Chapter 511 Dou Twelve

Although Xun Qing said so, she did not let down her vigilance towards Tianyu.A weak person does not mean that everyone is weak.

She returned her gaze to the paper, which contained the man's information.

Dou Twelve, the Dou family ranks [-], there are [-] brothers and sisters on it, the rank is the smallest, and it stands to reason that he should be the most favored, but he is not seen by his brothers, sisters or even the family, because of his useless and unmotivated personality , plus on weekdays, he likes to walk the dog, tease the birds, and play with women on the basis of the Dou family's reputation. It can be said that he has lived so long and done nothing else.

The reason why he came here this time was also secretly following Tianyu Huo's family. As a result, the Huo family all went back. He had to play for a few days because he was greedy for fun, and then met Xun Qing unluckily.

When he said this, even though he was controlled by the charm technique, he was crying with snot running down his nose.

After Xun Qing memorized all the contents on the paper in his mind, he put the paper into the space.

"Sister, Dou Twelve will be handed over to you. I can only release him when I come back." Xun Qing said.

"Okay..." Zhang Kui hesitated for a moment: "Xun Qing, you should discuss it with the Minister."

Xun Qing shook his head: "Don't embarrass Minister Song."

In fact, it would be fine if we didn't tell Song Weimeng about this, but if we did tell him, then how would he choose?
To help, or not to help?

If you help, how should you help?
Zhang Kui obviously thought about it too, but in the special case handling department, they habitually told Song Weimeng about everything and let Song Weimeng decide and find a way. After all, Song Weimeng, who is steady and meticulous, is still very smart and wise.

Xun Qing now basically has some understanding of the people in the special case handling department. Song Weimeng has dual personalities, one is calm and meticulous, with absolute leadership ability, and the other is cheerful, simple, and not afraid of demon power and magic.

Gao Shuai's fighting power, Wang Meili's sorcery, Li Yingjun's array, and Zhang Kui's charm technique can be said to have their own strengths.

That's why we can form a special case handling department to deal with various unnatural cases.

Xun Qing had seldom come into contact with such cases before. Even for the sake of gaining virtue, he only came into contact with some ghosts who could not be reincarnated because of their obsessions. It can be said that it was relatively easy to deal with.

But during this trip to T country, Xun Qing saw the real so-called unnaturalness, that kind of formation and sorcery, which she had never encountered before but extremely dangerous. If she was not careful, she would be wiped out.

After Xun Qing left, she went to book a boat ticket. When she thought about taking the boat, Xun Qing's face turned pale. The last time when Huo Shen was by her side, she was uncomfortable, so she could express that she was uncomfortable without any scruples. But this time, Huo Shen wasn't around.

Thinking of Huo Shen, Xun Qing thought of the conflict he had with him the last time he saw Huo Shen. As time passed, she also regretted it. Her mother disagreed. What did she blame Huo Shen for?
If she had known that Huo Shen had been away for so long, she would not have been angry with him.

After going through her previous life and this life, she should know what kind of temperament Huo Shen is.

The sailing time was at night, Xun Qing went home and prepared some clothes, and other messes, anyway, there was room, so I took everything I needed.

Mom, Dad, and the others didn't know that Huo Shen had transferred Xun Qing to the military academy, so they didn't know what Xun Qing was up to lately. If he was in the army, it was normal not to go home for a few months, so Xun Qing was just As usual, I greeted my family and left.

(End of this chapter)

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