Chapter 575

Huo Shen stopped talking.

Xun Qing waited for a while, but Huo Shen didn't speak, and he couldn't help being a little angry: "That's how you are, you don't say anything."

"I used to think that you were still young, and I didn't want my behavior to affect your judgment. I want to wait until you grow up, and when you know what you want, you won't be confused about whether you are grateful or like it." Huo Shen spoke very slowly, more like cutting his heart open for her to see. After a pause, he continued: "Qingqing, I'm most afraid that you will regret it."

Xun Qing was shocked. It turned out that Huo Shen had such thoughts in his heart.

Because she is seven years older than her, I always worry that she will regret it.

"If you regret it, I'm not sure if I can let go, it will hurt you, or I will bless you. I'm not sure about these."

"You can rest assured now." Xun Qing said.

"Although I hate Chu Heng for hurting you, I can't help but secretly rejoice. If he treats you well, even in this life, I won't have a chance."

Xun Qing raised his hands and put his arms around Huo Shen's strong waist: "Huo Shen, you usually look very smart, why don't you get the hang of it when it comes to this kind of thing? People say that you get the moon first when you are close to the water, and you are the first to strike first. You're fine, push people away, pretending to be stern and indifferent, I always thought you hated me."

"How come?" Let go of Xun Qing and look into her eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while, and suddenly laughed at the same time. The misunderstanding between the two worlds was clear at this moment.

They all belong to the type who talk less and do more, plus the reason of Xun Qing's inferiority complex in the previous life, how could he imagine that Huo Shen actually likes her?

Even when she was just reborn, she didn't dare to think about it.

"However, Huo Shen, are you not curious about such an incredible thing as rebirth? Do you believe it without any doubt?" Xun Qing admired Huo Shen's bold lines.

"It's you anyway." Huo Shen said.

Xun Qing was stunned, as long as it was her, it didn't matter what happened?
"Huo Shen, please pick a plum blossom for me." Xun Qing pointed to the most beautiful branch and said, "I want that one."

"it is good."

The two stayed on the mountain until the sun set before returning home.

When they arrived at home, the decoration team had already gone back. The work of the flower house would take about three to four days, and Ye Jun would pick them up at a fixed time every day.

Grandpa invited them to have dinner at home, but they insisted on refusing to do so. Later, Ye Jun said that the brothers wanted to get together, so grandpa didn't push any further.

Huo Shen and Xun Qing finished the dinner together. Huo Shen was in charge of washing and serving dishes, while Xun Qing only needed to cook the vegetables.

After speaking clearly, the distance between the two of them felt closer. Huo Shen also agreed to Xun Qing, and will discuss everything with Xun Qing in the future, and will never use her as a reason to make decisions privately.

After eating, Huo Shen was going to wash the dishes again, but was stopped by Grandma Xun.

Huo Shen returned to the team the next day, and Xun Qing was still on vacation because he had Chu Heng's affairs to attend to.

Of course, this was approved by Huo Shen.

If the leader wasn't Huo Shen, she would have been kicked out of the army long ago.

Among Chu Heng's assets, there is Jian'an Building, which is profitable. In the future, even if he hopes that the primary school will not have the support of the state, it can survive by relying on Jian'an Building. Moreover, the personnel aspects of Jian'an Building are relatively simple, and Chu Heng has an absolute controlling stake. Right, Qin Hui is the biggest decision maker on the surface of Jian'an Building, even if Chu Heng dies, the company will not be affected.

Therefore, Xun Qing does not intend to sell Jian'an Building.

(End of this chapter)

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