Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 581 The Contest with the Drug Lords 2

Chapter 581 The Contest with the Drug Lords 2
The surroundings were pitch black. In this weather, there were very few birds and beasts. The surroundings were quiet, with only the sound of Huo Shen's light breathing in his ears.Thinking of the sleeping position later, Xun Qing felt extremely embarrassed.

Of course it wasn't because of Huo Shen's hands and feet, she couldn't do this with a lump of wood, she just didn't have confidence in her sleeping position.

"Captain, sister-in-law, go in and rest." Li Biechuan and Chen Wenjie, who were changing shifts, came out and said to Xun Qing and Huo Shen.

Huo Shen said "Mmm", got up and walked into the tent, halfway there he found that Xun Qing hadn't followed, he waved to her, and said, "Qingqing, come here."

Xun Qing laughed a few times, walked forward shufflingly, hesitated for a while and said, "Huo Shen, actually, I think you can't freeze to death if you sleep separately, right?"

Huo Shen grabbed Xun Qing's hand, it was icy cold, it was like holding ice cubes in his hand: "No."


"Is Qingqing afraid of being seen by me because of her sleeping position?" Huo Shen took Xun Qing's hand into the tent. The tent is relatively big, and everyone sleeps together. Their seats are in the corner, and Xun Qing sleeps in the corner Inside, Huo Shen slept next to Xun Qing, his tall body blocking her tightly.

Xun Qing's face instantly flushed red.

He was clearly hugged by Huo Shen every night like sleeping, but when he got up in the morning, his legs were always pressed against his waist, and people were almost lying on his body, and then he opened his eyes and saw his deep Unpredictable and half-smile eyes.

In order to avoid this situation, she wanted to tie her legs.

"I don't mind." Seeing Xun Qing's expression, Huo Shen knew he had guessed right.

But I don't mind, bro...

Taking off his coat and covering him with a quilt, Huo Shen embraced Xun Qing into his arms. The warmth of his tall body warmed Xun Qing's almost frozen body. I can't even say it, it's so comfortable.

"Go to sleep, don't always think about what you have." Huo Shen patted Xun Qing's back and said.

Xun Qing nodded, trying to let her legs sit obediently, but her feet never warmed up, they were so cold that they ached a little, and she could still have some self-control when she was awake. Where is it plugged.

After a while, her feet leaned towards Huo Shen's. In the middle of the night, when her feet got hot, she began to place them dishonestly. The most comfortable place was of course Huo Shen's waist. So, Ye Fu One night's pose was done again.

Although Huo Shen also fell asleep, but the sleep was relatively shallow. He was alert when Xun Qing moved, and felt her legs were around his waist. Want to die.

When it was dawn, Xun Qing woke up. He was taken aback for a moment, and then quietly put down his legs as naturally as possible, hoping that Huo Shen was still sleeping.

Who would have thought that with just one foot movement, the man's hoarse and deep voice sounded above his head: "Are you awake?"

Sure enough, the situation was exactly the same as the day before, and sure enough, she still couldn't control her legs.

Putting her legs back on Huo Shen's body in a bit of self-resignation, she unexpectedly heard Huo Shen's breathing become a little deeper. She raised her eyes and looked into a pair of deep and unpredictable eyes.

"Is it true that I'm too heavy?" Xun Qing said a little embarrassedly.

"No." Huo Shen sat up, his voice had returned to his usual calm and self-possessed voice: "Put on your clothes, don't catch a cold."

(End of this chapter)

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