Chapter 49

Huo Shen saw that Xun Qing's face seemed to be in a bad mood, and he was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

What's wrong?What's wrong!Don't you know that some flowers and plants need to be watered once every few days, and some flowers and plants need to be watered once, and it is not enough to sprinkle a few drops on the leaves.

There are several precious plants, the amount of watering must be strictly in accordance with the standard, if you are not careful, you will die, otherwise, why is she dragging her body to water the flowers?Even grandma doesn't touch these flowers and plants. When grandpa goes out, she takes care of the flowers and plants.

Huo Shen is very good, no matter what kind of flowers or plants, they are all treated equally and watered randomly.
"No, it's nothing, Brother Huo, you should go back before my grandpa comes back." Xun Qing was about to cry, grandpa regarded these flowers and plants as his life, if he saw these plants he found from the mountains with his own hands Rare plants died unexpectedly, I'm afraid.
Huo Shen seemed to have thought about it, his face became stiff for a moment, he had never understood this kind of thing, how could he know that there are so many things to pay attention to in watering flowers, he always thought that watering flowers is just watering carelessly.

"Is there a remedy?" Huo Shen asked.

"Before the root of the plant absorbs the water in the soil, dig it out, find the soil again, put it in a flower pot, and plant the flower." Xun Qing said.

So, all afternoon, Xun Qing sat in the yard, watching Huo Shen play with the dirt all afternoon.

The soil was dug from the back mountain, and all the flowers and plants in the backyard were replaced with new nests.

In early summer, the peach blossoms in the courtyard were in full bloom. Xun Qing sat under the peach tree and directed Huo Shen to work.

Although she was directing, she was very guilty in her heart. She actually ordered Huo Shen to work, it was a crime, a crime.

In early summer, on a sunny afternoon, it was already a bit hot. After a while, Huo Shen's clothes became dark because of being soaked in sweat. The material stuck to his back, revealing his strong and smooth muscle lines. , is simply a crime.

Replace the flowers with soil pots, wipe the leaves clean, and move them back to the original place. After all this is done, the sun has already set in the west.

Originally, I came to take care of Xun Qing for a day, but ended up taking care of her family's flowers and plants for a whole day.

Huo Shen had an indescribable feeling in his heart, but this afternoon, he felt that the years were quiet and good.

Grandma Xun came back before dinner, and Huo Shen left.

Xun Qing sent Huo Shen to the door and thanked him.

"I said last time that I need to check your physical fitness and swimming. I was busy a while ago, so I didn't take care of it. It was originally a spot check today, but I didn't expect you to be sick again." Huo Shen looked at Xun Qing for a long time, and sighed: "It's still too weak, Xun Qing."

Xun Qing was a little ashamed, she was indeed too weak, even if she was reborn once, if she didn't have enough strength, she still couldn't change anything.

"Brother Huo, can I practice with you?" Xun Qing said.

If she goes to the army to train for a period of time, her physical fitness will definitely change qualitatively. If the black dragon lends her her strength, she won't be in such a mess.

Huo Shen thought for a moment, and said, "Wait for your summer vacation. I'll be away for a while these days, and we'll talk about it when I come back."

"Leave for a while? Where are you going? Isn't that right?" Xun Qing mumbled: "These are all secrets, can't you tell me?"

"Personal matters are not classified. I will tell you when I come back." Huo Shen said.

Unexpectedly, his tone was no longer blunt, and Xun Qing became a little more courageous: "Since it's a private matter, can you not go?"

(End of this chapter)

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