Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 590 Confrontation with Fate 2

Chapter 590 Confrontation with Fate 2
"Director Xun." Zhao You walked out of the room, and said apologetically, "I forgot that today is the day of assembly. I'm really sorry."

As she spoke, she bowed deeply to Xun Qing.When she bent over and got up, her red and swollen eyes were filled with tears again, probably realizing her gaffe, she quickly covered her eyes and wiped them vigorously: "Director Xun, I won't go to the summer camp this time, Mom invited relatives over for dinner, and I had to stay home and help out."

Xun Qing looked at Zhao You's appearance, and his heart was full of doubts. It is very abnormal to forget that today is the day to go to the summer camp, just like when I was in elementary school, I would not forget the day of spring outing, because once a year, it is especially rare, It will make people care, and it will be unforgettable.

Summer camp is actually to relax the children's body and mind, and it can also be regarded as a reward for hardworking and outstanding students.

It's rare to go out to play, the children are counting the days, bought beautiful clothes and waited for this day, how could they forget?
Besides, even if you can't go to summer camp, you don't have to cry like this!

Xun Qing thought for a while and asked: "Zhao You, do you have any difficulties? If you have difficulties at home, you can tell me, and I will help if I can. Hmm... Is there a problem with high school tuition? If so For tuition fees, the school can apply for tuition exemption for you, you are the number one in the senior high school entrance examination, and your family conditions are also special, so the application should be relatively simple."

Zhao You quickly shook his head: "No."

She paused: "Thank you Director Xun, you have helped me a lot in the three years of junior high school, I really don't know how to thank you."

Xun Qing smiled: "You study hard, that is the greatest thanks to me."

Xun Qing never thought of getting their thanks for doing these things. He hoped that the opening of the school would be what Chu Heng wanted, and that it would basically be implemented by Principal Ma. Occasionally I went to school to see the children, and I couldn't thank her if I wanted to say thank you.

"But." Zhao You paused, and didn't continue.

Xun Qing waited, but Zhao You didn't intend to tell her, maybe he had a conflict with his mother, so he sat for a while, then got up to leave.

Originally, I came to make sure that Zhao You was at home, whether it was safe or not, but now that she was fine, I felt relieved.

Although it seems that she is not in a good mood, she can't control such things as being in a bad mood.

Seeing that Xun Qing was about to leave, Zhao's mother hurriedly said, "Director Xun, why are you leaving now? Let's go after eating, I will prepare the food now."

"It's nothing, I still have some things to go home, let's eat next time I have a chance." Xun Qing politely declined.

Zhao's mother watched Xun Qing leave with regret, and carried the freshly washed meat into the house: "Youyou, I will make braised pork for you today. You have studied hard during this period, so eat some meat to make up for it."

Zhao You was still standing there in a daze. Her long hair was hanging loose, covering most of her face, and she couldn't see any emotion. When she heard her mother's voice, her shoulders shook slightly, and then she was like a robot waking up. She moved again stiffly, and after a long time, she said to her busy mother, "I don't want to go to high school anymore."

The house is small, and the kitchen and the living room are just blocked by a piece of cloth. At this time, Mother Zhao was cutting meat. When she heard Zhao You's words, she swung the knife and cut her hand, and blood gushed out, but she didn't even bandage it. Opening the curtain, he rushed to Zhao You and asked, "What did you just say?"

(End of this chapter)

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