Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 551 Thugs and Shields

Chapter 551 Thugs and Shields
"I have to deploy this formation around other patients, otherwise, the soul will be lost even if it is not restrained. If that is the case, that person will die too unjustly." Li Yingjun said.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Xun Qing said immediately, fortunately police officer Qu took her to see the patient, so there was no delay.

Wang Meili held Xun Qing back: "You have to follow me."

"Ah?" Xun Qing looked at Wang Meili: "I don't understand magic and so on. I might not be able to help you if I follow you."

"You are immune to magical abilities, so you can be my shield. Besides, you are very skilled. If you are not handsome, you still have to be a thug." Wang Meili counted Xun Qing's usefulness.

Xun Qing smiled dryly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, thugs, shields? "I didn't expect that I could be so useful."

Wang Meili nodded, her weird and ugly facial features made her look a little scary, but those who knew her well knew that she was the best talker in the department.

Xun Qing thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll ask Police Officer Qu to lead the way for Brother Li. In order to avoid panic, the patients are not all arranged in one hospital. For patients distributed in several hospitals, you may be alone. There are omissions."

"That would be the best." Li Yingjun nodded.

Xun Qing called Police Officer Qu, told him the situation here, and asked for his help. Officer Qu agreed without saying a word.

Li Yingjun was waiting for Officer Qu in the inpatient department, while Xun Qing and Wang Meili went to find the place the patient saw last.

The last memory of the body must be the deepest, the most beloved person or thing, the most feared person or thing, but because they have a sudden change, it is stored in the memory, and it is likely to be a memory that scares them.

Wang Meili drove the car around several special blocks in the city twice, but found nothing, and finally smashed the steering wheel angrily: "Shenxianju, what kind of name did you get?"

"We've been going around in circles just to find the Immortal Residence?" Xun Qing looked at Wang Meili and asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, I don't know what a shitty place it is. It's so hard to find such a shitty name." Wang Meili will swear when she gets angry. *Symbol of utterances.

When Wang Meili finished venting, she probably realized that Xun Qing was still in the car, showing such an indecent side, and she was a little embarrassed. In order to relieve the embarrassment, she coughed and said: "The last memory of that man is the fairy house, so , I need to find this place called Shenxianju before I can proceed to the next step."

"As for Shenxianju, you can't find it in this block." Xun Qing said, "That's a restaurant."

Wang Meili was always looking around the red light district, so, did the place of Shenxianju make her think it was an unscrupulous place?

"Ah?" Wang Meili laughed a few times in embarrassment. Could it be that she was wrong from the beginning?With the last bit of hope, she asked Xun Qing: "Xiao Qingqing, you don't know where this is, do you?"

"Yeah." Xun Qing nodded, and before Wang Meili could breathe a sigh of relief, Xun Qing continued: "I've never been here before, and I didn't expect there to be so many irregular places. Hurry up tomorrow and ask Police Officer Qu to send someone here." Check it out."

Wang Meili covered her face, Xiao Qingqing still knew her evil thoughts, her pure image.
(End of this chapter)

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