Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 553 I'm Rich

Chapter 553 I'm Rich

Wang Meili walked up to the welcoming lady and said directly: "Miss, I want to join the queue, you won't refuse, will you?"

Is it really okay to jump in line and say so confidently?

The lady from the guest house looked at Wang Meili, but she didn't show disgust like other people who saw Wang Meili's ugly face. It was just that the official smile was slightly restrained, and the transformation from Wang Meili's body to Xun Qing's was realized. body, and then said: "The two of you have already entered the blacklist of this restaurant. As for the meals, I am sorry that this restaurant cannot provide them."

"Blacklist? Why?" Wang Meili blinked her eyes, and her eyes were curious and angry: "If we are not allowed to jump in the queue, it is a big deal not to jump in the queue. Why are we blacklisted?"

The welcome lady smiled but said nothing.

It is not uncommon for people to jump in line, but it has never been heard that they will be blacklisted because of this.

Therefore, it cannot be a problem of queue jumping.

Wang Meili has never been here before. Although she has the identity of a magician, she didn't write it on her face. It is impossible for the welcoming lady to know, and naturally it cannot be because of Wang Meili.

And she came here once, but the last time she came with Wang Ziqiang and others, although she thought it was not delicious, she behaved well and did not cause trouble. There is no reason why she would be blacklisted.

Xun Qing thought about it for a while but couldn't figure it out. Wang Meili walked around the Immortal Residence and said, "Climb the wall at night to find out the truth."

"Actually, if you want to know if there is any problem with the food inside, you can ask the people queuing up outside to buy another." Xun Qing said, mainly because he felt that it was risky to venture into this weird fairy house at night.

"Are you rich?" Wang Meili asked.Her tone was one that was certain that Xun Qing would not be rich. In her opinion, even if Xun Qing was precocious, that could not conceal the fact that she was only fifteen or sixteen years old. How much money could a child have?
"I'm rich." Xun Qing said, the last time Ximen Shi asked her to buy the Kirin grass, she had 50 yuan, and it would cost more than 70 yuan to convert to RMB. Moreover, Huo Shen's salary card is still on her.

Wang Meili was surprised: "How many do you have?"

"It's enough to buy another meal. Just wait, I'll go buy it right away." Taking advantage of Miss Yingbin's inattention, Xun Qing dragged the middle-aged fat man who was at the bottom out.

The middle-aged fat man was terribly frightened by Xun Qing, and after looking at Wang Meili's face, he turned pale, and said tremblingly, "You guys, what are you going to do?"

"It's nothing, just repurchase your supper, three times the price, you only need to queue one more time." Xun Qing gave the price.

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Not for sale."

"Five times the price." Xun Qing's temptation to raise the price.

The middle-aged man continued to shake his head.

"That" ten times.
Before Xun Qing could say anything, he was violently interrupted by Wang Meili.

Wang Meili grabbed the man's collar and said, "Don't bother, since he doesn't want to make the money, let's save it."

As she spoke, she touched the middle-aged man's eyebrows with her fingertips. The middle-aged man's eyes changed from frightened to dull, and then suddenly became excited, and the eyes he looked at Wang Meili changed: "Master."

"Go." Wang Meili said.

"It's the master." The middle-aged man turned around and queued up again.

His behavior is the same as usual, and he doesn't look like he is being controlled by someone. This kind of magic seems to be quite useful.

Stretching out a hand in front of Xun Qing, Xun Qing looked at Wang Meili in puzzlement and asked her with his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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