Chapter 16

After saying goodbye to Jiang Chenning, Mu Yan walked to the carport with her schoolbag on her back.There is still more than a week before the drama performance. Among all the actors, except for Jiang Chenning, she is completely unfamiliar with other students.

Unfamiliarity means that there is no tacit cooperation, and there is no tacit cooperation... Thinking of this, Mu Yan couldn't help sighing.Jiang Chenning wanted to help her adapt to this environment as soon as possible, and she understood his kindness.

It's just that she is now...

Pushed out the car from the shed, Mu Yan got on and walked towards the school gate, when she originally wanted to take a second look at the high school teaching building, but suddenly found a familiar figure at the school gate, she screamed, "Lin Xia ..."

"Why didn't you leave?" Looking at his figure, Mu Yan was stunned. Didn't she agree with him not to go home with him for a few days?
Could it be that he has been waiting here for her just now?

"Lin Xia, have you been waiting here just now?" Looking up at him, Mu Yan asked cautiously.

A soft 'um' signifies his answer.

"Let's go." Lin Xia looked back at the girl who was still in a daze.

Mu Yan was confused, did he wait for her here on purpose?

Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling grew in her heart.

Glancing at Lin Xia who was seriously riding the bike, Mu Yan smiled slightly, "Lin Xia, you know the story of the mermaid princess."

Lin Xia didn't speak, but continued to concentrate on riding the bike.Mu Yan secretly glanced at him again, her expression was as usual.

She sighed secretly, this is a story that elementary school students understand, how could he not know it?'s really not normal today...ask him this kind of question.

Suddenly, his voice rang beside his ears, "I read it in elementary school. Mermaid Princess, a very stupid girl."

stupid?Mu Yan was stunned, how could he say that?

"Obviously she was the one who saved the prince, but she kept concealing and cheating, and watched the man marry another woman. In the end, she didn't kill the man, but turned herself into a bubble. Isn't this kind of person What is stupid?"

Lin Xia glanced at her, and said lightly, "A stupid woman who made wedding clothes for her..."

Mu Yan was upset, what about that man, he is a prince, okay?But what he said was not wrong, the little mermaid did not tell the prince the truth, she saved him by herself.Could it be that she can't speak, no, it seems that writing is also possible...but why didn't she express it?Frowning, she was almost surrounded by him.

Looking at his handsome side face, Mu Yan immediately felt a little relieved. This is probably the difference between boys and girls when they look at love.

"Lin Xia, if a girl cheats on you because of love in the future, what will you do?"

Lin Xia pondered for a while, her voice was very low and soft, like a feather blowing and wrinkling ripples on the lake of the girl's heart.

"Maybe I won't forgive her, maybe..."

Uh... Mu Yan was slightly taken aback, she never thought that Lin Xia would answer her question, she was just asking casually.

Looking at the regretful and troubled girl next to her, Lin Xia unconsciously smiled, "Come on... Mrs. Miejue attaches great importance to this competition. Although she doesn't say it on the face, but for this kind of class The competition between them is very important.”

"En." Mu Yan nodded, this was the first group activity she participated in since she transferred to another school, and she would do her best no matter what.

At the parting intersection, Lin Xia suddenly turned around, and said to Mu Yan very seriously, "From now on, I will wait for you at the school gate."

Mu Yan hesitated for a moment, "But I want to rehearse a play, time..."

"It's okay." Lin Xia interrupted her suddenly, with a trace of affirmation in her voice, "It's not good for you to go home alone as a girl."

Seeing that he was so persistent, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she nodded and said yes.


"See you."

After a customary farewell, the two parted at the intersection.

Flipping through Andersen's fairy tales in her hand, Mu Yan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Lin Xia's words are not wrong, why doesn't the Little Mermaid let the prince know the truth?Maybe she wanted the prince to know the truth.It was she who saved him, not the princess.Why not speak out?Although she can't speak anymore, she can indeed write on paper or let the prince know in other ways, but why didn't she choose to do so?Is it because he is afraid that the prince will not believe her words?Maybe not, seeing the person I love with the person he loves, even if I am in pain, I don't want to destroy their happiness.It is precisely because I love him that I want him to be happy and cannot bear to destroy his happiness.

But, does such love really exist?

The English drama competition was held in the auditorium of the Art Center of the High School Attached to W University.

Friday was designated as the second-year drama performance day.The English level of the first grade is generally not proficient, and the students of the third grade have to prepare for the college entrance examination.Therefore, for the annual drama competition, the school only attaches great importance to the second grade.

After nearly a week of serious rehearsal, Mu Yan has cultivated a tacit understanding with Jiang Chenning and other students.

The drama of classes five and six is ​​set to be "The Little Mermaid", while other classes prepare a variety of plays, including performances of Cervantes' "Don Quixote", Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", and adaptations of Balza Grace's Eugenie?Grandet's.

Although "The Little Mermaid" of Class Five and Six is ​​adapted from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, compared with other famous works, it has more space for free play.But because it is well known, it is relatively difficult to surpass and break through the plot.

Seeing Mu Yan walking out of the changing room, Liu Xueying couldn't help but admire, "Mu Yan, you are really beautiful dressed like this."

The long white dress, matched with the scattered black hair, and a bright white pearl dotted on the smooth forehead, really looks like the mermaid princess of the underwater palace.

Hearing this, Mu Yan couldn't help but smile slightly, "Really, it's just a little cold, haha..." When she just changed into this dress, many people cast their eyes on her, causing her to misunderstand. I thought my appearance was weird.

"By the way, where is Jiang Chenning?" Liu Xueying glanced at a group of students who were dressing up, but all around them were acting students from other classes.

"Over there." Mu Yan waved her hand and called out, "Jiang Chenning."

Hearing the shout, Jiang Chenning immediately searched for Mu Yan and the others, and walked over.

Looking at Jiang Chenning who was dressed as a prince, Liu Xueying couldn't help nodding, and exclaimed, "So handsome."

"It's very handsome..." Mu Yan couldn't help but praise, she suddenly remembered that in junior high school, many girls had special thoughts about Jiang Chenning.But at that time, he didn't show any special feelings for anyone.But if he returns to school like this, he will definitely make those girls lose control again.

Jiang Chenning smiled politely at Liu Xueying, and then set her sights on Mu Yan.

Seeing him staring at her, Mu Yan hurriedly asked, "Will I look like a ghost when I dress up like this?"

Jiang Chenning slightly staggered his eyes, and said softly, "No, it's very suitable."

"Really, that's great." Hearing his praise, Mu Yan couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

Classes [-] and [-] were lucky, and ranked third from the bottom according to the order of the lottery."Romeo and Juliet", which was performed by classes [-] and [-] for the first time, won thunderous applause from the audience, and "The Merchant of Venice", which is currently being performed on the stage, also won a lot of applause.

Seeing Mu Yan clenched her fists, Jiang Chenning smiled at her, "Mu Yan, let's check the lines again, maybe you won't be nervous."


The little mermaid is the soul of the whole play. From the beginning of saving the prince to the end of the bubble, she is the key figure throughout the play.But in fact, the little mermaid doesn't say many lines directly.Especially after she lost her speech, she could only communicate with the prince with her eyes.A kind of mournful but sad eyes watching the beloved marry someone else.

"Iloveyou, soIcouldn'tkillyou, mydearprince...(I love you so I can't kill you, my dear prince)"

Just as the two were facing the lines, a classmate ran over and told the two that it was time for them to get ready to play.

Mu Yan and Jiang Chenning looked at each other and smiled.

Liu Xueying cheered on Mu Yan behind her.Suddenly, Mu Yan felt a line of sight staring at her, and looked in that direction, but saw Lin Xia...

She smiled brightly at him, and he lightly lifted his lips and said two words to her lightly.

She understood his lips, 'Come on'.

Come on... She smiled lightly.

Finally, the curtain lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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