked in, "Senior."

Song Hui turned his head and smiled at her, "Are you ready? You are the protagonist today. I read that article. If you pay attention to the rhythm, it should be good."

After sorting out a set of materials, Mu Yan and Song Hui walked to a lecture hall dedicated to the History College.Mu Yan walked to a seat in the third row and sat down, while Song Hui sat in the middle of the first row.


Looking at the students who were giving speeches on the stage, Mu Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath, she will be next.She picked up the speech in her hand, quietly walked aside, and made preparations.

Finally, she stepped onto the stage.

Looking around the classroom, Mu Yan bowed slightly, she lowered her eyes and smiled slightly:
"The title of my speech is "The Man Who Was Never Forgotten by Time".

The Three Kingdoms, Two Jins, Southern and Northern Dynasties have been in turmoil for a hundred years, and dynasties have changed frequently. The emperor is like a revolving lantern. Few people can be praised by people from generation to generation like him.Although he is a royal nobleman, he has a temperament different from others.It is said that a special character was bred in a special background, and Xiao Tong is a unique character who came out of this historical period.

Xiao Tong, posthumously titled Prince Zhaoming, is the eldest son of Emperor Wu of Liang Xiao Yan.Many people know him mostly because of his "Selected Works", because this is the earliest collection of poems and essays in China, which has a great influence on later generations, and "Xuanxue" has also become a study of him and his "Selected Works". An independent school of Anthology. "Selected Works" had a great influence on the later literary creation, especially the literature of Tang and Song Dynasties. It not only created a batch of literati, but also laid the foundation for creating a new style of writing. Li Shan of the Tang Dynasty wrote about it His "Wen Xuan Zhu" is called one of the "Four Famous Notes" by later generations.However, during the May [-]th Movement, "Anthology" was once criticized as a decadent literature and received many unfair treatment.It was not until after the reform and opening up that people took a correct attitude to understand it again, and the research on it was suspended for more than half a century. This has to be said to be a tragedy of traditional Chinese culture.

Like other schools of thought, Xiao Tong's "Anthology" is his painstaking effort, and it is also the label of his fame.It should be said that all the emperors of the Southern Dynasties were writers, whether it was his father Xiao Yan, his younger brother Xiao Gang, or the later Liang Yuan Emperor Xiao Yi, each of them has a collection of essays in existence.Therefore, Xiao Tong's literary achievements are the result of his own hard work since he was a child, as well as the influence of his family background and environment.In addition to the fact that Xiao Tong's literary talents are different from ordinary people, what attracts me is more important because of his character traits, and this is probably the reason why he has been deeply admired by people for thousands of years.

Xiao Tong can be regarded as a gentleman advocated by "Confucianism", an ethical gentleman with "benevolence, wisdom, courage, propriety, and righteousness".As a prince, what he has in his heart is not the power and strategy of intrigue, but a benevolence for the people.He personally advocates frugality, living in utensils and clothes, not luxury.He has sympathy for the suffering of the common people. During the famine years, he once sent his confidantes to distribute the wealth of the East Palace to help the poor.His care and compassion for the people made people miss him deeply thousands of years after his death.

As a son and elder brother, his behavior is also very commendable. His mother, Ding Lingguang, is Xiao Yan's concubine. When she was sick, Xiao Tong was often in a state of undressed clothes and would do everything by himself. After her death, he often cried bitterly. Not only that, it almost collapsed.In the bloody battle for the throne in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, people who can love their own brothers and sisters are really rare, and Xiao Tong is one of these few people. He is kind-hearted, kind and gentle, and rarely cheats. When dealing with talents, he is able to recruit wise men and gather virtuous people.

Even his brother Xiao Gang stated in "Preface to Prince Zhaoming's Collection" that "the prince has fourteen virtues".Thrift, filial piety, attracting wise men, studying hard, not sensual, not extravagant, etc. are qualities that are difficult to possess in the eyes of ordinary people.Apart from these, what attracts me the most is his unique temperament, his admiration for Tao Yuanming and his yearning for nature, his indifference to power and contempt for the enjoyment of wealth are what distinguish him from others. He has a high position, but he has a subtle and detached temperament, a kind of open-mindedness.

There are many people with this kind of temperament in history, but it is indeed a bit special to appear in such a background.And that's why I admire him.Of course, the development of this kind of character and temperament is probably related to the environment in which he lives.The frequent wars in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the changing of the dynasties, and the unstable political situation made many people focus on the mountains and rivers and the countryside, seeking a kind of relief in seclusion.The Southern Dynasty was also a regime that indulged in Buddhism, and the "retribution" and "compassion" advocated by Buddhism also had a certain influence on him.His mother Ding Lingguang's upbringing of him and his own deep understanding of the Confucian "benevolence" Lao Zhuang Taoism and his father Liang Wudi Xiao Yan's extreme control of power also made him have little nostalgia for power and wealth.

There are actually quite a few people similar to him in history, such as Cao Zhi, Nalan Xingde, or the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove."They did not leave any good reputation in politics, but they created one achievement after another in literature and art.It should be said that the death of an outstanding character is always accompanied by an element of sadness.And Xiao Tong's death should be regarded as such, he died young, and died only in the prime of his life.But this also confirms the saying, "The most helpless emperor's family".After Xiao Tong's death, Emperor Wu of Liang Xiao Yan made his brother-in-law Xiao Gang the crown prince, who later became Emperor Jianwen Xiao Gang.Why not establish his eldest son, Xiao Huan, is a mystery in history.But looking at the history of the Southern Dynasties in the future, it may be considered a kind of luck for him not to be an emperor, because the country in the late Nanliang Dynasty was broken and separated, and he could not witness it with his own eyes.

History does not allow assumptions, but I think, if Xiao Tong did not die, but became the second emperor of Xiao Liang, would Chinese history be rewritten?Will the Hou Jing Rebellion still happen, and what will the history be like afterwards?From this level, in fact, Xiao Tong's death can be regarded as both a kind of sorrow and a kind of relief.

I only love Prince Zhaoming, that's all. "

After speaking, there was thunderous applause from the audience, Mu Yan looked at Song Hui, who gave her an appreciative look.

After the match, Mu Yan also left following the footsteps of everyone.Suddenly, Song Hui stopped her, "Mu Yan, wait a moment."

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, then turned around and walked to the podium, "What's the matter, senior, what can I do for you?"

Song Hui put down the materials in his hands and smiled slightly, "I'll take you back to the dormitory in a while."

"Eh?" Mu Yan was slightly taken aback, "Send me back to the dormitory?"

"What's the matter, don't you like it?" Song Hui raised his eyebrows, "It's so late, it's not good to let you go back with a girl."

"No, no..." I just didn't expect it.Mu Yan smiled brilliantly, "How dare I bother the vice-chairman of the Student Union of the School of History to send me such a nobody from the School of Foreign Languages..."

Hearing this, Song Hui smiled helplessly.

The two talked and laughed as they walked to the door of the History Building. Suddenly, Mu Yan spotted a familiar figure.

"Brother Zimo, why are you here?" She ran towards You Zimo.

"I'm waiting for you."

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, "Have you been waiting here for me?"

You Zimo smiled slightly and said, "I just waited for a while."

When the two were talking, Song Hui also walked to their side.

"Who is this?" Song Hui and You Zimo almost spoke in unison.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, but You Zimo introduced himself first with a smile, "School of Economics, You Zimo."

"School of History, Song Hui."

Song Hui took a look at You Zimo, then smiled slightly at Mu Yan and said: "Then you go first, I still have some materials to sort out."

Mu Yan froze for a moment, but didn't say anything.

Song Hui entered the history building, leaving only two people standing in the night wind.

You Zimo turned around and said to the girl, "Let's go."

"En." Mu Yan nodded, a feeling of warmth welled up in her heart.

With doubts in mind, You Zimo glanced at Mu Yan, "Who was that boy just now?"

"Well, that's the president of our club. He's also the vice-chairman of the Student Union of the School of History." Mu Yan smiled, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know." You Zimo shook his head.He suddenly recalled the way that boy looked at Mu Yan just now, maybe he was careless.

The girl next to her is so shining that people can't take their eyes off, and it is normal to be attracted to her.

But that boy from just now... Maybe he really was overthinking.

(End of this chapter)

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