Chapter 433 Let Her Down
Dr. Baifa knew that if he didn't go in, he might be lucky enough to survive, but if he saw the woman's appearance, how could he survive?

He struggled violently, using both hands and feet. If he could, he would even kneel down and beg Xunzhou to let him go, but he also knew that even if he knelt down and begged for mercy, Xunzhou would never let him go.

If Xunzhou was still a soldier who represented justice and iron blood more than ten years ago, he might still have compassion, but after what he has experienced in these years, they have forced him step by step into a cold killing machine. Knowing that even if he begged for mercy, Xunzhou would never let him go.

So, he had to struggle, trying to get out under Xunzhou's hands, but it was almost impossible, even more impossible than Xunzhou's compassionate heart.

Xunzhou lifted Dr. Baifa, opened the door of the No. [-] research room, and walked in steadily.

No one knows how nervous he is at the moment. She has been looking for her for three years, three full years, from the country of Japan to China, from China to the country of Japan, and finally from the country of Japan to China. , the more he is not sure whether she is still alive or not, the only one who can be sure is himself, and he will never give up.

No matter it is three years, five years, even ten years, or 20 years, he will never give up looking for her.

Because he knows that in a certain place, she must also work hard to survive, she must be waiting for her, and she will never give up.

When Xunzhou walked into the gate of the No. [-] research room, he held the white-haired postdoctoral leader's hands and tightly clenched his hands. His eyes were red, the veins on his forehead were prominent, and his whole face seemed to be so heavy that it was about to drip water. The other hand holding the gun trembled uncontrollably, thinking about thousands of scenarios when meeting her, but not at this moment.

"Put her down." Xunzhou's voice was so tight that he trembled, his eyes were red, like a raging lion, he carried Dr. Bai-hair to an experimental machine, and said coldly.

"No, it can't be done. Her whole body is relying on these tubes to survive. If the tubes are pulled out, the supply of nutrient solution and various medicines will stop. Within an hour, she will die." Although Dr. Baifa He was terribly frightened, and when he spoke, his trembling voice was worse than Xunzhou's, but he also knew that if this woman died immediately, he would be even more dead.

There was a sound at the door, and the sound of footsteps coming. Immediately afterwards, the door of the research room was opened, and Xun Qinghuo Shen walked in the front. As soon as he saw what was going on inside, he immediately backed out and took Xun Qing who was walking behind him. Tilted out.

Xun Qing was puzzled for a while, and she looked at Huo Shen in puzzlement: "Why didn't you go in?"

"You, you should be mentally prepared first." Huo Shen originally wanted to prevent Xun Qing from seeing such a scene, which was too cruel, but it was her mother after all, so it was impossible for her not to watch it, so, at the end of the day, Bian can only say this.

When Xun Qing heard Huo Shen speak like this, she immediately felt that something was wrong. She pushed Huo Shen away and walked into the research room.

What kind of scene was that?

Xun Qing didn't know how to describe it. Although the woman's face was thin and lost her original beauty and brilliance, she could recognize her at a glance as her mother.

Her mother was put in a glass box filled with black liquid. The glass box was big enough to fit a person. Tubes of different sizes were inserted into the box, and various medicines flowed through the tubes.

(End of this chapter)

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