Chapter 27

The days are full of teeth and claws, and the time is desperately escaping.

In the course of the second semester of the second year of high school, the students in the liberal arts class suddenly had three subjects: physics, chemistry, and biology.In order to cope with the upcoming graduation exams, the school spared no expense in manpower, material and financial resources, desperately squeezing the blood and sweat of the students.

Science students are most troubled by history and land politics, while liberal arts students are most troubled by physical and chemical biology.

Seeing the teachers of physics, chemistry and biology taking turns to play, the students in Class [-] suddenly had a feeling that the end of the world was coming.A series of physical analysis questions, speed and acceleration, impacted their brains that were originally filled with Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and chemical equations devastated their nerves that originally contained biological fossils that could be found in limestone.

But this is not the most troublesome thing.

Lin Xia and Mu Yan had a cold war.This is the consensus reached by Zhang Yuepeng and Liu Xueying.

This situation lasted for a whole week.

Although the cold war between the two didn't bother other students, it's still how to live their lives.But the two continued to be in a stalemate, which made the other two students very distressed.A series of behaviors such as normal front and back discussion and communication, normal sending and receiving of test papers and exercise books have been hindered.

The students were not aware of the undercurrent between the two, only Zhang Yuepeng and Liu Xueying knew about their relationship.

Finally, as soon as the nagging physics teacher left, Liu Xueying immediately grabbed Mu Yan who was about to get up.

"Mu Yan, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Yan paused, then looked at Liu Xueying with some doubts, "What's going on?"

"You and him." Liu Xueying raised her eyebrows slightly, motioning her to look behind her.

As soon as she saw the empty table behind her, Mu Yan's face immediately darkened.

"what happened?"

Mu Yan sat down, and after a while, she said softly, "We had a fight."

"Why?" Liu Xueying couldn't help asking.

Mu Yan pouted slightly, with a sense of helplessness in her tone, "I just said a few words to Jiang Chenning, and he was very angry. Then we quarreled. Jiang Chenning asked me what school you want to apply for, and I told him He chatted briefly. And then, that's it."

Volunteer?Liu Xueying nodded. This was a simulated volunteer application that the school asked them to fill in a few days ago. After all, they will be promoted to the third year of high school in a few months. Only by recognizing the reality can they grasp the direction.

But what does that have to do with their quarrel?She knew the relationship between Lin Xia and Jiang Chenning, and it was very difficult for Mu Yan to intervene in it.

Mu Yan took a deep breath, her heart filled with grievance, "Even if he and Jiang Chenning are not at odds, Jiang Chenning is still my classmate, so what if I have a few words with him."

These two people... Liu Xueying shook her head, and asked casually, "Then do you go home together at night?" She specifically pointed to the evening, because the two people also came to the classroom at different times in the morning.

Mu Yan didn't speak, but simply gave a 'huh'.She walked in front, he followed, and no one spoke to anyone.

"Cold war." Liu Xueying couldn't help but sighed.

Mu Yan didn't speak, but nodded lightly.She also knew it was called the Cold War.It's a state that couples often have, but she didn't expect it to happen to her so soon.

"I just don't know who is Lao Su and who is Lao Mei."

"What do you mean?" Mu Yan looked at her, confused.

"The 50-year 'Cold War' has had a profound impact on the world."

Hearing her analogy, Mu Yan couldn't help but smile, anyway, she would never be that country that has disintegrated, she wants to be that country that is traveling around the world.

So she will never admit defeat first.

"However, just because of this, you two, this is a bit too immature." It's a pity that the rare relationship has fallen into a cold war just because of this.

Mu Yan hesitated, she said softly, "Actually, there should be other reasons."

If the two fell into such a state just because of this, it could only prove that they were not mature at all.

Mu Yan seemed to be thinking back.


Hold the voluntary form in your hand.

Mu Yan was confused.

Which school will she go to?Although her mother never put pressure on her, since she can get this hard-won opportunity to transfer, she must choose a school that suits her and live up to her mother's expectations.

"Mu Yan, which school do you want to apply for?" Lin Xia glanced at her, "Fill out the application form."

Mu Yan shook her head, "No." She didn't know which school she should apply for in her situation.

Seeing her hesitation, Lin Xia suddenly said seriously, "Then you and I are admitted to the same school, how about N University?"

N big?Hearing this word, Mu Yan immediately raised her eyes and glared at him, "Are you kidding me?" Letting her go to the same school as him, it's better to let her go to the second year of high school again, although the gap between the two is not as big as imagined It is big, but it is still very difficult to be admitted to the same school.

Lin Xia smiled and said softly, "Then I will go to the same school as you, how about it?"

Mu Yan glanced at him, "You're still joking." He is such a good student, wouldn't it be a waste of money to be admitted to the same school as her?
"Lin Xia, we will not be admitted to the same school."

Lin Xia didn't speak, but an unknown light flashed in her eyes, and her sharp eyes made her heart startled.

Suddenly, she felt a chill, paused, and continued, "If we can't go to the same school..."

She didn't go on, if the two of them failed to go to the same school, there was only one ending they would face.

"Stop talking." Lin Xia interrupted her abruptly. He took a deep breath and said after a while, "What major are you going to study?"

"I don't know either. I like history very much. Otherwise, I should choose history." Mu Yan smiled slightly. Grandpa is a professor of history. If she chooses history, it will also help her.

"By the way, Lin Xia, who is your favorite historical figure?"

"Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu."

"Yeah." Mu Yan nodded, it's normal to like this character, most boys like princes and generals.

Looking at her who was contemplating, Lin Xia couldn't help asking, "Why are you asking me this?"

Mu Yan smiled lightly, and she looked at him seriously, "What kind of person you like will have that kind of character."

"What about you?" Lin Xia asked back.

"I admire Prince Zhaoming."

Hearing this answer, Lin Xia couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Shouldn't girls like people like Li Qingzhao, Zhuo Wenjun, or people like Pan An and Song Yu?" Why is the girl in front of her so different?

"Perhaps, I appreciate the kind of character and sentiment that 'you can't show your ambition unless you are indifferent, and you can't go far without tranquility'. Prince Zhaoming gave me such a feeling."

The girl in front of him couldn't help but stunned him again, Lin Xia breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, let's get down to business, how about you report Japanese?"

"Japanese?" Mu Yan pouted slightly, "Small languages, although the language is not bad, but for employment..." She sighed lightly, "It seems that employment in history is more difficult, isn't there a saying that choosing history is equal to unemployment ?"

Seeing the confusion on her face, Lin Xia concluded, "Then choose Japanese."

"Hey, why are you so arbitrary." Mu Yan couldn't help but give him a blank look, "My mother is not as arbitrary as you."

Lin Xia smiled slightly, "Depending on our relationship."

Glancing at him, she asked angrily, "What about you, what do you want to choose?"

Lin Xia pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "Law, I want to be a lawyer."

"Is it the law? It always feels very majestic." Mu Yan looked at him maliciously, "As a lawyer, you have to be a little bit sloppy. If you say it, it should be fine."

"Why do I feel that this sentence is a little bit wrong." Lin Xia showed a trace of helplessness.

"I'm praising you, praising you, praising you..."

Glancing at her, he immediately laughed too.

Although volunteering is a simulated report, it can still roughly reflect a person's direction.

Gently sandwiching the volunteer form into the book, Mu Yan couldn't help but smile slightly.

His words seemed to echo in his ears, "Then how about I go to the same school as you?"

It would be great if the two of them could go to the same school, but this seemed like an elusive wish.


Gently grabbing a classmate who came out from class six, Mu Yan told him to find the monitor of your class.

The boy was slightly taken aback, then walked into the classroom.After a while, a familiar figure appeared in front of her.

"Jiang Chenning." Mu Yan smiled lightly, and handed him the materials in her hand, "Mr. Chen happened to see me, so let me give these materials to you."

Jiang Chenning glanced at the material in his hand, it turned out to be a mock form voluntarily filled out.

"Thank you." He raised his eyes and smiled.

"It's okay." Mu Yan shook her head, "By the way, which school do you want to apply for?"

"E University." Jiang Chenning pondered for a while, "The financial management of that school is very good."

"Is E big?" It's a very good school... Mu Yan smiled slightly, "I think you'll be fine."

"But if you don't study hard, it's still not enough. The future is unknown." Jiang Chenning looked at her and asked casually, "What about you?"

Mu Yan sighed softly, "I applied for D University, and I don't know if I can get into that school." Although the exam is not difficult, judging from the current unstable state, there is still some suspense. .

"Just work harder, it should be fine. I trust you."

Mu Yan smiled slightly, and when she was about to say the next word to him, she suddenly called out softly.

When Mu Yan turned her head, she saw Lin Xia was standing at the back door of Class [-], looking at them calmly.

"I'm leaving." Jiang Chenning smiled at Mu Yan, turned around and entered the classroom of Class Six.After he left, Mu Yan also walked into the classroom.

Walking to the seat, she tapped on the desk behind her, "Lin Xia, what did you call me?"

Lin Xia didn't even look at her, and took out the textbook for the next class on her own.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Mu Yan couldn't help knocking on the table again.

"It's nothing." Lin Xia simply raised his eyes to look at her, then lowered his head again.

A burst of anger suddenly ignited in Mu Yan's heart, "What do you mean?"

Lin Xia didn't speak, and when Mu Yan was about to say the next sentence, the history teacher entered the classroom.

Resisting the urge to look back, she bitterly opened the textbook.

All afternoon, neither of the two said a word to each other.

A depressing dinner, two silent evening self-study sessions.

Finally, when riding a bicycle out of the school gate, Mu Yan looked at the boy behind her, "Lin Xia, what do you mean this afternoon?"

Lin Xia glanced at her, but still didn't speak.

"Baffling." blurted out.

"Yes, I just don't understand it." Lin Xia finally opened his mouth, but what he said next made Mu Yan suddenly angry.

"Didn't you say you would never talk to him again? Why did you talk to him again?"

"Huh?" Mu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood, "I'm talking to Jiang Chenning, what does it have to do with you?"

"I can't say, just not."

"Lin Xia, you are too arbitrary."

"Yes, that's it. Did you just find out now?"

"Then you still talk to other girls, do I care about you?"

"I don't care about others, anyway, you just can't have contact with him." Lin Xia looked at her and said word by word, "You can't be with him."

"You're kidding, why do you care about me?"

"Based on our relationship."

"Crazy." After saying this, Mu Yan rode on the bike and walked forward.

With a gloomy and handsome face, Lin Xia followed behind without saying a word.

"So, you have been fighting like this for a week." After listening to Mu Yan's narration, Liu Xueying couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, what else can I do?" She walked in front and he followed behind, neither talking to anyone.She ignored him, and he ignored her.

Liu Xueying shook her head, these two... are they playing house?
"Anyway, I won't hand in my gun and surrender first." Mu Yan's eyes were full of seriousness, "Absolutely not."


The Cold War continued to escalate, and Zhang Yuepeng and Liu Xueying felt helpless about their state.But helplessness turned into helplessness, and the worries and concerns of the two were gradually overwhelmed by the increasingly heavy schoolwork.

After coming out of the homeroom teacher's office, Mu Yan immediately crumpled up the college entrance examination bonus policy and threw it into the trash can at the corner.I thought the head teacher was looking for her because of her studies, but who knew that Yan Lixin would give her this.

Just now, a classmate in the class was listening to Yan Lixin talking to her. Seeing the astonished expression on the girl's face, a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yan's mouth unconsciously.

Indeed, whoever gets the sudden 20 points will show such an expression.

"Mu Yan, although you can add 20 points in the end, you still have to study hard."

"Children of martyrs will get 20 points."

20 points... 20 points...

Teacher Yan's words seemed to be recalled in his ears, 'Add 20 points. '

Her father exchanged her life for 20 points. What kind of mood should she use to welcome the sudden 20 points?

As soon as she entered the classroom, she immediately noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Although some girls' eyes were focused on her before, but now the whole class's eyes are focused on her.

As soon as she sat down, Liu Xueying grabbed her and whispered, "Mu Yan, your father..."

"En." Mu Yan nodded, although Liu Xueying didn't finish her sentence, but Mu Yan knew what she wanted to say.

In fact, she should have gotten used to these "gossips" long ago.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Mu Yan lowered her eyes slightly, got up and left the classroom.

She knew their doubts.

Her father is gone, sacrificed to save a man.

Her father exchanged her life for these 20 points, but she would rather not have these 20 points.

Seeing Mu Yan walk out of the classroom suddenly, the classroom that had been a little tumultuous just now became even more tumultuous.

Suddenly, an angry male voice sounded.

"What are you arguing about? Do you also want to add this point?"

"If you don't study hard, you just watch other people get points, you're so greedy...a bunch of idiots..."

Lin Xia stood on the seat and yelled at a group of people.

Everyone had never seen Lin Xia get so angry. Suddenly, the originally noisy classroom became quiet in an instant.

As an article often written in elementary school, "In a quiet classroom, even the sound of a needle falling can be heard."

After a while, Mu Yan came back.Seeing that the classroom had returned to its usual calm, although she was puzzled, she still walked back to her seat quickly.

Liu Xueying whispered to her, just now Lin Xia got angry, she patted Mu Yan's shoulder to signal her to turn around and look back, but Mu Yan shook her head slightly.

Although she didn't look back, she could still imagine his expression at the moment.

He lost his temper because of her.His perfect and elegant image in the minds of his classmates was destroyed in this way.

Suddenly, an inexplicable...stalk made her feel very uncomfortable.

Maybe not just because of the 20 points, maybe there are others.

The still silent evening self-study passed by like this.

Speechless all the way.

At first, he thought that he would just follow her downstairs as before, but at that familiar corner, he suddenly stopped her.

"Mu Yan..."

She paused, then turned around.Lin Xia got out of the car, walked a few steps, and suddenly embraced her.Mu Yan was slightly stunned, but she didn't push him away.

"I'm sorry." He bowed his head and whispered softly.

She didn't answer, but gently rested her head in his arms.

After a while, Lin Xia asked softly, "Your father was sacrificed, right?"

Mu Yan didn't speak, but muffled the word 'um' in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I will never get angry with you casually again." Lin Xia sighed softly.The impulsiveness of his youth made him lose his temper with her when he saw her talking to Jiang Chenning.Coupled with the disharmonious voluntary reporting between the two before, he was full of worries about the future of the two.However, he forgot about her injury.Her injury is always where he can't see it.

Through the clothes, he suddenly felt a mass of damp heat on his chest.

Slowly letting go of her, Lihua's delicate face covered with rain was instantly caught in his eyes, "Mu Yan, you are crying."

Looking at his surprised expression, Mu Yan smiled, "When I was in junior high school, this happened. But now it's different."

"Because, with you by my side."

She smiled and wiped away the tears on her cheeks, "Sorry, I let you see my fragile side."

"Stop talking." He also gently wiped away those tears for her, "Stop crying, it's not pretty in the first place, and it will be even uglier if you cry again."

One sentence made her laugh through tears.

"Stupid." He smiled and gently wrapped her in his arms again.

"Mu Yan..." He whispered in her ear, "I will always be by your side."

No matter what, he will protect her and will not let her suffer any harm.

Her tears flowed down her cheeks and into his heart.

And at the corner of his eyes, suddenly, there was a drop of crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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