Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 502 Evil Breath 20

Chapter 502 Evil Breath 20
Although I feel inexplicable about the enemy's actions, but if the prey runs in front of me, is there any reason not to accept it?

They raised their guns and took aim.

Just when they were about to shoot, the terrifying and frightening colossus suddenly appeared behind the enemy. They bit off the head of the fleeing man in a frenzied manner, and the blood spattered.

Because the speed was so fast, the person whose head was no longer there ran forward two steps under the instinct of the body before falling to the ground and convulsing.

"Damn, what is this?" The King Kong mercenary group shouted: "Run."

I don't care about other things. At this time, it is impossible for human beings to fight each other. They just dropped their guns and ran away.

Those who were a little braver would raise their guns and shoot at the giant python, but the bullets hit the giant python's body, but only a little sparks splashed, and the armor-like snake scales made them almost invulnerable.

The giant python that had been shot several times seemed to be completely enraged. It neighed and swung its tail. The two people who shot just now were swept to the ground by the giant python, and its tail swept across two trees, with The trees behind were cut in two, and the two mercenaries vomited blood and died immediately.

At this time, only this word came to mind.

They couldn't think about why the giant python appeared here, and they couldn't think about the result they were about to face. They could only run for a while, so they ran for a while.

In the state of panic and fear, they didn't pay attention at all. No matter how they escaped, they always circled in place, as if no matter how they ran, they couldn't get out of this place that frightened them.

Li Yingjun suddenly opened his eyes, he got up, stood with his legs slightly apart, palms up with his hands, his right foot lifted, the toes touched the ground at a specific position, and then, at an extremely fast speed, in the A diagram of gossip was drawn on the ground, and the moment he touched the last point, the golden light suddenly shot up under his feet.

"Get up!" Li Yingjun yelled, and the palms of his hands burst into golden light: "Break."

Just after Li Yingjun uttered the word 'broken', everything around him changed drastically, and the giant python suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and everything returned to calm.

The members of the Thunder Mercenary Group and the King Kong Mercenary Group were stunned. They were panting and being chased by the giant python, as if they would be swallowed by the giant python in the next second. The team of more than ten people also became the present Four people in a mess.

"I really didn't expect that you could break my formation." A man with long white hair came out, like a typical villain BOSS in TV dramas, no matter how he spoke or how he dressed, it would make people think of this man Not an easy idea.

The giant python that Song Weimeng was restraining suddenly turned into a cloud of black air in his hands. He clapped his hands and straightened up, looking at the white-haired young man who suddenly appeared: "Are you the one who made this formation?"

"It's me." Song Weimeng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes turned cold, and he rushed towards the white-haired man: "Don't you know that this will hurt ordinary people by mistake? Or, the people who came out of that place, So arrogant."

Xun Qing has never seen Song Weimeng get angry. Although he has only been together for a short time, he always feels that although he has a double personality, he has a very good temper. Unexpectedly, he would be so angry.

"Ordinary people?" The man in white took Song Wei's fierce attack and sneered, "It's just ants."

(End of this chapter)

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