Chapter 4

In front of the full-length mirror, Mu Yan let loose her long hair like ink, and put on that slightly exaggerated pair of toad mirrors again.

"Mu Yan, do you want to go out?" Dong Fangjing poked her head out of the quilt, looked up at the clock on the table, it was 13:00.

It's a rare weekend, so early, where is she going?

"Yeah." Mu Yan turned her eyes and smiled at her, "I'm going to N University next door."

N big?Dong Fangjing was slightly taken aback, "Going to study?"

Mu Yan smiled and shook her head, "Are you going?"

Coming out of the dormitory, Mu Yan led Dong Fangjing into the gate of N University following her usual route.

Although it had been a while since school started, Dong Fangjing only walked around the school a few times, and she had never set foot in the N University next door.Today, it was the first time for her to go to that university that was as famous as S University.

Seeing that the girls around her were so familiar with the road, she couldn't help asking, "Mu Yan, why are you so familiar with this road..."

Mu Yan just smiled and said nothing.

Passing through the small park, the two sat on a stone bench not far from the law building. There were not too many pedestrians passing by during the lunch break. Mu Yan smiled softly, "Shasha, let's sit here In a while."

After saying this, she turned around and looked towards the door of the law building.

Dong Fangjing became more and more puzzled, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, what exactly did Mu Yan do here.Helpless, she had no choice but to look in the direction Mu Yan was looking at.

As the class time approached, there were more and more students on the road, but the person she wanted to see did not appear for a long time.Suddenly, a soft sigh came out from his chest.

"What's wrong?" Dong Fangjing asked anxiously.

Mu Yan shook her head, a wry smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Shusha, I'm sorry, thank you for coming here with me, let's go back."

Just when she was about to get up and leave, Dong Fangjing suddenly pulled her back, "Wait a minute...Mu Yan, you are actually looking for someone, right?"

"The intuition is very sharp..." Mu Yan nodded, and then sat down on the stone bench again.

"Boy?" Dong Fangjing asked again.

"Yeah." Mu Yan joked, "Xiaosha, you can be a detective now."

Upon hearing the praise, Dong Fangjing immediately put on an expression of "who do you think I am", "Women's intuition is always very accurate."

Looking at the scenery ahead, Mu Yan said softly, "He is my ex-boyfriend, he is here in the law department."

As soon as the words fell, Dong Fangjing was stunned for three seconds, and then burst into a loud "ah..."

"Hey, keep your voice down, don't attract attention..." Mu Yan hurriedly pressed her mouth, "Are you that surprised?"

Dong Fangjing shook her head quickly but then nodded again, for a person like Mu Yan, she should have known that it was impossible that she had never been in love.But, ex-boyfriend... Mu Yan came to see him like this, what kind of relationship is there between them?

Wanting to ask but worried about touching the sore spot of the person in front of me.Dong Fangjing was very confused.

"You must be thinking, why would I do this?" Looking at someone who was still in a daze, Mu Yan smiled slightly.

Dong Fangjing nodded fiercely, "Mu Yan, you are really amazing..."

Looking directly at the basketball court in front of her, Mu Yan took a deep breath, "What should I say? We have already broken up, why did you come to see him?"

Her eyes were a bit lonely, but because she was wearing sunglasses, Dong Fangjing didn't notice, but felt her sadness from the tone of her voice, a sadness that reached from the depths of her soul.

"How should I tell you? When I was a sophomore in high school, I transferred to their class. It doesn't matter if I say hypocritically, I have never liked someone so much. Three months later, we were together. That year, Really happy. But after the third year of high school, the teachers discovered our relationship and refused to let us be together, saying that I would affect his study. Indeed, his grades dropped terribly at that time. It's very dangerous.

Because a teacher found evidence that we were together, the head teacher found me and asked me to separate from him.By the way, the head teacher only came to me, it's ridiculous, isn't it?They are both her students, but they are treated very differently.I didn't want to hear it, but what my mother said made me wake up.Mom said that if you continue to be together, you will be separated one day.Since you love him, let go of his hand and let him fly by himself.His future should not stop here, if I hold him back, then I am willing to separate from him.

So, I decided to break up with him.

But I can't tell him that it's because the teachers and parents don't let us be together.His heart is so arrogant, if it is such a reason, he will definitely not listen.He will definitely help me and let me go to the same school as him.Or maybe he will go to the same school as me, but he is so good, how can I delay him.The teachers wouldn't allow it, and neither would his parents.

So, I can only lie to him, saying that I like someone else.I lied to him, saying that I fell in love with Jiang Chenning, a person he has always regarded as an opponent.Later, Jiang Chenning told me that he went to find him, and then he left.Yes, go, just go.Playing truant from school and class, staying out at night, and sometimes not seeing anyone for a few days.The teacher didn't expect him to be like this. If this continues, his life will really be ruined.They thought that if they let me separate from him, he would be able to study with peace of mind.Who knew the situation was worse than before.

It hurts me to see him like this.If he continues like this, he will definitely not be admitted to any school, not even the most ordinary school.If he has really fallen, what is the use of me deceiving him?Then I went to him and hoped he would come back.He said that as long as I answered his question, he would go back.It's just that when he asked me 'Have you ever loved me', I..."

Staring quietly into the distance, Mu Yan's voice was very soft, like a feather, "I said, I never loved you."

She still remembers the scene at that time, vividly in her mind, and she can't forget it even if she wants to.

She held on to his clothes tightly, knowing that if she let go this time, she might never have another chance.

Fortunately, he didn't shake off her hand, but turned around and asked her, "Have you ever loved me?"

After listening to her narration, Dong Fangjing sighed softly, "Actually, you still love him, don't you, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"Yeah, if I don't say that, then I told him before that I fell in love with someone else, would he believe it?" A bitter smile appeared on Li Yan.

That was all she had to say in order to convince him that she no longer loved him.In order to deceive him, she also asked Jiang Chenning to act in a scene with her, but she never thought that the scene would go well, she just went out for a meal with Jiang Chenning and let him know.She wanted to explain it to him carefully.

"But if you don't break up, you can study together and get admitted to the same school."

"Yeah, I thought the same way at the time, but we were so far apart at that time, it was almost impossible to get into the same school. If we continued to be together, maybe he really wouldn't be able to get into this school Who knows, after separation, I could pass the exam, I wonder if this is a joke made by fate?"

"Mu Yan..." Dong Fangjing held her hand tightly.

"What's the use of still loving him? If I hurt him like that, he must hate me very much." With drooping eyes, tears fell silently from the corners of his eyes.

One drop after another, dripping on the snow-white long skirt, rendering a blossoming white spray.

Dong Fangjing took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to her, "So, are you here to see him today?"

"Yeah, only today." Mu Yan sighed lightly. She had read the freshman class schedule of the law department, and there was a section on legal theory on Sunday afternoons every two weeks.Only this time is the only chance for the two to meet.

"I only have this chance once in two weeks. Of course, I may not be able to see him. Isn't it stupid?" A self-deprecating smile floated on the corner of his lips.

"No, this can't be called stupid." Dong Fangjing suddenly interrupted her words, "This can't be called stupid...Mu Yan, would you like to hear my story?"


Staring into the distance, Dong Fangjing smiled softly, "Actually, I can understand your feelings. Because I also liked a boy once, and I liked him for seven years."

"Seven years?" Mu Yan was startled.

"Yeah, seven years..." Dong Fangjing took a deep breath, "I transferred to their class from the first year of junior high school, four years of junior high school. We were in the same school for three years of high school, seven years."

"Transfer students, it seems like this..." Mu Yan chuckled suddenly, because she was also a transfer student.

"Yeah, it's because I was a transfer student, so after being exposed to that ray of sunshine, it will be particularly unforgettable." Dong Fangjing smiled and continued, "When I graduated from high school, I went to their class, found him, and explained to him own feelings. But he..."

His dull eyes stared forward, "Close your eyes now, and I can still recall his expression at that time, that surprised expression."

"Did he not respond to you?" Mu Yan asked.

"Yeah, he hasn't responded to me until now. Others say this is the best ending. There is no promise or rejection. I am really not reconciled, but after I went to college, I gradually understood that I am not reconciled. What can I do. Human heart is the most difficult thing to change. The only thing that can’t be changed in the world is human heart except death. Maybe you all think that I look optimistic and sunny, but it’s not like that. I’ll feel bad too. , sad, everyone is good at disguising, isn't it?"

Everyone may have an unknown side.Mu Yan understood, just like she was sitting here, listening to another equally sincere love story.

Suddenly, Dong Fangjing smiled and took her hand, "Mu Yan, can you keep this as a little secret between us, if you want to come to N University in the future, I will accompany you."

Mu Yan smiled slightly, "Okay."

"Let's go back."


"Lin Xia, I will trouble you with this material."

"Well, put it here."

Habitually looking out the window to soothe the tired optic nerves, suddenly, a pair of dark eyes widened suddenly, staring at a figure with a sweet smile.

"I'm sorry, I have something to go out for a while..." After saying this, the boy slammed open the door and ran outside.

His eyes can't be wrong, that girl is...Mu Yan...

But when he ran out of the law building and even chased him to the school gate, the girl was already submerged in the crowd coming and going.

(End of this chapter)

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