Chapter 150
Tomorrow, February 2st, it will finally be on the shelves, so I can't help but sigh.

It has been more than three months since the book was opened in October. From autumn to winter, it feels like a really long period of time.

Speaking of it, this should be my first book on the shelves. It is really a historic moment. In the new year, my small goal of putting it on the shelves has been completed. Next, I will work hard towards higher goals.

All the way to the present, I am really grateful to the book friends who have been with me all the time. Every reward, every comment, and every recommendation ticket from you is a great encouragement to me, and I rely on you Your support has brought me to where I am today.

Writing a book is really a dream for me, but to be honest, I’m about to graduate this year, and I’m starting to face the pressure of finding a job. If the manuscript fee for writing a book can keep me alive, it will simply solve my food problem , It is equivalent to writing a book can become a job to support oneself, that is really the happiest thing.

Therefore, I really hope that readers can support the genuine subscription. Your small support can change my life.

Finally, I would like to thank my editor Blu-ray, along the way, although we don’t communicate much, but I really feel your care, thank you for every recommendation you arrange, thank you (=^▽^=)
Last but not least, it’s really going to be on the shelves. Readers, please support and subscribe. Of course, rewards are also welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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