Chapter 541 Tutorial
After sleeping at home for three days, the snowflakes were flying outside the window. The time passed so fast, and before I knew it, it was winter again.

After breakfast, Xun Qing went to Nuan Nuan's house. Since she entered the army, she rarely had time to come to Nuan Nuan's house. Whenever she had a little time, she chose to accompany her grandparents, parents, but Forget about these little guys.

Xun Qing's arrival made the children very happy. Some of the newcomers hadn't seen Xun Qing very much, but after getting along with each other for a while, they let go.

Ajie is 12 years old this year, and will be 13 years old after the Chinese New Year. It seems that he is already a big boy. He can already help Ye Jun manage Nuan Nuan's house, and the children listen to him very much.

When Xun Qing came here today, the first batch of children who entered Nuan Nuan's house were naturally happier. Reading and literacy is because she did not give up on their past, which is vivid in her mind.

"Sister Xunqing, Huahua already knows how to cook, and her grades are also very good. Xiaoma is a long-distance runner. The teacher said that if he trains well, he can enter the national team. Or..." Ajie told the children one by one. Tell Xun Qing about the situation.

"Ajie, I feel relieved to have you watching over my younger siblings." Xun Ting said in relief after listening.

"I will definitely not let my sister down." Ajie nodded heavily.

Xun Qing smiled and touched Ajie's head.

Except for Wang Ziqiang, Guo Zhenzhen, Song Xiaofang, Zhao Lei, and Zhang Feng are all seniors in senior high school, so they are under a lot of pressure to study, even on Saturdays and Sundays, they have to make up lessons.

As for Wang Ziqiang, let alone, he has always been at the bottom of his studies, and it was a waste of effort to get into high school. He re-studied high school for two years, and now he wants to go to university, so why not work harder?
However, knowing that Xun Qing was at Nuan Nuan's house, a few of them came to Nuan Nuan's house with school bags as heavy as bricks after school, and got together with Xun Qing.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, and when they meet again, it feels like a lifetime away.

So, after dinner, Xun Qing was dragged to teach the prince his homework.

Although Xun Qing didn't go to high school or university in this life, he had read it in his previous life, and he has a solid foundation. In addition, his brain has opened up in this life, and he can solve many problems after a little brainstorming.

Xun Qing didn't return home until after nine o'clock.

For several days in a row, Xun Qing's life was like this, becoming extremely regular.

After breakfast, I went to Nuannuan's house to deal with big and small matters. After Wang Ziqiang came, I would become a make-up teacher and give Wang Ziqiang a make-up lesson.

Wang Ziqiang ushered in the first test after Xun Qing gave him tutoring, and after the results came out, he couldn't believe that his ranking had improved by a full seven places.

In this day and age, it is not easy to study, not to mention high school, even if you graduated from junior high school, it is no problem to be a teacher in elementary school. Therefore, the grades in high school are not bad. After all, not everyone is like Wang Ziqiang's parents. Yes, it allows children to re-read for several years and re-examine several times.

With the current results, even surpassing one place is not easy, but Wang Ziqiang has improved by a full seven places.

If it weren't for Wang Ziqiang, a stupid guy who never cheated, the teachers and classmates almost thought he was cheating.

"Master, you must continue to help me with my tutoring. It's almost the end of the term. Please save my life." Wang Ziqiang exaggeratedly squatted at Xun Qing's feet, almost begging with snot and tears.

(End of this chapter)

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