Chapter 148 Tai Chi Cave

Xu Feng followed Tian Buyi to the back hall of Shoujing Hall. After Tian Buyi entered the room, he sat on the Taishi chair and began to stare at him without saying a word.

"Master...Master...don't be like this...look at me, I'm afraid..." Xu Feng smiled wryly, he really couldn't detect the emotion in Tian Buyi's eyes, he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

Tian Buyi suddenly smiled, and the flesh on his face was huddled together, "Feng'er, you really did not let me down, today you not only saved my face at Big Bamboo Peak, but you actually managed to save my face in just two short days. I have cultivated to the fourth level of the Jade Qing Realm in just a year, and I am truly a rare talent in ancient and modern times. Even in my entire Qingyun, I can count on one hand those who are as talented as you are."

He stood up, walked to Xu Feng's side, looked at him affectionately, stretched out his hand and patted Xu Feng's shoulder and said, "I really didn't misread you, my Big Bamboo Peak is finally expected to rise, okay, really very good."

Xu Feng was of course very happy when he got such affirmation, but he didn't say anything, he just echoed Tian Buyi.

"Okay, since you have already cultivated to the fourth level, then I will pass on all the remaining formulas of Taiji Xuanqing Dao to you."

"Thank you, Master!" Xu Feng said gratefully from the bottom of his heart.

In the following time, Tian Buyi spent about half a day teaching the formulas. In fact, the exercises are not complicated. How far he can go on the road of cultivation after the fourth level mainly depends on the practitioners' hard work. Coupled with the practitioner's own talent.

Back in his room, Xu Feng will continue to practice for the next time, and Tian Buyi said that since he has reached the fourth floor of Yuqing, chopping bamboo is no longer useful to him, and there is no need to go to the back mountain to chop bamboo in the future up.

It saves the time to go up the mountain to chop bamboo, and life becomes simpler. Basically, most of the time is spent on cultivation.

Of course, practicing is not just about meditating in the room, as long as you reach the third floor of Yuqing, you can enter the Taiji Cave in the back mountain to start practicing.

This Tai Chi Cave was specially built for Dazhu Peak's disciples to cultivate, and Xu Feng didn't know exactly what the scene was inside.

He concealed his strength before, so although he has already reached the fourth floor of Yuqing, he has never been to the Tai Chi Cave. Now that everyone knows his cultivation level, he can naturally go there openly.

Song Daren and the others, in fact, usually practiced in the Tai Chi Cave. Early this morning, they asked Xu Feng to go to the Tai Chi Cave together.

With curiosity, Xu Feng came to Taiji Cave and found that it was really a natural cave.

After entering, there was no one to control the cave, it was a primitive cave, after Song Daren and others entered the cave, they left separately, found a corner to sit down and began to meditate silently.

Xu Feng didn't want to ask. He looked around, trying to find out what was so special about this place, but after looking around for a long time, he finally found that it was a natural cave on the surface.

If there is any real difference, it is that in this cave, the concentration of aura is much thicker than that outside. It can be said that people are very comfortable in it. It is conceivable to enter the realm of cultivation in this kind of place.

Xu Feng also found a corner, sat down, and began to seriously practice the rear part of Taiji Xuanqing Dao.

As soon as I started to practice the exercises, I could clearly feel the benefits brought by the strong concentration of spiritual energy. Not only was it much easier to practice, but it even had the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

After practicing for a period of time, Xu Feng gradually discovered that practicing in the Taiji Cave not only has a high concentration of spiritual energy, but also creates many hallucinations in his mind during the cultivation process.

At the beginning, Xu Feng didn't know what was the use of this kind of hallucination, but later he discovered that this kind of hallucination that appeared during normal practice is actually a great exercise for one's mind. Smooth and easy, that is, it will increase the resistance to demons.

With these abilities, Tai Chi Cave can indeed be regarded as a blessed place for cultivation. Since then, Xu Feng has come to this Tai Chi Cave to practice early in the morning every day.

The days passed like this, during this period, by chance, the teacher's wife Suru brought her junior sister back to Xiaozhufeng, she suddenly came to Xu Feng and said that she wanted to take him with her.

At the beginning Xu Feng was still confused, after all, why did the teacher take him with her when she returned to her "natal home"?
Suru is a person with a clear mind, she immediately saw Xu Feng's doubts, and explained with a smile: "The last time I went back to Xiaozhufeng, I told my senior sister about you, she was very curious after hearing about it, and explained repeatedly I will definitely take you with me next time I go, she wants to see your genius with her own eyes."

"That's it, then okay, then I will go with you, Mistress."

"Good, good, haha ​​Brother Feng and Ling'er go together, there are many beautiful sisters on Xiaozhufeng, Brother Feng, you will definitely like them."

Tian Linger clapped her little hands excitedly and said.

She was seven or eight years old at this time, with big eyes and long eyelashes, she was a super cute little loli, and the embryo of a peerless beauty.

Xu Feng smiled at her, thinking that the little girl really doesn't know what to say, beautiful sister, does she look like such a horny person?
Suru hugged Xiaotian Ling'er, and then took Xu Feng, controlled her flying sword, and flew towards Xiaozhufeng.

It arrived in a short while. The big and small bamboo peaks were very close to each other. Taking a glance from the air, Xu Feng found that the top of the small bamboo peak was actually full of bamboos.

However, upon closer inspection, it seems that the bamboos on the Big Bamboo Peak are very different from those on the Big Bamboo Peak, while the bamboos on the Small Bamboo Peak are relatively small, similar to Xiaoxiang bamboo, suitable for women to appreciate.

Following the teacher's wife Suru came to the reception hall, the whole hall is also made of bamboo, which has a special flavor.

As soon as I sat down, a few people came out from the room.

One of them walked up to the top and sat down. It was a woman who looked about 30 years old. She was the first Shuiyue Master of Xiaozhufeng. When Xu Feng first came to Qingyun, he met her in the hall of Tongtian Peak. one side.

Master Shuiyue greeted Suru, and after joking with Tian Linger, he focused his attention on Xu Feng.

"Are you Xu Feng who was told by Junior Sister Suru that he cultivated to the fourth floor of Yuqing in less than three years?"

"Don't dare, the junior is Xu Feng." Xu Feng answered neither humble nor overbearing. Although he was a little disgusted with his strength being spread everywhere, he didn't show it.

Hearing Xu Feng's affirmative answer, Shuiyue suddenly released a powerful divine sense to attack him.

This move of hers was obviously to test Xu Feng, and Xu Feng's reaction was also very fast and abnormal, and finally resolved her divine sense, a gleam of certainty flashed in Shuiyue's eyes.

"Sure enough, you have the fourth level of Yuqing. I met you in Yuqing Palace, but I didn't expect you to have such a talent. Tian Buyi really picked up a good mistake."

As she said that, she laughed, and Suru also smiled and said: "Senior sister, it's a pity that your Little Bamboo Peak can't accept male disciples, but Xueqi's talent will probably not be worse than Feng'er in the future."

Xueqi?Xu Feng's heart moved, he thought of Lu Xueqi, one of Zhuxian's heroines, she was adopted by the first Shuiyue master of Xiaozhufeng since she was a child, could it be possible to see Lu Xueqi who is also a lolita this time?
(End of this chapter)

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