Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 421 Do You Know Zhang Lai?

Chapter 421 Still know to come back?
"She doesn't blame you anymore, don't worry, Yang Xue doesn't have any grievances now, she can enter the samsara and start a new life." Xun Qing's voice was clear and flat, and she couldn't feel any sympathy for Father Yang. On one point, she and Miaomiao are in the same team.

"That's good, that's good." Father Yang looked at the empty space in the back seat for a long time before getting out of the car.

Xun Qing drove away and brought Yang Xue to the place where she hanged herself.

Although it is summer, this place is overgrown with trees and rarely visited by people, and the night wind blows, and I still feel chills down my spine.

Xun Qing got out of the car, and Yang Xue floated over with Youyou, she bowed to Xun Qing: "Thank you."

"Go." Xun Qing smiled slightly.

Yang Xue nodded, and instantly transformed into countless fluorescent lights. The green fluorescent lights, like fireflies, scattered towards the sky and finally disappeared.

Xun Qing took a deep breath, feeling that he had done a great thing today, probably because of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

Driving the car to the parking lot, Xun Qing got in through the small hole when he came out. The black cat got through very fast. Poor Xun Qing struggled for a long time in this small hole.

After finally getting in, what catches the eye is indeed a pair of military boots, and the familiar, intimidating aura.

She closed her eyes, and she did not hide her whereabouts when she came. Huo Shen couldn't find her easily.

"Do you still know how to come back?" Huo Shen had one hand behind his back, and the other hand was holding the black cat's neck. The black cat looked at Xun Qing pitifully, hoping that she could save her life.

No wonder the black cat suddenly became silent after it got into the hole. It turned out that it was being carried by Huo Shen.

Xun Qing looked a little embarrassed, her hair and face were stained with mud, and her clothes were also dirty. Even in the dark, Huo Shen still saw the girl in such a mess.

Huo Shen, who was originally distressed because of Xun Qing's weakness, is now also very angry. If he can't find her, and if he can't wait for her, he is going crazy.

She went out without her on the guard side, and she was not found in the army at all. Well, I went to the dog hole.

"Huo, Huo Shen..." Xun Qing was taken aback by Huo Shen's aura, and it made him angry.

"Say." Huo Shen said coldly.

"Gulu..." Xun Qing just remembered that she seemed to have been busy all day, and she hadn't even eaten a meal. She didn't feel it at all before, but now she was probably frightened by Huo Shen, and her body functioned differently. My first reaction was to be hungry.

Xun Qing rubbed his stomach and looked at Huo Shen pitifully: "I'm hungry."

The girl's eyes are clear and bright, especially bright and moving under the moonlight. The coldness and seriousness he managed to maintain is a little cracked, and there is a softness in the depths of the eyes that he didn't even realize. He said coldly: "Do you know how hungry you are?" , fill the hole and follow me."

"Hey." Seeing that he had escaped, Xun Qing replied happily.

The chicken that Li Biechuan killed himself was still warm in the pot, and there were side dishes to relieve the tiredness. Huo Shen made a bowl of noodles with chicken soup, and it tasted great.

Xun Qing couldn't stop eating, and said while eating: "Huo Shen, you are too virtuous, you are simply a model of the kitchen in the hall."

It doesn't sound like a word to praise a man, Xun tilted his head and thought for a while: "Beauty and wisdom are both important? That's what it means."

(End of this chapter)

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