Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 451 The Cat Catches the Mouse 15

Chapter 451 The Cat Catches the Mouse 15
Desperation, darkness, endless rats, and endless creaking sounds in the ears, Xun Qing and Officer Qu were exhausted physically and mentally, scarred and unable to continue.

The hand holding the shovel was exhausted, but the mice kept rushing up one after another. If they stopped for a while to rest, the mice would definitely bite her arms and legs.

Before the power of the samurai sword was lost, once the speed slowed down, the mice had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Just when Xun Qing thought he was about to be buried in the mouse hole, a cat's meow overwhelmed the mouse's cry and resounded through the mouse hole.

"Miaomiao." Xun Qing was overjoyed, with tears in his eyes.

"Meow!" Miaomiao's cry was no longer soft and cute as before, but very imposing. With the sound of Miaomiao's cry, countless wild cats rushed in from all the holes.

There are white cats, black cats, tabby cats, domestic cats and wild cats.

Today's cats are not the cats of later generations. If they are fed by their owners, they can't catch mice. In the countryside now, mice are everywhere. The duty of cats is to catch mice, guard their own rice tanks, and have a good meal by themselves. .

Therefore, today's cats, whether they are wild cats or domestic cats, are very lethal.

As soon as the cats barked, the voices of the mice immediately became weaker. Mice are afraid of cats, and it is natural for cats to catch mice.

For a while, the cat and the mouse became one.

Officer Qu didn’t know what happened yet. He only heard a lot of meowing, but he could only distinguish it with his ears. He saw that the flashlight he dropped was still shining not far away, so he hurried forward to pick it up. stand up.

At this time, Officer Qu saw this spectacular scene. Thousands of cats were fighting with thousands of mice. This scene can be described as thrilling.

Officer Qu was speechless with his mouth open. Being besieged by thousands of rats had already subverted his world view. Seeing that Xun Qing's pet cat came to the rescue with so many cats, he felt that his world view was Not just overturned, but collapsed.

Miaomiao is a refined cat, and cats are the natural enemies of rats. After a while, she successfully suppressed the rat king. Seeing that the situation was not good, the rat king escaped by relying on his familiarity with the situation in the cave.

As soon as the mouse king escaped, the mice immediately lost their size and were killed by the wild cats brought by Miaomiao for supper.

There are fewer and fewer rats squeaking around, but the smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger. They are basically the corpses of rats. The wild cats must have been hungry for a long time, and they eat rat meat without caring about their image. Eat to the fullest, with sharp claws sticking out of the soft meat pads on weekdays, using hands, feet and mouth together, mercilessly tearing apart mice.

The crisis was finally resolved, and Officer Qu also recovered from the shock, and finally accepted the fact that the pet cat led the cats to rescue them.

Miao Miao came back after chasing the Mouse King but Xun Qing saw Miao Miao, squatted down and hugged Miao Miao, and praised: "Miao Miao, you did a good job this time, I will give you another meal when I go home."

The extra meal Xun Qing mentioned was the spiritual grass bibimbap that Miao Miao had coveted for a long time. The spiritual grass and the spiritual spring were of great benefit to Miao Miao's cultivation.

Miao Miao obediently meowed, Officer Qu's eyes almost popped out of his eyes, just now Miao Miao fought against the Mouse King, he could see clearly, it was so majestic beyond his established impression of cats, this is still a cat ?It is braver than a tiger.

"Miss Xun Qing, your cat is really... um... really smart, and can gather wild cats to deal with mice." Officer Qu actually wanted to say that this cat is so smart that it doesn't look like a cat.

(End of this chapter)

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