Chapter 18

The few things that students are most afraid of are nothing more than exams, grades and meeting parents.

"Examination test", the teacher's magic weapon; "Fenfenfen", the lifeblood of students.In the eyes of a teacher, whether a student is good or not depends on his grades.Whether you have the ability or not, one test paper, one hour, you can see the result.

After the English drama week, the mid-term exam also came quietly amidst the grievances and complaints of everyone.

This is Mu Yan's first major exam since she transferred to another school. It not only affects her image in the eyes of the teachers, but also affects whether she can enter a key university a year later.

The High School Attached to W University is a key middle school in City A, and the school will give enough attention to each test, no matter the major test or the small test.Therefore, approaching such an important mid-term exam, the teachers of each subject not only increased the supervision of students unprecedentedly, but also increased the number of review questions.

"Ah, I'm exhausted." Liu Xueying flicked the pen in her hand, and looked at Mu Yan angrily, "I always feel that our life is not only going to school, but also going to school. Now if you count the exams, there are not dozens of exams. Hundreds of games, when will this kind of life be counted as the end?"

Mu Yan smiled and nodded, and responded helplessly, "No way, this is the sadness of being a student. When I was in elementary school, I always thought that I would be free after entering junior high school. But after entering junior high school, I just I will envy others who go to high school, and after I go to high school, I will envy those who go to college. Hey, when can we relax a little bit."

"Yes. When will we have our own freedom?" Liu Xueying also sighed.

"By the way, Xueying." Mu Yan looked at Liu Xueying very seriously, "If you have a question that you don't know how to do, you should ask the teacher, or ask your classmates, or just study it yourself. Which step?"

Liu Xueying paused, "Usually I'm bored by myself, but if I really can't solve it, I'll ask the teacher."

"Are you having any problems?"

"Yes." Mu Yan nodded, "I always feel that I am far behind others. Especially in mathematics."

"What can you ask Lin Xia, he is so good at studying." Liu Xueying smiled slightly, "Of course if it was you, he would definitely answer every question."

Mu Yan was slightly startled, "Why, don't others ask him questions?"

"I don't know that. But you can ask him if you don't know anything."

Staring at the handsome figure in front of the classroom, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Yes, why can't I ask him, I usually go home with him.What Liu Xueying said is quite right, you can ask him any questions, he is a good boy in the eyes of the teacher.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of evening self-study, the dull classroom immediately became alive.

Glancing at Mu Yan who was arranging her schoolbag, Lin Xia patted her on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "I'll wait for you in the carport."

"En." Mu Yan didn't turn her head, but just responded lightly.He said that if he waited for her in the carport, he would definitely wait for her.

After packing her schoolbag, Mu Yan got up and walked towards the carport.


Glancing at Lin Xia who was seriously riding the bike, Mu Yan swallowed back what she wanted to ask.

"What's the matter?" Turning his head, he looked at her calmly, and asked softly, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"Lin Xia, how do you usually study, take notes?"

Suddenly, he smiled slightly, his voice was clear and mellow, matching the night breeze into the girl's ears, "If you don't need it, I usually don't remember it. However, there are special cases."

Hmm, special case?

Lin Xia just smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly, the clear male voice sounded again, "Mu Yan, stop at that intersection later."

Although puzzled, she stopped the car at the intersection as he ordered.

Lin Xia took out a notebook from her schoolbag and handed it to her.

"Is this for me?" Although Mu Yan was taken aback, she still took it.

Lin Xia didn't speak, but just nodded.

Glancing at him, Mu Yan immediately lowered her head and turned a few pages, suddenly, a trace of surprise overflowed from her chest, "Is this the note you sorted out?"

Lin Xia smiled and remained silent.

Although the streetlights were dim, Mu Yan had to admit that it was not easy for a boy to write so neatly and neatly.Compared with her handwriting, she couldn't help shaking her head.

"Look carefully, maybe it will help you." Lin Xia said very calmly, "The exam is coming soon."

Hearing his words, Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, she looked up at him, "What about you, you gave me the notes, what should you do?"

Lin Xia smiled slightly, with an indescribable confidence in his tone, "Do you think I'm the one who needs that kind of thing?"

You guy... Mu Yan rolled his eyes at him, you don't need notes, so why are you tidying up...

Even though she thought so, she still said with a smile in her eyes, "Thank you, I will definitely watch it."

"Well, then I'm leaving." Lin Xia smiled and waved her hands, then turned and left.

Compared with other subjects, Mathematics is Mu Yan's weakness, and Lin Xia's notes just make up for this weakness.

On the notes, he carefully outlined the points for attention in the solution of each question with a red pen.

It turns out that his math is really so good...

He is a good boy in the eyes of the teacher, why does she have the feeling of getting closer to him?

Wait a minute, what is she thinking... Shaking her head, Mu Yan quickly dissipated those strange thoughts in her mind.

While flipping through his notes, she calculated, and quickly eliminated the above examples one by one.


The examination room of the midterm examination is divided according to the students' previous test scores. There are 22 classes in the second year of high school attached to W University.Classes [-] to [-] are science key classes, classes [-] to [-] are liberal arts key classes, and the rest of the classes include art classes and music classes.

Because Mu Yan is a transfer student, she didn't take the last exam, so this midterm exam can only be arranged in the last exam room.

When she saw the ranking of the examination room, she was really depressed.

"Xueying, which class do you go to take the exam?"

"I'm taking the exam in class six."

"Then let's not eat together at noon for the next two days." Mu Yan smiled apologetically. It took a lot of time to rush over from the last examination room, and she really didn't want to waste Liu Xueying's time.

Liu Xueying nodded, "That's fine, just a day or two, come on."

She smiled slightly, turned her head to look at Lin Xia behind her, and asked softly, "Lin Xia, are you taking the test in our class?"

Lin Xia pointed out, "The third position."

Mu Yan glanced in that direction, the third position in the first row, which means that he is No.3 in the department. She knows that No.1 is a classmate nicknamed 'Bookworm' from Class 2, so what about No.[-]?
After packing her schoolbag, she got up and walked towards her examination room, but when she just walked to the door, she met an old classmate, Jiang Chenning.

Mu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled brightly, "Jiang Chenning, are you also taking the exam in our class?"

Jiang Chenning smiled and nodded, "Well, there."

Following the direction of Jiang Chenning's finger, she took a look, and it turned out to be the second position.

Jiang Chenning's study is very good, she has always known it, but only now she knows that his study is so good.

Jiang Chenning smiled and cheered her up, "Show your strength, absolutely no problem, I believe in you."

"um. Thank you."

After waving goodbye to Mu Yan, Jiang Chenning entered the classroom of Class Five.

Lin Xia has been watching the interaction between the two, until Jiang Chenning came in, he just looked away a little.

Jiang Chenning glanced at Lin Xia calmly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Xia looked away and snorted softly.

Jiang Chenning couldn't help but chuckled slightly.

In a Chinese test, some people took the test carelessly, while others did it with ease.

The invigilator saw the boys sitting in the first row raised their hands. He thought there was something wrong with the boys, so he hurried over.

However, the teacher's words instantly broke the originally quiet atmosphere of the examination room.

"What, do you want to hand in the paper?" The invigilator seemed not to hear clearly, and he asked very seriously.

"Yes." Lin Xia's voice was clear and firm.

He looked at Lin Xia's test paper, and then he realized that this boy is the top student in the teachers' mouth.

"Lin Xia, are you sure to hand in the paper now?"

The teacher was worried and asked again.

"Yeah." Lin Xia nodded, without any unnecessary nonsense, and left the classroom after handing in the test paper.

Staring at the distant figure, Jiang Chenning's mouth unconsciously curled into a smile of unknown meaning.

The invigilator scanned the classroom and couldn't help but say, "Stop making noise and take the test hard."

Listening to this noisy sound, Mu Yan couldn't help frowning.

If she wasn't a transfer student, she wouldn't have been assigned to the last exam room to take the exam.Not to be biased against them, but sometimes there is a point in measuring students with grades.

Those noises not only interrupted her thoughts of writing essays, but also those eyes that looked at her made her unbearable.

As soon as the Chinese examination papers were collected, the originally noisy examination room became even more noisy.

As soon as the teacher left, a boy sitting in front of Mu Yan immediately turned his head, "Your name is Mu Yan, isn't it?" I told you your name."

Fang name?Mu Yan raised her eyes and glanced at him briefly, then lowered her head, took out the history book from her bag, and prepared for the next exam.

The boy also ignored Mu Yan's ignorance, and continued to talk warmly, "I'm a sports student, let's get to know you. I've heard of your name, you're a transfer student from Class [-], right?"

The boy was talking to himself, although his voice was not unpleasant, but Mu Yan's mind was not here at the moment, it is indeed good to know one more person, but now her task is to recite this big question again .

Looking up from the book, she smiled at the boy and said softly, "Excuse me, can I read a book?"

She didn't say, you are noisy.Because it really hurts.

The boy smiled and said with emotion, "As expected of a good student, you usually go home with the guy in your class." The boy seemed to be thinking for a while before saying, "By the way, Lin Xia, The boy who studies very well. I saw him just now, and he came here, but I don’t know what he came here for, maybe he came to see you..."

Hearing this, Mu Yan suddenly raised her eyes to look at the boy, and asked with doubts, "What did you say?"

Seeing Mu Yan responding to him, the boy regained his energy immediately, "Lin Xia, I came here just now, and I've been looking out the window, I don't know what I'm looking at."

"How do you know?" Mu Yan asked.

"I saw it..." The boy seemed to be recalling that he saw the boy named Lin Xia looking in this direction just now. It seemed that he was looking for someone, but is there anyone he knows in this examination room?
Listening to the boy's words, all kinds of confusion flashed in Mu Yan's heart. Lin Xia has been here before, why is he here?
The boy still wanted to continue talking to Mu Yan, but Mu Yan got up and left the examination room.

Looking at the vast playground from afar, Mu Yan took a deep breath, the boy's words were not very believable.Does he know Lin Xia?Maybe it's not necessarily wrong to admit it.Lin Xia came here, how could it be possible, he must be taking the exam in his class, how could he come to the last exam room?

After the history exam, Mu Yan ignored the boy's enthusiastic lunch invitation, and ran back to the classroom at a high speed.

It was really a horrible experience, and there was one more day, how would she survive it?

As soon as she entered the classroom, Jiang Chenning suddenly stopped her, "Mu Yan."

Mu Yan turned her head and smiled slightly, "Jiang Chenning."

"The exam is over, how is it?"

She sighed softly, "It's okay to talk about Chinese and history, but the most worrying thing is the math in the afternoon, and I don't know anything about it."

Seeing a trace of sadness on her face, Jiang Chenning smiled, "Let's go have dinner together."

"Okay, but I have to pack my schoolbag first, can you wait for me?"

Jiang Chenning nodded and walked outside the classroom.The handsome and slender figure stood there, like the most beautiful scenery.

"Lin Xia..." Mu Yan gave the boy behind her a bright smile, "How did you do in the exam?"

Lin Xia didn't answer, just glanced at her briefly, then turned and left the classroom.

Who messed with him again?Staring at his back, Mu Yan couldn't help but secretly wonder, just now that boy said he ran over there, this is absolutely impossible.

Putting down her schoolbag, Mu Yan hurried out of the classroom, and said softly to Jiang Chenning, "Let's go."

Jiang Chenning smiled, "I can adapt to life here now."

"Well. Thanks to your help, I acted in that play, which allowed me to quickly adapt to this environment."

Jiang Chenning smiled and shook his head, "It's not my credit, it's your own efforts."

"Yeah." Mu Yan smiled and raised her eyes to look at Jiang Chenning seriously, "I really didn't expect you to be in this school. When you graduated, many of them said that you went to a school in another city, even me. I think so."

Jiang Chenning smiled lightly and did not answer her question.

"By the way, if you need it, I can lend you the notes." He looked at her gently. "Aren't there still a few classes left? Maybe it will help."

"Yeah. Notes." Mu Yan's smile was full of apology, "Thank you very much, but Lin Xia has already lent me the notes."

"Really?" A gleam of unknown meaning flashed in the bright eyes.


Originally thought that the most worried math test would become a tragedy, but Lin Xia's notes reversed it into a reunion comedy.

Looking at the math answer sheet full of answers, a smile suddenly bloomed on Li Yan.

This feeling has never been there before.

After walking back to the classroom, the first thing she said to Lin Xia was, "Lin Xia, thank you."

Originally thought that he would ignore her again, but Lin Xia whispered, "It's nothing."

Because of his words, those strange feelings she had earlier suddenly disappeared.

And when the test papers for the last geography exam were collected, the one and a half day-long midterm exam finally came to an end.

With her schoolbag on her back, Mu Yan showed her potential in the [-]-meter sprint, and she just stepped into the classroom after getting rid of the chasing boys behind her.

However, as soon as she stepped into the classroom, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

The girls in the class were looking at her without blinking, with curiosity, understanding, and even a hint of sarcasm in their eyes.It's not that there was no such situation before, but these probing eyes are indeed unbearable.

"Xueying, what happened?" Mu Yan looked at Liu Xueying suspiciously, "Why do they all look at me like this?"

Liu Xueying glanced at Mu Yan, and said in a low voice, "They all said that you and Jiang Chenning are a couple. It started from the time of English dramas, and there are many girls who are interested in Jiang Chenning and want to come to you."

"Huh? Are you kidding me? Who said these things?" Hearing these words, Mu Yan's anger suddenly rose, "There must be a limit to joking, which of their eyes saw me and Jiang Chenning together. No Is it just eating a few meals together and acting in a play?"

Liu Xueying shook her head, "It should be a girl from another class." She also heard it from others.Girls in high school love gossip, any news other than intense study will become their pastime, not to mention Mu Yan's gossip, they like it even more.

Recalling the look that a girl gave her when she was walking on the road just now, Mu Yan felt furious in her heart.She and Jiang Chenning, this joke is a bit too big, obviously they are just good friends.

And those girls, do you still want to come to her, what do you want her to do, fight?
Suddenly, she turned her eyes and smiled, and put on Liu Xueying's familiar face again, "Don't worry about those things. Those girls who don't know the truth are really a headache."

"Yeah, what do they know? They study all day long, and they like to spread any gossip."

Looking at Mu Yan's beautiful side face, Liu Xueying sighed lightly, and swallowed the phrase "They also said that you and Lin Xia are actually a couple" that she wanted to blurt out in her heart.

The two disturbing evening self-study sessions are finally over.Mu Yan packed her schoolbag, followed behind Lin Xia, and walked towards the carport.

Looking up from the side, she found that Lin Xia was tensing up with a handsome face, and exuded a kind of icy aura around him, which made people unable to look directly at him.

"Lin Xia, what's wrong with you?" She asked hastily.

Lin Xia just glanced at her lightly, without answering.

"are you angry?"

After a while of silence, Lin Xia said coldly, "No."

Even so, he was indeed angry.Mu Yan shook her head, wondering who offended him again.

"Lin Xia, have you heard those, um, those who say that Jiang Chenning and I..."

"What?" Lin Xia glanced at her unkindly, "What did you hear?"

Seeing his tense face, Mu Yan suddenly stopped talking.

After a while, she couldn't help but said, "Can I return your notes to you tomorrow?"

Lin Xia didn't speak, just gave a soft 'hmm'.

Silently parting at the intersection, the two walked in different directions.

Flipping through his notebook, Mu Yan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

His notes were organized, orderly, and neat, which made her feel like it would be nice if she could keep them and keep them.

But Lin Xia's attitude towards her made her fall into confusion.

Did he hate her?
(End of this chapter)

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