Chapter 587 Dog Food
When they arrived at the Hope School, the people in the Ministry of Education were dumbfounded. Is this really a free school?The facilities inside, classrooms, dormitories, and canteens are all in accordance with first-class specifications.

Even the best schools in the city do not have such conditions.

After Xun Qing knew their intentions, he asked President Ma to discuss the details. The laboratory that President Ma had long wanted to build was mainly used for physical and natural experiments. He knew that the government would invest, so he was very happy. At noon, he invited them. Several people are eating in the cafeteria.

They were surprised by the food in the cafeteria, and they were even more surprised after knowing that the tuition and accommodation here are free.

Xun Qing seldom took care of school affairs. He usually went on missions with Huo Shen, went to school when he was free, and then ate dog food at home.

The men in the Xun family seem to have the characteristic of pampering their wives. Normally, it is up to them how they dote on their wives, which makes Xun Qing very depressed. Suddenly, he feels like he is the extra one in the family.

Fortunately, because she works at the same place as Huo Shen, whenever she has time to rest, Huo Shen will also take the vacation. Before she is overwhelmed by dog ​​food, Huo Shen can always show up at the right time to save her.

"Qingqing, if Huo Shen proposes to you or something, you should immediately agree, you know?" Yu Jue wove a scarf that was about the same level as Xun Qing and threw it to Xunzhou, saying, "Go and try it. "

The corners of Xun Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked up at the scorching sun and the suffocating temperature outside. Are you sure it's suitable for you to try on the scarf in this weather?

But Xunzhou seems to have got a big treasure, and he wrapped it around his neck happily.

Xun Qing glanced at it, and frankly speaking, it's really not that good, her weaving is worse than hers, anyway, when Huo Shen was wearing the scarf she wove, he was still very handsome, but Dad was... um... a little funny, If you give me a bowl or a stick, you can join the feeling of beggars.

But she dare not say that in this family, she is already very unpopular.

If you tell the truth, you will definitely be besieged by your parents.

She can't bear this crime.

"Qingqing, what do you think?" Xunzhou straightened his back and asked, "Isn't it pretty?"

Xun Qing nodded ignorant of his conscience: "Very good, very good, well, Dad, you'd better take off the scarf first, don't suffer from heat stroke."

"That's right, it's really hot today." Xunzhou wiped off his sweat and asked Yu Jue, "Ayu, do you want to eat ice?"

Yu Jue nodded.

Xunzhou went out quickly.

"Mom, what did you mean by Huo Shen's proposal?" Xun Qing asked.

"You are nineteen years old this year. You have been in love with Huo Shen for so many years. Are you not allowed to get married? Last year, this kid came to our house to propose marriage, but I stopped him back. I guess he has to come to propose marriage today. He should be waiting impatiently." .” Yu Jue said.

It's absolutely impossible to be in a hurry, that's Huo Shen, whoever is in a hurry will not be in a hurry, she smiled and waved her hand: "Mom, don't worry, Huo Shen is not in a hurry."

Yu Jue glanced at Xun Qing like an idiot, and sighed speechlessly. How could a person who is so smart in other aspects become so dull when it comes to emotions?
Is Huo Shen in a hurry?She just hehe.

"Here it comes, the ice is here, Ayu, eat it quickly, don't let it melt." Xunzhou rushed into the house and stuffed an old popsicle into Yu Jue's hand, and then, he seemed to be just Seeing Xun Qing, he said in surprise, "Qingqing is here too? Oh, I forgot."

(End of this chapter)

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