Chapter 584 Enrollment 1
"The next step is the question of admissions."

After being seated, the dishes began to be served one after another, and Xun Qing asked this question during the meal.

Principal Ma put down his chopsticks and said to Xun Qing: "Xiao Xun, you don't have to worry about recruiting students. Many children have dropped out of school after moving out of the old campus, and there are also many children in my school. I am familiar with the village and town. , as long as you say it, there will be many students, as long as you really don’t charge tuition fees here.”

"That's good. The new campus has been half built. What I mean is to separate the school that has already been built from the school that is under construction with a wall and divide it into the primary school and the junior high school. The community that is built first will be the primary school. Start recruiting students, try to teach for a while, and if there are any deficiencies, slowly correct them." Xun Qing said.

"It's better this way. I have a few incompetent students who are also engaged in education work. Tomorrow, I will contact them and ask them to teach at Hope Primary School." Principal Ma said.

Xun Qing nodded: "Then trouble Principal Ma, the salary is the same as other schools."

"I will go to the Ministry of Education to walk around again, and I will try my best to get what I can get for the school." Principal Ma said.

Xun Qing intends to let Principal Ma continue to serve as the principal. As for her, she is mainly responsible for the students' daily life, such as what to eat, drink, and wear every day.

Although Qin Hui is very capable, he can only draw a general framework of the school, and the specific matters inside still require them to sit up slowly.He is good at managing companies, but he doesn't know anything about education.

With things as they are now, Qin Hui can roughly hand over the burden to Xun Qing.

However, when it comes to wearing, Xun Qing thinks of school uniforms. Schools now rarely have uniforms. Most families are still in a difficult situation and don't have extra money to buy school uniforms.

I hope that the school must have school uniforms and a school badge.

If you want to make clothes, you must first determine the height and weight of the students, and you can make clothes if you have the size.

After all, you still have to enroll first.

After dinner, Xun Qing followed Principal Ma to the town. On the way, he met a boy in his teens. Principal Ma hurriedly asked Xun Qing to roll down the car window, and shouted to the boy on the side of the road: "Liu Xuan, hurry up and inform them that they are studying."

Liu Xuan was taken aback for a moment, but when he saw that it was Principal Ma, he immediately ran away like a whirlwind.

Principal Ma turned to Xun Qing and said, "His name is Liu Xuan. He is ten years old this year. He has attended school for one year and dropped out of school for a year and a half. After my elementary school was established, this kid reported every day."

"He runs very fast." Xun Qing said, looking at Liu Xuan who disappeared in an instant.

Principal Ma smiled and nodded: "Yes, this kid runs like a gust of wind, we'll just wait here, and soon, he will spread the news to the town."

Xun Qing nodded, parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car, and stood under the shade of a tree.

Sure enough, as President Ma said, in just ten minutes, many children came here, some children came with their parents, some children came alone, and the one named Liu Xuan The child, almost sweating but running in the front, was the happiest.

"Principal, is the old school going to be reopened? Is the tuition fee still the same as in the old school?" one of the parents asked. When I was in the old school, the tuition fee was relatively low, and I could teach my children. They gritted their teeth and offered, but after the school moved, the tuition fees also increased a lot, and they couldn't afford it, so they had to let their children drop out of school and stay at home.

(End of this chapter)

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