Chapter 514

Seeing Xun Qing, Zhang Nianwei "hummed" at her, you have the guts to see, even without you, we can change rooms with others.

Xun Qing ignored it and walked towards the restaurant on his own.

Just like other places in the ship, the restaurant is extremely luxurious. There are all kinds of ingredients in it, and there are also chefs from various countries. If you like Chinese food, you can order Western food according to your own taste.

It can be said to be very thoughtful.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, a waiter stepped forward and led Xun Qing to sit down, and then ordered for her.

Xun Qing ordered a fish, some vegetables, and two servings of rice.

Rice with fish is a wonderful lunch, but Xun Qing has no appetite. Although the seasickness is not so severe this time, there is always something strange in his stomach.

The food came out quickly, and Miaomiao was like a refined cat, sitting solemnly across from Xun Qing, her front feet lay on the table, she stepped back and stood on the stool, and bit off the fish's mouth in one bite.

There are not many other things in the sea. There are indeed all kinds of fish, and they are extraordinarily delicious. Miaomiao eats them with great joy. When I think that I can eat such delicious fish in the next half month, I suddenly feel like a cat. Very satisfied.

At this time, three more people walked into the restaurant, Zhang Nianzhen, Zhang Nianwei, and another quiet girl.

"Sisi, what do you want to eat?" Zhang Nianwei asked affectionately while pulling Yang Sisi's arm.

"It doesn't matter to me, I will eat whatever you eat." Yang Sisi replied softly.

Xun Qing took a look and then looked away, quietly eating the dishes on his plate. When it came to Zhang Nianzhen, since he entered the restaurant, his eyes had been falling on Xun Qing. See.


Xun Qing looked up at Miaomiao, only to see that the fish that had just been placed in front of her had been eaten clean, leaving only a whole fishbone on the dinner plate, and the rice next to it remained untouched.

"No." Xun Qing said.


"I already treat you very well with one fish per meal, don't go too far." Xun Qing had almost finished eating, put down his chopsticks, and reached out to catch Miao Miao, this fat cat, couldn't he see that he was getting fat into a ball Yet?
"Aim." Miaomiao still wanted to struggle, to fight for a fish.

Who knew that before the fat body could move, Xun Qing grabbed the back of the neck, as if being grabbed by the neck of fate, Miaomiao couldn't move immediately.

Xun Qing grabbed Miao Miao and walked out of the restaurant.

"That, sir." The quiet girl who had just entered the restaurant stopped Xun Qing.

Xun Qing paused and looked at the girl.

Probably because Xun Qing is now dressed like a man, moreover, he is still a handsome man. Yang Sisi was glanced at by Xun Qing, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her voice became softer: "Your cat should not be full yet, If you don't mind, I can feed her my fish."

Xun Qing saw that there was indeed a fish in front of Yang Sisi. On this boat, probably everyone would order all kinds of seafood to eat, after all, they were at sea now.

"No need, she lost weight recently." Xun Qing raised Miao Miao and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

"No, you're welcome." Yang Sisi said with a blushing face.

It has to be said that Xun Qing's handsome skin, coupled with his slightly indifferent temperament, is indeed very attractive to girls.

"Sisi, why are you talking to him? You have to know, you are a girl, and girls should be more reserved." Zhang Nianwei said unhappily.

(End of this chapter)

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