Chapter 8

When Mu Yan received the call from her mother asking her to go to Youzimo's house for the New Year, Mu Yan was finishing the most troublesome Japanese conversation class every week.

"Mom, are you kidding me?"


"But we don't know each other very well, do we?"

Holding the phone tightly, Mu Yan's expression was very depressed.

"Okay, I see, I'm going to buy some presents."

After hanging up the phone, she let out a long sigh of relief.

The three of them glanced at each other, all showing puzzled expressions, or Yang Xiao quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

After glancing at the three of them, Mu Yan whispered, "My mother wants me to go to You Zimo's house for the New Year, and she won't let me go back this year."

"Can't go home?" Everyone was completely taken aback by her words, why didn't they let them go home, why did they still have to go to her cousin's house for the new year.

"You Zimo, isn't that your distant cousin?" Yang Xiao asked. Since Shen Yiru explained her relationship with You Zimo to the other two, the three of them understood why he took such good care of her. .

Mu Yan nodded.

"You are already relatives, so it's normal to go to his house for the New Year." Shen Yiru smiled.

"Yeah..." Mu Yan chuckled, but they are not cousins ​​at all.If that's the case, that's fine.

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible to slap.

In order to clear up the doubts in her heart, she hurriedly called You Zimo.However, You Zimo's answer confirmed her thoughts.

It was indeed a joint plan of the two families that she went to his house for the New Year.

It's just that the two families plan together, so what about her, why didn't anyone ask for her opinion?

Once back in the dormitory, You Zimo found her and explained to her that his parents wanted to see her and that they hadn't seen her since she was 9 years old.Finally, the two were able to study in the same school again, Fang Suyun really hoped to meet Mu Yan.

For You Zimo's answer, Mu Yan could only respond with a smile.Indeed, she has never seen them since she was 9 years old.After she settled her suspicions with You Zimo, she should meet his parents.

Ignoring the envious eyes of everyone in the dormitory, Mu Yan took back the ticket to City C from You Zimo. Although there is still half a month left, You Zimo has already booked the flight home .

One of the "pleasures" of college life is queuing up to buy a bus ticket home, especially during the winter vacation near the Spring Festival.It would be fine if there was only one university in a city, but for a city like T City where several famous schools existed at the same time, the train station would become another place for students to meet and communicate during the Spring Festival.

"It's really infuriating, we also want a cousin like this..." Shen Yiru's eyes were fixed on the air ticket in Mu Yan's hand, with a look of envy and jealousy.In addition to hate, she showed this expression vividly.

Glancing at her, Yang laughed and joked, "Wukong, don't be jealous, didn't your Axuan agree to go buy a ticket with you, and you forgot that you have somersaulting clouds, and you have traveled a hundred and eight thousand miles , it’s okay, you can fly even with luggage.”

"Then master, you still have a white dragon horse, don't you still have to go to the train station to buy a ticket." Shen Yiru gave her a white look.

Hearing this, Yang Xiao immediately turned pale.Her home is in the Northeast, and it is more difficult to buy a ticket than the other three.Although the person in her family also agreed to accompany her, but the two had to wait in a long line.

"By the way, Mu Yan, your brother Zimo, what does your family do..." Yang Xiao hesitated, "I'm not looking for household registration, I'm just asking casually."

Mu Yan smiled, "It should be to start a company." Since that incident happened, You Zimo and the others moved from City A back to the original City C, where his father ran an advertising design company.

"Hey, so it's a son..." Shen Yiru was surprised, "No wonder I feel that my temperament is unusual."

"Go, what son of a brother, he is called the young master." Yang laughed and argued.

Regarding their conversation, Mu Yan did not express any opinion.You Zimo's family is well-off, which can be seen from his usual attire, temperament and conversation.Even so, he definitely doesn't have the bad habits of the extravagant and licentious young master.

After a painful week of final exams, the winter break can only really come.

After saying goodbye to the women in the dormitory, Mu Yan followed You Zimo to the airport.

"Have you brought all your luggage?" You Zimo reminded in a gentle voice.

"Yeah." Mu Yan smiled, "There are also gifts for uncles and aunts."

Looking at the several gifts in her hand, You Zimo sighed lightly, "Mu Yan, you don't have to be like this."

Mu Yan smiled and shook her head, "It's a must." Although someone invited her to their home for the New Year, when going to someone's home, there is still enough courtesy.These few gifts were chosen after she and Dong Fangjing visited several important shopping malls in T City.A shawl, a bottle of foreign wine.

Hearing her explanation, You Zimo had no choice but to smile.


The plane flew across the sky and landed steadily in City C.

It's not that Mu Yan didn't expect the enthusiasm of You Zimo's parents.However, when she saw Fang Suyun and You Lijun in real life, the actual encounter broke through her imaginary world.

"Mu Yan..." Fang Suyun hugged her tightly with an excited expression, "Mu Yan, I finally see you."

"Auntie..." Mu Yan choked up and said, "Me too."

Seeing such an affectionate meeting, You Zimo and You Lijun could only stand aside without saying a word, waiting quietly.

Compared to Fang Suyun's direct expression, You Lijun expressed his excitement very implicitly, he just smiled at Mu Yan and said, "Mu Yan."

"Uncle..." Mu Yan wiped away the tears on her cheeks, "Long time no see."

"It's been ten years."

"Yeah." Mu Yan choked up and nodded.

"Let's go, let's go home." Holding Mu Yan's hand, Fang Suyun walked towards a black Audi, "Let's go, when I go back, my aunt will prepare delicious food for you, and let you taste my cooking."

"it is good."

After placing the luggage, several people got into the car and drove away from the airport.

Fang Suyun took Mu Yan's hand and smiled softly, "Mu Yan, this New Year's Eve is actually my idea. I called Ruizhen to discuss it with her, and Ruizhen agreed."

Mu Yan smiled and nodded, "Well, Mom told me."

"Little Mo of our family took good care of you." Fang Suyun smiled and patted her hand, "I was very excited when I heard that you also passed the S University, so I immediately discussed with Zimo's father, see Let's see if Zimo can do something."

"Yeah." Mu Yan lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly, "Brother Zimo takes good care of me..." Especially when she was sick.

Hearing the conversation between the two, You Zimo immediately looked at Fang Suyun with a faint smile, "She is a very independent girl."

Fang Suyun smiled, turned to look at Mu Yan, "Have you got a boyfriend yet?"

Mu Yan was slightly stunned, then smiled and shook her head, "Not yet."

"Such a beautiful girl, if you want to find one, you must find a handsome, good-tempered one who is worthy of you."

Fang Suyun took Mu Yan's hand, "I didn't expect Mu Yan to be so beautiful. Before that, I was thinking about what would happen to that girl. She must be as good as Jianzhang."

Speaking of her father, Fang Suyun's eyes immediately turned red again.

"Auntie, stop talking." Mu Yan stopped her lightly, "Seeing me like this, Dad should be relieved."

"Yeah, you've become outstanding, so he's relieved." As if thinking of something, Fang Suyun raised her eyes to look at You Zimo who was sitting in the passenger seat, "By the way, Zimo, if you find a wife in the future , you must search like Mu Yan."

You Zimo was very helpless and could only look at his father.

"Okay, okay, I like being a matchmaker when I get older." You Lijun glanced at Fang Suyun from the rearview mirror, "Children have their own ideas, you old lady doesn't care what they do."

Mu Yan lowered her eyes and smiled, quietly listening to their "bickering".

Fang Suyun was very dissatisfied with this sentence, "What's the matter with getting older, you can't pursue youth, you can't pursue love, Zimo's daughter-in-law, I have to take good care of her in the future."

"Okay, okay..." You Lijun seemed helpless at Fang Suyun's words, he smiled at Mu Yan, "Mu Yan, your aunt is usually like this, the child of a colleague at work is married, please ask her Although she didn't say anything about the banquet, she felt uncomfortable in her heart."

Mu Yan smiled and nodded, "I understand." Women of a certain age like this, probably because of nature.

It is about an hour's drive from the airport to the city center.Looking at the completely unfamiliar scenery outside the car window, Mu Yan browsed and asked Fang Suyun who was sitting beside her.

Fang Suyun explained to her carefully, while Mu Yan listened carefully.Because this is a completely different environment from City A.

Finally, the car drove into a high-end building complex.

Zixin Garden - Mu Yan silently recited the name in her heart.

This is the first time she has come to You Zimo's new home, since he moved away from City A, she has never been to their home again.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a burst of dog barking came into Mu Yan's ears.

"Hug...don't bark." Fang Suyun yelled softly at the white puppy on the ground.

"Hug?" Looking at the puppy, Mu Yan was pleasantly surprised, because her grandma also had a Pomeranian called "Waah".

"Hug, hug..." Mu Yan smiled and waved to the puppy. The puppy looked at her timidly at first, but finally came to her side and rubbed her boots.

For Mu Yan's arrival, Fang Suyun specially prepared a room for her. Brand new sheets and bedspreads were neatly laid out, and the simple and bright window decorations all revealed the nobility and elegance of the owner of the room.

"By the way, Zimo's room is next door." Fang Suyun pointed to a room next door, "If you need anything, just call him."

"Zimo..." In order to dispel Mu Yan's doubts, Fang Suyun walked out of the room and called You Zimo over, "Zimo, after a while Mu Yan finishes tidying up the room, you can take her around. I will be with you in a while." Dad has to go to a drinking party."

"Yes." You Zimo nodded, "Go early and return early."

As soon as she entered You Zimo's room, Mu Yan felt like she was in the ocean.Light blue bookcases, light blue window decorations, light blue cabinets, the whole room is based on light blue.

Taking out a fragrant wooden box from the bookcase, You Zimo handed it to Mu Yan, "Mu Yan, this is a letter to me..."

Hearing this, Mu Yan was taken aback for a moment. She took it from his hand and opened the box. The letters inside were neatly placed together and tied with a blue ribbon.One after another, neatly placed.

Looking up at You Zimo, she asked, "Is it from the first letter in the second year of junior high school to the last letter in the third year of high school?"

Yu Zimo nodded with a smile.

Such preservation of letters is enough to show how precious the owner is to them.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart, itching, like a bug gnawing.It is self-evident that a boy keeps a letter written by a girl so precious and intact.

It's not that I haven't thought about their reminders, it's impossible for a distant cousin to take care of a distant cousin like this.But the two of them are not distant cousins, but...

Thinking of how much he cared about him, it was indeed a little...

Mu Yan didn't dare to think any further.

With a low eyebrow and a slight smile, she raised her eyes to look at the boy who was still watching her, "By the way, brother Zimo, you promised to take me to the most famous Happy Valley in your C city, but you must not break your promise."

(End of this chapter)

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