Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 402 Give Me the Cat

Chapter 402 Give Me the Cat
"Meow..." Different from the low aggressive meow just now, the cat meow that came to Xun Qing's ears was extremely gentle, it was like two different cats.

It's really the same cat, though.

It has pitch-black fur without a trace of variegation, and its emerald green eyes are different from the obedient and stupid cats of ordinary cats, but they seem to have wisdom like humans, revealing a strangeness.

"Xiao Hei, where have you been? Mom has already cooked the meal. Today I have your favorite dried fish." A boy's voice sounded. He hugged the black cat and gently replaced the black cat. The cat's fur is smooth, and the black cat's eyes are squinted, looking very comfortable.

When Xun Qing appeared at the door, the black cat frowned, jumped out of the boy's arms, arched its back, and glared at Xun Qing.

Seeing the black cat like this, the little boy hurriedly said, "Xiao Hei, you can't be rude, be good."

The black cat has suffered from Xun Qing's losses, how can it let down its vigilance so easily, it "meowed" and growled threateningly at Xun Qing.

"Is this your cat?" Xun Qing asked.

The boy nodded, his complexion was very bad, he was too pale and thin, he should be about ten years old, but the excessive emaciation made his figure only about seven or eight years old.

Moreover, Xun Qing felt the breath of the black cat on the boy's body.

That weird and dark atmosphere.

"It's my cat." The boy nodded.

"The evil spirit of this cat has entered into the boy's body. Human beings are attacked by the evil spirit, and they are prone to premature death." Xiao Hei in Xun Qing's space suddenly opened his mouth. At one point, Xiao Hei expressed his dissatisfaction: "If this cat demon continues to stay with this boy, he will kill him sooner or later. No, no, no, it should be said, it will speed up his death. In fact, at his current level , dragging his sickly body, he will not be able to reach adulthood."

Xun Qing's expression froze, the boy was obviously good to the black cat, and the black cat even killed its own master, it was damned.

"Give me the cat." Xun Qing said to the boy.

The boy hurriedly hugged the black cat in his arms: "What are you going to do to Xiao Hei?"

"This is not a good cat. You give the cat to me, and I will deal with it." Xun Qing looked at the black cat with murderous intent in his eyes. If this kind of cat monster continues to be left outside, it will definitely kill more people.

"No, Xiao Hei is mine, what are you supposed to do with it?" The boy's voice was a few degrees higher, he was weak and sick, and his peers didn't like to play with him, and only this black cat was willing to stay by his side. Cat, the boy couldn't imagine how lonely his life must be.

"Xiao Ming, what's the matter?" The woman who was cooking in the kitchen hurried out when she heard the movement outside, but saw her son talking to a girl excitedly, and the cat was also blowing fur, obviously very hostile to the girl.

Xun Qing didn't even look at the boy, but looked directly at the black cat: "Do you know that you will die if you stay by his side?"

The black cat obviously understood Xun Qing's words, "meowed", its deceitful hair gradually calmed down, and turned to look at the boy.

The boy was baffled by Xun Qing's words: "What do you mean?"

"This black cat is full of yin energy. You are weak and sickly, and this yin energy will kill you. Fortunately, this is the army, and it is full of righteousness and yang energy. If it were any other place, you would have died long ago." Xun Qing couldn't say this The black cat has cultivated into a demon, and the evil spirit harms people. I am afraid that no one will believe such words, so he has to use metaphysics to fool people.

(End of this chapter)

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