Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 508 Going to Tianyu

Chapter 508 Going to Tianyu

After Xun Qing returned to the country, she went to the army to find Li Biechuan and the others, but was told that they had not returned from their mission. She frowned. It shouldn't be, how could it be possible?

Calculated, Li Biechuan and the others set off before them, and the channel was much faster than them. In addition, they were delayed in country T for a few days, and the matter of the sorcerer had been resolved, how could they still return? Didn't come back?

Xun Qing was worried that something would happen to Li Biechuan and the others, so he called the army every day.

Finally on the fourth day, she was relieved when she received the news that Li Biechuan and others had returned safely.

Although I don't know why they were delayed for so many days, but it's good to come back safely.

In fact, Xun Qing wouldn't be so worried if it wasn't about the magician. Li Biechuan and the others are excellent fighters, and they have served countless missions. They can deal with any accident calmly, but it's about the magician That's why I'm more worried.

Because she was thinking about Li Biechuan and the others, she didn't go to the school to report. Now that they had returned safely, she planned to go to the school to report.

However, before that, she'd better go to Huo's house to visit grandpa and grandma Huo.

After breakfast, Xun Qing talked to his parents, grandparents, and then went out to Huo's house.

The courtyard door of Huo's house was closed tightly, Xun Qing rang the doorbell, but no one came to open the door for a while, she shouted into the courtyard: "Grandpa Huo, Grandma Huo, are you there?"


The courtyard door opened, and the person protruding from the door was someone Xun Qing had never seen before at Huo's house. She took a step back, put her whole body on guard, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"They're not here." The man didn't answer Xun Qing's question, but just stated.

"Where did they go?" Xun Qing asked.

Something is wrong, something is wrong, both Grandpa Huo and Grandma Huo don't like to go out, and because of their status, they will mobilize teachers and mobilize people once they go out, so they usually do activities around their home, because they live close to Xun's house, they will often Go to Xun's house and go through the door.

However, they were not at home early this morning, and the person who opened the door was someone who had never been seen in Huo's house.

Xun Qing's eyes were cold, and he called out, "Miaomiao."


This is the rhythm of action. Miaomiao has followed Xun Qing for so long, and there is still some tacit understanding.

"Go home." The man replied, he looked at the overweight black cat on the ground, his eyes changed slightly: "Little girl, your cat is really special."

"Since Grandpa Huo and Grandma Huo are at home, let me in." Xun Qing said.

"I said they weren't here, but went home, understand?" the man said.

"You mean, isn't their home here?" Xun Qing continued to ask: "Then tell me, where is their other home?"

The man simply opened all the courtyard doors and walked out: "You ask so many questions, do you have a good relationship with this family?"

This man was about 1.8 meters tall, a tall young man with an unusual appearance, but his eyes were shining brightly, which made one dare not underestimate him.

"En." Xun Qing nodded: "So, you'd better tell me where they went, or you can talk about it after I beat you up."

Xun Qing swears that she was definitely not the kind of person who yelled to be beaten and killed before. After getting along with the special case investigation team for a long time, it seems that she has become tyrannical.

(End of this chapter)

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