Chapter 35

There are suddenly more courses in the second semester of the sophomore year than in the last semester. The Japanese major level 6 test scheduled for June has brought a lot of impact to every student who studies Japanese. Four successfully graduated and took the test for the bachelor's degree.

So as soon as they came back during the Chinese New Year, they changed the original base - the dormitory into a classroom, library or any other place where they could study. In order to cope with the upcoming CET-[-] exam, everyone is making the best preparations.

As for Mu Yan, You Zimo spent most of her time in the library with her.

The sun poured down and fell on her beautiful side face, creating a gorgeous light and shadow, which was so beautiful that it made people's heart beat.

You Zimo smiled lightly, he gently pushed her arm, and called out in a low voice, "Mu Yan..."

The girl who was woken up slowly raised her head and looked at the smiling boy, only then did she realize that she had just fallen asleep.

Shocked, she quickly lowered her head to look at the book, and asked casually, "What did I just see?"

Seeing her bleary-eyed face, You Zimo couldn't help pointing out his hand amusedly, "Here."

Mu Yan rubbed her eyes, followed the direction pointed by her slender fingers, and continued to look at the book.

It's just that, one piece at a time, one click at a time, within a few seconds, she lowered her head again.

Seeing her drowsy appearance, You Zimo sighed lightly, got up and left the seat.

Sensing his departure, Mu Yan turned her head and glanced at him, then turned her eyes back to the book and continued her dazed work.

After a while, he came back.

You Zimo smiled slightly, and brought the milk tea in his hand to her eyes.

Suddenly, a sleepy girl was as excited as if she had been injected with chicken blood, and a sweet smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

"Coconut milk tea." She asked in a daze, "Did you just go out to buy this?"

"Yes." You Zimo nodded with a smile, "Okay, study quickly, don't get sleepy."

"Yeah." With a sweet smile, she picked up the pen, and she didn't feel sleepy just now.

You Zimo couldn't help laughing, he knew this would work the best.

One stroke at a time, she wrote the future with him on the paper.

After spending several months in the library, Mu Yan stepped into the examination room.

Choosing Japanese is not out of her original intention, but she is willing to continue on this path.

Just because of that promise that has long been in vain.


Youth is not reserved for teenagers.Hate Yoyo, when will you rest?After passing the Japanese language test CET-[-], it will be the annual graduation season in a blink of an eye.

Graduation means both parting and rebirth.

Facing the boy who was smiling at her, Mu Yan felt melancholy and reluctance.

Because Song Hui is about to graduate.

"Senior, did you say this is our last supper?"

"It should be the last dinner during college." Song Hui smiled, "There will be opportunities in the future, don't be sad."

"Yeah." Mu Yan smiled and nodded, "Don't forget, when you get married, you must send me an invitation."

"Mu Yan, I actually liked you quite a bit before."

Looking at Song Hui in a daze, Mu Yan said casually, "Really, senior, this joke is not funny at all."

The disbelief in her eyes made Song Hui smile, "Really, but I know I have to give up."

In life, we will meet many people, some will pass us by, some will become our friends, and some will become our enemies.Everyone is good at disguising. Only by keeping your eyes open can you tell whether he or she is an enemy or a friend.

Some people are destined not to be together, so when it's time to give up, you still have to give up.A friend is a more reliable relationship than a lover.People can be promoted from friends to lovers, but rarely can they degenerate from lovers to friends.

Mu Yan was completely shocked by his words, "I never thought you would..."

"This is fate. But seeing that you have such an excellent boyfriend by your side, I gave up." Song Hui smiled lightly and changed the subject, "By the way, I finished reading that "White Night Journey"."

"Really?" Mu Yan smiled, "How do you feel?
Song Hui shook his head, "I can't tell. After reading it, I always feel like a stone is blocked in my heart, and I can't get up or down. This is probably because of different ethnic groups and different values."

"Yeah." Mu Yan nodded, "I also have this feeling, a kind of faint sense of loss, I want to let it go but can't let it go."

"By the way, it also has a companion volume, "Magic Night". If you have time, you can also read it."

"However, companion stories and sequels will never be as good as the original." Song Hui pointed out, "The sequels of many works can be said to be the work of the dog-tailed sable."

"Yes." Mu Yan couldn't help chuckling, "Isn't there a saying that everything is inferior to the original match?"

Just like Ryoji and Yukiho in "White Night", they will always be the only one for each other.

Even though the hearts of two innocent boys and girls are polluted by the dark reality, they still have that ray of sunshine, because they are each other's only sunshine.


Song Hui left, and like many graduates, he started a new journey with his dreams.There may be laughter or tears in the unknown journey, no matter what kind of posture it will appear in front of him, the most important thing is to face it with a brave heart.

Before leaving, he gave her a book of prose written by himself - "Goodbye, Old Times".

"Goodbye, the old days." Mu Yan smiled and turned to the first page. Although there were only a few short sentences, she was deeply moved.

Everyone has a period of youth that cannot be rested,

We cannot make any excessive expectations of youth,

Youth will not make any compensation for our mistakes.

We met each other in the best years, please let us cherish this fate.

Maybe there is a sea of ​​time that can never be crossed between each other,
However, we have reason to believe that understanding is the bridge across this ocean.

Wave your hands and say goodbye to yesterday, the old days.

I believe that there will always be someone waiting for me in front of me.

Because, my youth will start again.

Gently closing the book, Mu Yan suddenly remembered a sentence, it turns out that meeting and parting are only a finger away.

Come and go in a hurry.Even though there are thousands of separations, people can still look forward to the next reunion.

Turning around, she smiled at the boy beside her, "Zimo, you will graduate next year."

"Yeah..." You Zimo's lips curled up into a smile, every time we meet, there will be parting.There is a time to get together and part, and we will cherish it as we go.

Suddenly, she turned around, imitating the beautiful woman dancing sleeves in the opera, bowed gracefully to the boy in front of her, and smiled lightly, "I am full of sadness about parting, and I am here to write a poem. Please give me a reward. How about it?" ?”

The snow-white long skirt fluttered with her dancing, and matched with the scattered banyan tree petals, there was an indescribable beauty.

You Zimo was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Mu Yan, you're a bit of a force, I'm a science student."

"It's because you are a science student that I want you to rate me." She smiled all over her eyes, and used her clumsy work to fool him...

"Are you okay?" She smiled sweetly, staring seriously at those dark eyes.

Unable to refuse, You Zimo waved his hand in return, "Please advise me."

Opening her cherry lips lightly, she read out, "It's another year of spring, but the flowers fall and dance with the wind. Let's watch the water flow eastward, drink alone in the glass and think of the old friend."

Still slightly stunned, he murmured after a while, "Is the passing water flowing, I always feel a sense of sadness."

Mu Yan just smiled and said nothing.

Passing water flows, life is like flowing water passing away, what has passed away will no longer exist, even if there are thousands of reluctance, what is missed is missed, and will never come back.

"By the way, Mu Yan. I have something to discuss with you." Smiling and waving his hand, he motioned for her to sit beside him.

After quietly listening to You Zimo's family's idea of ​​him continuing to study abroad, Mu Yan just lowered her eyes in silence.

In fact, she already knew about his going to study abroad through his mother Fang Suyun.

A few weeks ago, Fang Suyun called her and said that the family was discussing that they wanted You Zimo to study in Switzerland after graduating from senior year.During the phone call, Fang Suyun also asked for her opinion, asking her if she wanted to go together.

Mu Yan didn't answer.She didn't know, should she choose to follow in his footsteps or choose to stay where she was and wait for him?

The future is confused, unknown and unpredictable.No one can predict what will happen in the next second.

"Will you go with me?" Looking at her, his eyes were full of expectation.

Although she couldn't bear to refuse him, she still said softly, "I'm studying Japanese. Maybe going to Switzerland won't be of any use to me."

The official languages ​​​​of Switzerland are French and German. For a person who learns other foreign languages, it is indeed a bit reluctant to go to that country.Although she knew that You Zimo had been preparing German since last semester, but for her, her major was Japanese, and if she wanted to go abroad, she should also go to that country.

Suddenly, another figure that shouldn't have appeared in her mind.

Raising her eyes and smiling slightly, she whispered to him, "Zimo, let me think about it."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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